1:1 HARRISON FORD sculpt.


Sr Member
Detailing my 1:1 Harrison Ford bust… this will be compatible as Han Solo, Indy and Decard



I have drawn and painted Harrison arguably over a thousand times for the studios and he is a terrifically difficult fact to get right - especially in the round!

I never appreciated how wonky his nose is until I got a Han-in-carbonite face casting and was looking at him in three dimensions for the first time. There really is something to be said for being so familiar with a face but only ever in 2D.

Makes me wonder... do you use life casts or busts to aid your drawings/paintings?
I never appreciated how wonky his nose is until I got a Han-in-carbonite face casting and was looking at him in three dimensions for the first time. There really is something to be said for being so familiar with a face but only ever in 2D.

Makes me wonder... do you use life casts or busts to aid your drawings/paintings?
Certainly your task in achieving a likeness is exponentially more challenging that it is for anyone working - as I do - in 2D because, it needs to work from every angle and under any lighting conditions. you will probably be as surprised as I was that Lucasfilm actually straightened Harrisons nose in the art I did for the Raiders of the Lost Ark poster.

I do have a fairly good bust of Harry but I only use it to store one of the Fedora's I own and not for reference. While it would be wonderful having reference that could be used in the round (in the same way that I use props in the movie art I do), as you would appreciate better than most, its vitally important to have each portrait reflect the age and the character I am trying to represent because if its wrong, fans notice and ultimately the artwork will fail. There are a ton of subtle differences in any face as they age so the number of busts needed would pose a real and impractical challenge.

Terrific work, I look forward to seeing how you finish it up.