Can you give a little more info? What color? (Different colors operate on different voltages.) LEDs are pretty straightforward. Each one needs an inline resistor added to one of the leads to restrict the current flow and avoid applying too much voltage. The value of the resistor is determined by the desired voltage of the LED (varies by color).
The standard approach would be to make a "bus bar" for your + and - power, and hook up all six LEDs to this in parallel. That means each LED gets its own connection to + and - power, independent of all the others. Now, add a resistor in line between, say, the LED's + lead and the + power connection, and you should be set. Do this for all the LEDs, then hook up the bus connections to your power source. All six should light at once.
If you want to mix colors, things might be a little more complicated. Some colors require higher voltages than others. So, you might need to create separate circuits for each color.
I'm a little rusty, so I'm sure other experts with more recent experience can chime in with more detailed info. But I hope that helps. . .