3D printed Fallout 4 Mini nuke Cross Section Model


Active Member
Hey Guys,

Check out my 3d printed FO4 mini-nuke with stuff inside. Perfect for educating your vault dweller munition factory workers.


Printed on the Ultimaker 2


Painted with acrylics & Laquers





This is what it looks like unpainted.



More info here! http://www.redicubricks.com/3d-printed-fallout-4-mini-nuke-cross-section/

Holy mini nukes that is just plain awesome. How big does it print ? I never thought of what it would look like inside but now that I hace sean this it is exactly what I would think the inside would look . Great job. A nd I am shore I speak for everyone when I say I want one.
Thanks! Though I actually printed the shell at a lower resolution than the other stuff specifically because I wanted the print lines to be a part of the design. I wanted to have it look like it was roughly made. That's why the tip has less lines than the shell even though the much greater angle of the tip should naturally cause more print lines. Also sanding is not that fun. But I hear ya, lots of people dislike the print lines.
This makes such a cool display piece. Even if you have no idea what Fallout is (like, if you lived in an ice cave on Mars), this would still look rad.
In my mind (I might be wrong) the casing would be mass produced and turned out on a lathe, considering what its purpose is (destruction) I don't see why manufacturers would bother to do a fine finishing cut rather than just roughing out the finished product. Big ups by the way really nice, am considering making one as if it just came out of the factory, all nice and shiny.
The blog post was expertly written, the Nuke model of course speaks for itself.
I will have to try out that liquid mask, I had already bookmarked your rock salt technique to try out.

I am currently trying to get my office to purchase a Ultimaker 2 for making jigs and prototyping...;-)
Superb work. The blog writeup was great, too.

At first, I was miffed by lack of screen accuracy -- this is clearly a different beast from the Fallout 4 mini nuke -- but then after reading your blog post, I realised you had made the right decision. i.e. you had foregone screen accuracy to any particular Fallout version, and gone with a custom design that incorporates the best of each mini nuke version without being overly fussy.

In this case, I think that was the right move. None of the Fallout mini nuke versions are great; IMO the idea is better than the implementation. In particular, the shape and detail of the Fallout 4 version is pretty ordinary.

Whereas your version encapsulates the idea, without dressing it up too much in geometry.
zapwizard We may do a tutorial on the liquid masks stuff later as welll, but gotta re-arrange some space before that happens.

@wormble Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted people to get out of the blog. While I usually go with as much accuracy as possible given the FDM limitations, this one was a little bit different because none of the nukes are really the perfect one as you mentioned.
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