Pitbull Hoverboard Dimensions & Build


Active Member
Hey guys (and girls)! I'm in the 3rd run of Clock88's AMAZING Hoverboard run and I really wanna build a Pitbull to go along with it. The problem is there are not that many known measurements and such in regards to the deck. In searching the forums it seems like no one can even agree on an actual length (I've seen 30", 32" and 36"). So, I want to start with something relatively simple to get this project started:

Just let me know which one you think looks MORE screen accurate and if you have any other info/comments, feel free to leave those as well :)
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Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Since all of the hoverboards had the same magnet/clamp/battery assembly, you could take measurements of those parts
from your Clock88 Hoverboard and use them to calculate the approximate size and proportions of the Pit Bull.
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Since all of the hoverboards had the same magnet/clamp/battery assembly, you could take measurements of those parts
from your Clock88 Hoverboard and use them to calculate the approximate size and proportions of the Pit Bull.

See, it's responses like that that make me glad I decided to post a thread! I should've thought of that myself but the blinders are on tight when starting a build and having so many things to think about...thanks!

Do you have an opinion on which shape above appears more screen accurate?
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Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Best to base the design off of known measurements and pictures then to trust people on forums... I could help with some measurements as I helped determine the *somewhat* accurate sizes of some of the hoverboard parts for Clock88's board. Anyway, here is a good picture for the shape of the board... 419727_10150660490629844_1581414349_n.jpg
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Best to base the design off of known measurements and pictures then to trust people on forums... I could help with some measurements as I helped determine the *somewhat* accurate sizes of some of the hoverboard parts for Clock88's board. Anyway, here is a good picture for the shape of the board... View attachment 439429

Awesome suggestion, formula388 !!! So, after getting some free time and using the 6" known measurement (I believe, but I might be wrong) of the magnet base, I got a length of 32" and a width of 12" ...Does this sound right? Also, if my measurements are off on the magnet, what are some of the measurements that are whole numbers? Thanks for the help so far guys!
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Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

The magnet base diameter that I have calculated is 6.45"... I haven't had time to do the math but 32" seems short.
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Okay, so I spent the weekend going through several threads and looking at tons of pictures. Using the measurements formula388 posted in regards to the magnet, I'm thinking the board is 32.5" long and 12.5" wide. Even using the photo posted above, if the Mattel board is roughly 28" long then it would make sense that the Pitbull is 4.5" longer in that picture. Here's the measurements I've come up with so far:


Still a work in progress, but I'm determined (with all of you guy's wonderful help) to make the most accurate Pitbull ever. Thanks for the help so far guys!
Re: Pitbull Hoverboard Question/Poll

Alright, I updated my layout with some more dimensions:


Any thoughts or comments, please feel free to share!

I'm planning on picking up some foam board this weekend and cutting out a prototype so I can see these dimensions in hand.