A quest I need help on for my wedding...


Sr Member
For my wedding in June my girl and I are doing a Royal theme. For my Groomsmen I'm buying engraved swords for their gifts... but as King I need one that does quite look like Knights swords but more like that of a King. On to my quest...

Does ANYONE know where I might be able to locate a replica of Sean Connerys' Excalibur sword from First Knight? It would be PERFECT, we are going with the Royal Blue and Silver color scheme and it would look AWESOME with my attire. Any leads would be great. There might even be a reward to the the one who can help me out.

Thanks for the leads... but I'm not looking for just any Excalibur. The one from First Knight with Sean Connery is the one I desire. It has a silver hilt with a blue cross at the top and the handle is wrapped in blue.

Re: A quest I need help on for my wedding!

Found pictures of this beautiful sword.




PLEASE help me locate this sword... the colors are perfect. Or something close to this. And don't worry with everything else I'm doing I'm on the look out as well.
Only 2 close options I was able to come up with are:

I don't know how windlass constructs their swords but getting their "war sword" at the bottom of the page and making mods is the closest I've found. If the pommel can be removed you could change out the handle to the right shape & add the twisted silver wire, then get the blue cross made as a badge to epoxy glue on the pommel

Paul Chen Knightly Practical Single Hand Sword:
Doesn't look like you'ed have to change out the handle, just make the cross badges & add the silver wire wrap.

The blade grinding is different on both those, but for something that will be in the scabbard 99% of the time the hilt-handle-pommel is probably what matters most to you. Only other option would be getting one custom made. I think someone on the board just got into a sword apprenticeship, dunno if he could help you and it be one of his apprentice projects too maybe.
Those both look great Cheech. Just a tiny bump for more options.

Bump... This has been dead for a couple weeks seeing if anyone had any other ideas.

i've been looking for a replica of this sword for some time with no joy. i wish you luck. and i think Rabittooth might have a good idea about creating your own. that is pretty close.
Enough time to be married, have a few kids, divorce!!! Knight Watchman, WHY were you looking at a 5 year old thread to begin with?