1:6 Predator Biomasks original and customs.

Awesome man. You should show these on the Lair! I think the guys would love them. They are awesome. I love the alien bio helm myself!

I think I have a thread on The Hunter's Lair. Same screen name. :)

Thanks for looking. I have non-Predator (trophy) weapons to take pictures of but I just haven't been up to it.

Thanks to my friend, Hunterfromdaislands, I received a set of these skulls for free along with a MIB Ellen Ripley!

I can't wait to paint them and take a new group photo, plus figure out how to build/display these Predator trophy skulls.
I decided that not all skulls would be bloody, white or bone colored as seen the the various Predator movies.

I started with a base coat (forgot to photograph all of them).


Then a second color.


Finally some touch ups with different colors and a light wash of black ink diluted with mostly water and some rubbing alcohol (I ran out.).




The first picture in the thread needs to be clarified... Unpainted skulls sculpted by Narin. "Traditional" Alien skulls sculpted by Nosferatoys and he painted the left one. Other skulls by Hot Toys. Alien skull (top left) painted by me. I also decided to repaint the Nosferatoys Alien a different color other than plain white.

Picasa Web Albums - ONEYE - New Colors Sk...
The paint job on these things are what realy bring them to life. These are the kinda things that make you want to reach into a glass case and touch 'em!
Excelent work!
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