1/6 scale Diorama Ironman scene DONE..


Sr Member
looking for anyone that does Diorama ?? or can point in the direction going for 1/6 scale 12 inches, I have the figure and wanting a Diorama scene grave or spooky walls torn down kinda thing??

any help thanks

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Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking

So think one option will be this 1:6 scale or in the end ill build my own
once I get everything shipped to me ill start a WIP think its going to be pretty cool.. :confused

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Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking

Try Monsters on the shelf
Check through the links on this kit producer index.

Monsters on the shelf has hooked me up soooo many times I couldn't recommend them more.

You could also try a little tinkering yourself. Go o your local hardware store and get a sheet of R- rated insulation. It's about $20 for a 10'x4' sheet. The using some home hold tools sculpt it up. I love the stuff
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking

A lot of those bases especially the walls probably started out as Balsa Foam.

Another thing you could do is cast a sheet of plaster and carve that.
Some scale modelers use foam core or gator board that they carve than you can add plaster or wall compound for stucco with parts of underlying stone or brick work showing in areas.

If you don't have them yet you might want to check out David Fishers videos.
They cover basic assembly, painting, modifying figures, dioramas even a piece on molding and casting a quick one off piece for a diorama.

Amazing Figure Modeler magazine has write ups of assorted subjects including making bases.
There is another figure magazine but I don't recall the name at the moment, perhaps Monkey5150 can remember since he's been into the garage kit scene longer than I have..;)
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking

Triad has a few bases (some of which we've seen in this thread) but IMO they're overpriced.
Triarama and Bases
You could probably scratch-build something better for far less.
Heck, I've been known to swipe the scrap wood that my neighbor leaves around and build some decent ones from it. For grass, I've used the grass flock like they make for train models. For leaves, you can buy leaf shaped hole punches that are around the right size and then punch the appropriate color of paper or you can even use real leaves if you like.
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

Shocking to see what 1/6 scale items cost crazy so.. I just made these to to bad..

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Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

Here will be an option I may add or not depends on base will see still was fun,

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Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

You are a very, very morbid person :lol :lol :lol

But I like the direction in which you´re going with this :p
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

It will all play together lol..:lol
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

If your looking for someone to help you. I do custom sculpting, molding, and casting. Plus I have a 3D printer and CNC router. There's not much I can't duplicate or fabricate. Or were you just looking for tips? Let me know if I can help.
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

check out onesixthwarriors.com . The guys there can definitely help you out
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

check out onesixthwarriors.com . The guys there can definitely help you out

Thank you will check it out..:)

If your looking for someone to help you. I do custom sculpting, molding, and casting. Plus I have a 3D printer and CNC router. There's not much I can't duplicate or fabricate. Or were you just looking for tips? Let me know if I can help.

pm sent thanks..:)
Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

Dont really know scale size of barrel this is 4" X 2 3/4" ??? also dont want to take away from scene?

So any suggestions on scale size barrel ?

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Re: 1/6 scale Diorama grave scene >> looking W/ WIP

Just a heads up, Alternative Images will be taking over production of Monsters on the Shelf's kits.

Howdy folks..
We wanted to let you know that the great folks over at Alternative Images will be producing our line of base kits.
Quite an honor for us that such an incredible model company with such a background in the hobby would want to carry on our product line.
Questions about pricing, availability, etc. would need to be answered by AI... I'm not sure exactly how they plan to release each kit, but they now have the rights to our entire base line including a couple that were previously OOP at MOTS...
It is truly our great pleasure to work with Scott & Jane as you won't find any better folks in the hobby....IMHO
The base's can still be viewed over at the MOTS website http://www.monstersontheshelf.com ...

Happy Modeling !!!...............Joe MOTS
Please contact Jane at Alternative Images I am sure that she will be glad to assist you