Addams Family Props?


Active Member
Anyone know of any props made from either of the Addams Family films? Or even if anyone has any screen used props? They had such cool art direction and designs that I figured they'd be a good source for some interesting props and collecting...
This is from the series, not the movies, but I'm seriously considering making a "Beware of the Thing" plaque for my front porch one of these days... :D


Not a prop, but Indy Magnoli is currently making me a replica of Gomez' purple/dark burgundy (it's purple in real life but red in the movie due to the color-tweaking) smoking jacket from the first movie. Been wanting one since the movie came out. There is a prop-seller out there that has the real thing but it was too expensive (since I'm planning to occasionally wear it at clubs) so I settled for a replica. The exact movie fabric could not be located but Indy managed to find velvet that was very close and even had it dyed it to match the color-corrected look of the film.

Should hopefully have it in a couple weeks or so!
This is from the series, not the movies, but I'm seriously considering making a "Beware of the Thing" plaque for my front porch one of these days... :D



OH! that is I can replace my Beware of dog sign that was on my gate when I moved in...and never took down, and don't even have a dog.:rolleyes
That's really cool! Please post some pics when you get it. I remember seeing a couple of the real smoking jackets show up for sale a while back also. I think they were a couple thousand each.
If you have a Kanar bottle from Trek, you have got a wine bottle from a couple of episodes of the Addams Family.

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Exactly. The one I looked at had a couple of minor points of damage. Nothing that would affect a display, but not something you'd wanna wear around. I also contacted the original costumer (who confirmed that the original fabric no longer existed) about making a replica but they wanted a LOT more than what one of the real ones would have cost.

That's really cool! Please post some pics when you get it. I remember seeing a couple of the real smoking jackets show up for sale a while back also. I think they were a couple thousand each.
Hi Bear,

this business card is made by me and non-canon at all.... I guess you found it on, right?

If you like I can upload a high resolution version.


Yup, that's where I found it allright.
That'd be great if you could upload the high-res version, it would be another great addition.:cool