A L I E N FIVE Neill Blomkamp's ALIEN movie

Not to take anything away from Ridley's visual brilliance- he has after all made a couple of the most visually iconic films in history, but Cameron is more of an all-round mastermind. He was a screenwriter first, where Scott came more from the advertising realm. Cameron directs actors in a way that Scott doesn't. If you listen to a lot of commentary on his films, it's pretty evident that he's more hands-off when it comes to actors and it shows.

I do listen to commentaries and I am aware of both of their backgrounds, and I agree with your assessment.
Guess that means...

That would be incredibly cheap and I kinda doubt Weaver would want to go that route. I just hope it's not some lame thing like her transforming into a new queen or some such in order to save humanity. I trust that NB has enough clout to know that Ripley, Newt and Hicks deserve at least a somewhat happy ending. It's what both Cameron and Scott set their heroin up for and it should be carried through. There's no need for more pretentious existential angst (3) or bizarre (4) humor.

I watched Aliens last night (it's probably been a whole six months!) and instead of casually having it on it as I usually do nowadays, I really looked at it. I had actually forgotten how close to a perfectly structured film it is.
That would be incredibly cheap and I kinda doubt Weaver would want to go that route. I just hope it's not some lame thing like her transforming into a new queen or some such in order to save humanity. I trust that NB has enough clout to know that Ripley, Newt and Hicks deserve at least a somewhat happy ending. It's what both Cameron and Scott set their heroin up for and it should be carried through. There's no need for more pretentious existential angst (3) or bizarre (4) humor.

I watched Aliens last night (it's probably been a whole six months!) and instead of casually having it on it as I usually do nowadays, I really looked at it. I had actually forgotten how close to a perfectly structured film it is.

It would, Which is one of many reasons why I don't like Alien 3, I do some aspects of it, but as a whole: MEH. and I agree, the characters really do deserve something like a classic fairy tale "happy ending", mostly because they don't really exist here in the real world.

It really is. Cameron is quite remarkable compared to most filmmakers. Being so good at so many different aspects. And being able to not only communicate his vision to the people he is working with but also bring his vision to the screen, even with a small budget.
I have been watching ALIENS quite a bit for a few weeks, over and over. Because I thought I would create a 2:30 mins trailer for it. Having never done it before, I thought it would be really easy with a film I love, and not to mention having seen it countless times. Boy, was I wrong :p First rough cut... 20+ minutes is no trailer :lol At the moment I got it down to 6 mins, still need to cut it down some more. It is hard to believe the 30th anniversary is just a few days away. LET'S ROCK!

No, nononono.
Is it "all of a sudden"? I thought Scott's project had basically put the film "on hold" indefinitely. Meaning it sent it to Development Hell.

That was the initial impression, but after that it seemed as if the project was still in the pipeline to be done after RS was done with Prometheus. But maybe that was just so they could kill it quietly and think they would be spared the ire of die-hard Cameron fans. Either way, it further cements my earlier suggestions that they are trying to portray Covenant in a a very Aliens-like way, to "steal back some thunder" as it were, even evoking the imagery of a heroine running around with a rifle in a grimy tank top.
I'll be honest, after the last one, I haven't paid much attention to Scott's film, and am not all that interested in it. I thought Prometheus was a total mess, so, other than glossy visuals, what's there to be excited about with this film?

Blomkamp's preproduction stuff looked interesting, but I've found him to be a weak storyteller on the whole, and when the project was "postponed," I figured "Meh. Guess that's done..."

Now it just seems like that's been confirmed.

To me, I think the Alien franchise is basically just...dead.
Yeah, I'd like to think Blomkamp's vision would benefit the franchise, but honestly he hasn't been able to replicate the magic of District 9 yet. You need more than visuals and cool concept art to make a satisfying flick. That said, Scott's vision for the future of the franchise just looks so-so. I hope he at the very least keeps the storytelling #1 priority. Something he and Lindelof failed at with Prometheus.
I'll be honest, after the last one, I haven't paid much attention to Scott's film, and am not all that interested in it. I thought Prometheus was a total mess, so, other than glossy visuals, what's there to be excited about with this film?

Blomkamp's preproduction stuff looked interesting, but I've found him to be a weak storyteller on the whole, and when the project was "postponed," I figured "Meh. Guess that's done..."

Now it just seems like that's been confirmed.

To me, I think the Alien franchise is basically just...dead.

I rewatched Prometheus the other day and realized the film would have been great with just changing three characters: Charlie, Fifield, and Millburn. Those three are so poorly realized, written, and performed it's hugely distracting. They make all the WTF decisions and actions that make them entirely devoid of credibility.
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