Recent content by ALostHunter

  1. ALostHunter

    HT Predator 2 redux.

    Hello again! First of all a very kind gentleman has agreed to help with assembly. A shout out to Joshua Dawney and his skulls. m sorry for how disjointed this is, I have tried with mixed success to splice two notebook texts together. I have just got the City Hunter kit, the old form not the...
  2. ALostHunter

    Predator 2 ship pillar

    Beautiful work. Do please let me know if you consider or know of similar wonderful work in 1/6. Reading between the lines, are you attempting to produce the interior of the Lost Tribe's ship? I have dreamed of it in the larger scale as a commission project about half a decade from now and it...
  3. ALostHunter

    Predator Trophy Wall Compilation

    I saw this on the Fox fan community. What I said there holds true - and so many thanks for a cracking shot from Predator 2.
  4. ALostHunter

    Predator 2 HT kits -- help for money?

    I am starting to buy the Hot Toys Predator 2 kits -- I'm after he City Hunter (ordinary and battle damaged), the Elder and the Lost Predator. I know that you can get non kit versions of some of them but I like the older sculpts better. Also, for sentimental reasons they are the kits I wanted so...