A bit of proton pack building...


Master Member
Finished my older son's pack this last month only to see my second son Micheal looking a bit glum as David and I popped on the costumes. Seems he wanted to be a Ghostbuster as well. So... ordered some parts and pieces and received Exoray's shell this past Thursday. Started painting it that night and Friday night started on assembling it. I was out of town Saturday, but back in on Sunday and Mike really wanted to work on it, so my two sons and I worked until Sunday finishing off. Lights and sound, they are ready to go for this Halloween and a bit before hand with a few events. So, here is a picture you won't see every day...


Two days of hard building. The two newer packs on the left, a Hanger 18 pack on the right hand side.
Mate, that is brilliant, I am always blown away by anyone who does a proton pack, but 3!?..and what an absolute top dad you are.
The Hanger 18 pack belongs to Outlander, he loaned it out for me to use and as a reference piece in building the other two. Which means down the road I will probably work on a third pack for myself, and hope that my daughter does not want to join in too soon. :)

Happy to be able to pop them together quickly, if you have the pieces, it can be done fairly quickly.
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That's the trouble with being in Oz, finding and then getting all the parts together ends up costing a fortune, just on shipping alone. But I am less daunted to have a go at one now, it is such an iconic and incredible looking prop.

Oh, I have my fingers crossed your daughter wants one too, just because i'd like to see a pic of 4 in a row!
Awseome packs, Trip :thumbsup

I have always, always, always wanted to build one of those. But I never know how to get started. Are there plans out there or people that sell parts? How does this work?

The Alice Pack harness can be bought off ebay for about 20 dollars now. You can hand cut a mother board very inexpensively or purchase the aluminum piece from Multimediamayhem. I have bought a number of extra parts and pieces from them as well. The plumbing parts can be found very in expensively at specialty plumbing stores, which can save you about 40 dollars otherwise purchasing them know GB sources.

The electronic lighting can be done extremely well and cheaply by going of ebay through Zombieamusements: Ghostbusters Prop Proton Pack Power Cell cyclotron trap - eBay (item 220632662010 end time Nov-02-10 06:28:26 PDT)

Sound can be done inexpensively by using replica props system with a speaker pulled from any computer sound speaker set and this chip:
Sound module programmable sound recorder

There are several gun kits out there and deals every once in awhile from members on the JY as well as multimediamayhem, check the GBfansite for sales. The hosing can be bought for a few dollars at Home Depot.

The shell is the most important part for accuracy and easy of popping it all together. There are several fiberglass makers out there in the hobby field and you can get them anywhere from $ 250 up to $ 600. I have found that Exoray offers a top quality shell and pieces, as well the bumper that is hard to beat. you will pay a bit extra, but it is the best in quality and durability. You can find them used or for sale occasionally on the prop hobby boards through the year, my last one I got directly from Exoray here.

Finding all the pieces on the cheap will run about $550, top price about $ 800. Its best if you can look for sales and for hobbyist that are selling them at a low price because they just don't want to tackle the project. I have built three packs myself, so I am used to popping them together but it is not nearly as hard as it looks, just have to think it through for easy of construction when putting them together.
Two major parts & pieces to use to construct these, wood screw and a hot glue gun. You can pop in the parts from behind with glue and secure them tight with wood screws.
The electronics no are incredible and these packs use three AAA batteries and Two 9 volts, one in the pack and one in the wand. The wand is packed with the multiple switches including two on the end of the wand to take advantage of all the options replica props has with their sound chip.

On the Cyclatron lights, I used red folder plastic double over and then glued in with cheap 2AA batter flash light lenses, they are solid, bright red and allow the light from the LEDs to pass through brightly. The flashlights were bought at Rite Aid for a dollar a piece, a great deal to give maximum reflection off the single LED in each of them.



The hanger 18 model from the mid 90's is a nightmare with the electronics inside. I am trying to convince Outlander to allow me to gut it and redo the lighting system. The Hyperdyne sound system is older but does pack a might sound punch and still is a work of art to use, a tad on the expensive side though along with a battery backup that adds a bit of weight.
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Thanks for that info, Trip :cool.

I really want to build one, but it looks like it may have to be done piece by piece.

Hey, I'm not doing anything for the rest of my life want to be my dad!

Those are awesome! Got to see the three of you suited up!:thumbsup
I cannot find a flight suit that fits Mike, may go with a lab coat and Egon look with the pack for him this year. Dave and I suited up:

Oh, man! That'll make for lots more excellent family portraits. All you've got to do now is pull up stakes and move into a derelict firehouse!