A Ma.K. / SF3D Discovery? (SAFS Found Part?)

Mike J.

Master Member
I was rooting through my spares bag when I came across the cannon base from the old X-Wing kit. Looking at it, it struck me that the thing was damn similar to the standard SAFS gun arm. See for your self:

<img src=http://www.wackychimp.com/uploads/s1_1.jpg>

<img src=http://www.wackychimp.com/uploads/s2.jpg>

Oddly enough, the business end of the gun could have come from the end of the engine:

<img src=http://www.wackychimp.com/uploads/s3.jpg>

I'm in the process of filing down the SAFS arm, so that's not an ideal comparison. It's more of a 'maybe' anyway.


Sure looks close. Are they the same diameter? If they are I think you nailed it. All the SAFS stuff looks like it could have been altered from those parts. Great...now I need to dig out my MPC X-Wing and compare

I think they are pretty close to the same diameter.

Though there are a few details different (because I have an idealized [mass-production kit] version of the SAFS arm), I feel confident assuming that's what Kow worked from.

A little half-cylinder here, some sculpted vents there, and add the little scope dealie & it's dead on.

The X-Wing part may not look like the exact same size in the pic above, but that's because I only scanned the single halves of it (it's not glued together like the gun arm).

Most likely! Great eye! I know a lot of SW stufff is all over MaK kits. AT-AT parts in the Jerry and Neuspotter, and X-Wing bits in the Dollhouse. Hell - this thing (from the Kow Yokoyama book "2 Factory") is a Fliege and 4 X-Wing engines:





Rock, Jason
Book TWO???? When the hell did book two come out???? AAARRRGGHHH!!!! I'm slipping....I think I had a mild stroke or something looking at that Fleige there. BOOK TWO???? Jebus H in a sidecar...I'm headed for hlj.com. No..nevermind...if I do I'll bounce our account. Book two??? I hate life right now.

Yeah to the star wars parts. I'm noticing a lot of star wars parts besides the obvious big ones. There's some bits on the Jerry HAFS that were off the ATAT but there were also some bits that looked familiar and I remember checking them and they were parts of parts from another star wars kit. I need to start writing this stuff down. Book two??? Dammit...

BTW Jason, is there any information on when / if we'll be seeing the second volume of the Chronicle & Encyclopedia?

Also, your Calliope is looking very impressive

Hijacking my own thread...

I drew this up today; it was somewhat tedious, but interesting.

<img src=http://www.wackychimp.com/uploads/scale1.gif>

A SAFS, an Abrams MBT, and a Nutrocker; to scale

According to the back of the box and some metric conversion, the SAFS is 7 feet, 4 inches tall. This little pic gives you some sense of size... And a sense of how massive a Nutrocker must be. It's 35 feet (+3 inches) long.

moffeaton wrote:
<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>
Nonono - 2 Factory is an old book... out of print!
</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

Ok you scared me for a minute. Never seen that one. Is it strictly Kow's stuff or are there other artists in it? I thought maybe the second Kow book was out and I somehow missed it.