Aluminum cast Clone Trooper Helmet

Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

This is amazing! I can't wait to see the Gree without that masking tape.
Your build is inspiring.
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

That is stunning!

Hope to do a Gree myself, but not in metal - I'd love to, but would never be able to!
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

This is truly amazing work of art and of prop! How much does the helmet weigh? I started melting aluminum in my backyard with a small forge. Your work makes me want to cast helmets in aluminum. Seriously excellent work!
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

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Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

yes, I m pretty satisfied with it now. I used liquid latex for it. Saw this somewhere else here and it work really well. its just like a liquid mask. I also heard of people using toothpaste for that, but the latex seemed a little bit more save for me.
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

WOW...incredible work!!!

Will you touch up the dark grey and green paint partially covering the white "horizontal ridge" or is it supposed to look like that? notch workmanship!

Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

yes, of course the brow will be black, just like the movie. I ve painted this one and the little black stripes around the ears today, and the missing tube stripes at the back too. now it is finished. I ll see the result tomorrow when I remove the masking tape so I ll post pictures than. hopefully this last step went well too so I can start weathering and making the interior. Cant wait to see this helmet with the green visor in it now, but thats the really last step then.
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

Fantastic paint job so far and with the alu highlights it`s looking mighty cool!!
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

Looking fantastic, can't wait to see how it looks when it's all weathered up!
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

That is soooo gorgeous - want it for my collection pretty badly! But doubt I could afford it :D
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

That is truly a work of art. Congrats on a wonderful piece.
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

Just... wow. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from Disney came begging for one of these.
Re: Aluminium cast Clone Trooper Helmet

thank you. the other two helmets are done with primer and filler now too so we have to sand down the filler to a perfect surface now. also a lot of work but maybe we can start painting tonight. my friend from swiss is doing a very well job I must say.

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the filler is covert with a thin layer of black so you can see every hole, scratch or dent better. you have to sand all down until you see no black though.


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