Well-Known Member
This is my 1st attempt at a likeness so I'm treadin' some new territory here...this is the result of hours and hours of pushing and scraping and smoothing and forming( ect. )....I have taken breaks in between sessions so let me eyes rest because I felt myself spending so much time in front on him that my mistakes started to look good and only when I would take a photo could I see that I was way off...I've only JUST got to a point where it's starting to take some kind of form in the direction that I want to go...
So I chose Nicholson for a few reasons, the obvious one being that I'm an 89 nut, and also because Nicholson has a very recognizable face, and it's something to where even when I'm not using a photo of him, I've memorized his features so much that it's easy to know if your off or not....I'm going for the "Wait 'til they get a load of me" face , with the relaxed mouth and evil-Jack eye since I'm new to this I'm constantly learning, so hopefully the next update will be a little better results.....
So I chose Nicholson for a few reasons, the obvious one being that I'm an 89 nut, and also because Nicholson has a very recognizable face, and it's something to where even when I'm not using a photo of him, I've memorized his features so much that it's easy to know if your off or not....I'm going for the "Wait 'til they get a load of me" face , with the relaxed mouth and evil-Jack eye since I'm new to this I'm constantly learning, so hopefully the next update will be a little better results.....

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