1:48 scale Orion III from 2001: ASO

There is split opinion on how large the Orion filming model was. One debate supports 62-63 inches long. Another claims the model was 57 inches long, saying he has talked with the builder and that's where he got the info. From my point of view, the model was 42 inches long, which is the same size as the studio drawings.

At 63 inches, the scale is 1:33.33
At 57 inches, the scale is 1:36.8
At 42 inches, the scale is 1:50

So, rounding all the scales to what is practical, we get 1:32, 1:35 and 1:48. Only 1:32 and 1:48 are found on architects rulers, which in this case does not really matter. The only thing that can really be used to identify the size of the model is the Airfix part found in the exhaust nozzles. I do not own one of these parts, but someone who is very, very knowledgeable confirms that the part fits to the 42 inch version best. And, lastly, there is a note on the studio drawing that says to build the model to the size of the drawing. But, those who like using calculators will note that a 63 inch model is exactly 150% of the 42 inch model. I'd be curious to see how small that Airfix part would look in the exhaust nozzle of a model that is 50% larger than the one in the drawing.

The end result here is that we have no clear evidence of the size of the Orion filming model. Just a good, educated guess.

That is a beauty!
Wish I had a place to put one (other than the garage).

Any of you guys that get one had better post up a build thread or a look what I did thread! I'd love to see this finished off.

I had a chance to work on that, but my eyes are gone and I couldn't to the lines anymore. Sorry about that Scott.

Glad to see it done. It will go well with a little something 10 people are about to receive. ;-)
The parts in the filming models exhaust nozzles are 1 3/16" - 3cm


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