"47 Ronin-Lovecraftian Samurai" Inspired Armour.


Well-Known Member
So has the title says I've decided to attempt a replica of the "Lovecraftain Samurai" from the film "47 Ronin". Having seen the film a few times now and seeing the mentioned steel clad giant I really liked the look of him so after a few days thinking I decided to go ahead and have a go at doing a replica but with a few of my own little details added to him so it won't be an exact replica to the film. The helmet I sculpted using WED clay then made an RTV silicone and fibreglass jacket mould and then did a gel coat and glass mat cast which I then painted with chrome paint etc, the neck slats are again gelcoat and glass mat. The upper armours are made again from gel coat and glass mat and started as a WED clay sculpt. It has taken me about 2 months to get were I am now with the upper section of the build and a I've sourced the zinc chainmail lower skirt from Ebay and the Sword from "Blades UK" Which is one hell of a sword measuring a massive 54 inches in length and is called the "Odachi Katana"...This is a two handed Katana and goes so well with the costume giving it the scale to the screen used sword etc. I've also managed to get a pair of stainless steel greaves which I'll need to modify to look like the ones in the film. I've completed the feet and added a four inch uplift that I've managed to hide and me being only 6ft 2 and stand about 6ft 6 but still nowhere near Neil Fingletons height of 7ft 8....

I've still to add the elbow armour and gauntlets to the torso armour and yet to finish the remaining lower armour which is the outer thigh, groin and butt slats which total 28 slats in all, finish off the hand plates and attach them to a pair of black gloves, give it a general tidy up and I've also decided to give him some battle damage in places to give the impression that he's been in a fair few scraps!!.

I'll post up more of a brief when I get the time and I am happy to answer any questions that you guys may have and hope that you like what I've have achieved so far with this replica costume project.

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I've re-done the Abdominal section of the armours as in fairness it looked naff, too wide and way out of proportions etc......Also modified the shoulder armour aswell and had a bit of a tidy up in some areas and decided to try all the armour that I've made so far on the Mannequin...Also added the trousers, chainmail skirt,feet and the Katanan etc. It isn't screen accurate, I could never do it in reality........so I've done my best with it so far, adding my own touches here and there and still some way to go beofre he is completey finished. Still awaiting materials to arrive so I can carry on with the remaining armoiur pieces and moulds etc, but he is getting there after many mistakes and not liking certain parts!

Oh and please excuse the Wifes scarf around his waist....I just threw it on there until the sash I ordered arrives!! LOL.

Holy smokes with this guy by my bed I would never sleep :)

I need to go back and watch the movie to comment on the screen accuracy but this guys is supper menacing ! Good work and fun stuff
Holy smokes with this guy by my bed I would never sleep :)

I need to go back and watch the movie to comment on the screen accuracy but this guys is supper menacing ! Good work and fun stuff

Sincere thanks my friend, He is in the spare bedroom and I often forget he's in there and I nearly crap myself as I walk past and get a glimspe of him!

As for screen accurate...He isn't and wasn't meant to be as such, He is a mix of the screen version and my own ideas and insepration etc. I loved the overall look of him but the face plate looked somewhat underdone and needed more of an Ornamental Japanese look to it in my own opinion so I've done my own thing on that aswell as other bits and bobs....I like him so far and I could never do screen accurate...I just don't have that kind of creative skill or talent.
This is looking great, the reworked torso section was worth it imo. He kind of reminds me of the shredder from TMNT.
I was really impressed by this movie, and the fact it was based on a true story from ancient times. Hope to see more of your progress in this thread.
This is looking great, the reworked torso section was worth it imo. He kind of reminds me of the shredder from TMNT.
I was really impressed by this movie, and the fact it was based on a true story from ancient times. Hope to see more of your progress in this thread.

Thank you my friend, greatly appreciated!

Yeah the torso I wasn't really happy with, the Ab's especially..they just looked wrong! I also was impressed with the film, wish they had shown more of this charactor though..a bit bummed out they didn't but overall a really good film that I enjoyed!

More progress will be hopefully be posted up in the next few days once I've added the decorative rope work to the armour edges and over the outer of bicep armour. Want to crack on with moulding the gaunlets and the lower armour segments but the weather here in the Uk is naff and damp as per usual!