e3 2014 mass effect 4 trailer

Here's the line @2:00!!

In the words of the wise SFDebris, you do not joke about something you are dumb enough to say seriously.

Ok, ok. I think we can all agree that we've narked on this game for a while. Despite their best efforts to look bad at trying to be good, I did manage to find something that was genuinely good! I give you Female Ryder flirting with Vetra! And she doesn't shoot Ryder down like Cassandra does to the female Inquisitor! Yes! Shippers might actually have a chance!

I hope we meet Sid and that Vetra has a "I'm dating the Pathfinder" moment where she geeks out. :p
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I ended up getting it too, for some reason gamestop gave me the middle finger and shipped usps so it's going to take nearly a week to get here. I wish these companies would let you choose what delivery service you could use. Apparently there's a glitch where characters hold their guns backwards, how is that a thing? Shouldn't that be an automatic thing where the prop the mocap actor was holding is replaced so it can't be backwards? Would romance with Vetra cause a rash? She has the same sort of dna setup as Tali did and you had to get an ointment to date her lol
Apparently there's a glitch where characters hold their guns backwards, how is that a thing?

Mostly occurs during in-game cutscenes like that one instance with Peebee. As of this posting, the day one patch for the PC hasn't been released yet. Things are off to an awkward start but I'm still having some fun.
I'm hoping Achievement hunter does more vids with their character just because it's funny as all get out to see that carrot-top looking freak running around lol. Oxhorn's doing a lot of streaming for the game, which is good as i think he was getting burnt out on doing Fallout 4 lore videos. Apparently even though I didn't order my copy until midnight last night I got my preorder code from gamestop.
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After playing 15 hours of this title, I have come to the realization that Alec Ryder (Your character's father) is a demented psycho. I explore his cabin a bit (Liara!) and found out that he proudly displays the gun he used to kill Turians during the First Contact war. Honestly! He doesn't use the gun on missions, he proudly displays it! The only character I know who has ever done that in science fiction is mirror-Jonathan Archer from Enterprise. He kept the shotgun that mirror-Zefram Cochrane used to kill the Vulcan explorer to actually intimidate T'Pol into obedience. Keeping a lucky rock may have been cheesy, but this is insane.

He's also kind of reminds me of Tom Paris in a way because he's the kind of character who can do anything. He was part of the first contact war, was the Alliance mlitia expert on the Citadel, earned the N7 rank, chosen as the Human pathfinder for the initiative AND developed an advanced AI. Sadly, it appears that Alec never learned about the practice of 'buddy breathing'. He takes my PC's helmet off, throws it away, removes his helmet and places it onto my head within the course of five seconds. There's no way this situation wasn't survivable.
It sounds like the writers just wanted to be rid of him and took the easy route and what do we expect with Mac Walters writing the game? He pulled this crap with ME3 too. My copy got here today but it's going to have to wait as i crank out a few more playthrus of last of us to get all the trophies i can. One thing I can say: as bad as Andromeda might be it's still going to be cooler than Destiny 2.
Jonathan Cooper recent did a Twitter Moment regarding the criticism aimed at Andromeda's animation.

On Mass Effect Andromeda's Dialogue Animation

Ya. It makes sense that the animation seen in the game was done by developers instead of animators, and why wouldn't it be for a game this scale? Not only do you have most of the aliens from the previous Mass Effect games to animate, you also got the new aliens in Andromeda to deal with. And given that there is so freaking many characters you can talk to one-on-one, it would seem that making this game an epic galaxy exploring was it's biggest problem. They didn't have enough time to fine tune every character's animation.

And sadly there are a lot of moments in the game where that clearly wasn't going to be the intent. Having a close up shot of a character who tells you her face is tired I believe was going to showcase how animated her face was going to look instead of the standard stern look that she puts on throughout the course of the entire game. There's even a moment on the ice planet where a character receives an information data pack, loads it, reviews the data and comes to a startling conclusion regarding it's contents. Problem? It's all done while she's standing upright and not doing anything. No Omni-tool animation, no sitting at a computer station to relay this information, nothing. She is just standing there motionless all the while telling you she's loading the information.
Seems to be a trend for 2017. many hyped up titles that just don't deliver by the looks of it. ghost recon, for honor and now mass effect just to name a couple. I don't actually play these atm but is it true that they are just not performing as expected?

Im actually a big fan of final fantasy and the latest title just din't deliver either and from what i hear and read from the 7 remake it is not looking to be what fans expect.
Im actually a big fan of final fantasy and the latest title just din't deliver either and from what i hear and read from the 7 remake it is not looking to be what fans expect.

That much was certain the moment they announced that the remake of Final Fantasy 7 would be divided into multiple chapters.

We are now a couple of days into Mass Effect Andromeda and so far no Day One patch has been released yet. The game's bugs are starting to become more breaking as quest NPCs are highlighted but cannot be interacted with because the game still things your not in proximity with them. I have to quit the game and load the save file just to fix the problem.

So far, there are 'some' things that I was expecting hate but wound up liking in the end. Being able to switch between specializations is actually addressed in the story including why it's only unique to your character. The onboard crew of the tempest turned out to be more memorable than I was anticipating. I find Kallo Jath to be way more likable than Joker and all the buzz surrounding Jaal being the break out character is pretty accurate. The conversations between him and Vetra (my current romance path) are particularly charming.

One final thing about my experience with the game so far,, the new Star Map system is sadly a great looking mess. The visuals have greatly improved, the planets feel different instead of just looking like they're a different color and every it's a lot more three dimensional. The mechanics and interface however will really test your patience. Instead of zooming in and out of planets like you did in the previous ME games, you now have to sit through a sequence where you leave orbit and fly to the next planet. These sequences alone take up about 10-15 seconds which is a heck of a long time to wait for doing something that took no time at all originally. Also, instead of being told that there's an anomaly when you zoom in on a planet, you're now told there's an anomaly when you enter the system and it doesn't say which planet it's on. Not only is this insanely annoying mechanics wise, it also guarantees that you're going to be hearing Suvi say "Anomaly detected" every freaking time you enter a new system. And a big problem for first time players like myself, the interface has a ton of red herrings. I spent a good five minutes scanning a planet that had nothing on it because the interface had these red blinking lights that appeared to change every time I moved the scanner. This blinking interface also rotates around the planet depending on where you move so my first inclination was that this was some very convoluted way of telling the player where to search. Nope. Turns out they do nothing and there was nothing to scan this entire time. A simple "No Planetary Anomalies Detected" would have been very helpful.
Not to mentoin the person directing FF7 Remake isn't popular with fans, I think he's the guy who gave us the Lightning turd trilogy. FF15 saved the franchise but just barely, the problem is the game industry is so full of kids who never played really good games like we had in the 90s and have no idea what most people want. Look at Destiny: they can't get anything right with it and they're all old enough to know better. I'm installing Mass Effect and there's a giant 1.984gb patch for it and as usual with freaking psn it's going to take hours to install. PSN has the worst download speeds. I've downloaded entire games off steam faster.
The amount of people in the industry defending Bioware's animators is surprising, apparently there's actually software to render animation so animators don't do it (i'm over simplifying it) and they said it looks like the animation isn't working right and was never quality controlled. Also for once EA isn't the bad guy as they were going to give Bioware another 5 months before the game had to be out but Bioware didn't want it. Then again you can't expect much from a company whose CEO has a PHD and loves to flaunt it as if that impresses gamers.
Good god the character creator in this game is terrible. It makes Fallout 4's customizing look amazing. On a side note every time I hear Ryder Sr talk I see either the Kurgan or Lex Luthor talking lol.
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What an incredible game...

Happy I didn't waste money on it :)
Funny reading they might fix the game with a patch. Why release it broken in the first place? :facepalm
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Funny reading they might fix the game with a patch. Why release it broken in the first place? :facepalm

Just my idea of what happened, but it makes loads of sense. All the higher ups, including Mac Walters looked at what they got and said the words that no one who actually cares about a product should ever say.

"It's good enough."

And that's exactly how this game feels. They got it up to a point where it was good for them and all the reviews share the same opinion. It's like they aimed for the top of a mountain and thought they'd be fine without proper training or gear. Sure, they may have made it to the top, but frostbite* has already claimed half of their fingers, their brain is starving for oxygen and they will most likely never be able to walk on their left foot ever again. Oh, they can try to patch it up with artificial fingers, breath some air and and get an artificial foot, but everyone is still going to notice and ask "Was it worth it?"

*Oooo! That's so nice I gave myself a pat on the back!
Good enough is the mantra of the game industry these days once your company hits a big size. I just had a save file go bad on me, luckily the game autosaved a lot so i'm only about 2 minutes from where i was. Honestly both gamers and game companies seem to be moving backwards in evolution. The problem is there's tons of gamers who are okay with broken games because in their eyes the companies do no wrong and then you have the gamers who demand quality only to be insulted by other gamers. What's getting me is EA was actually not the bad guy for once in this. Then again that's what they get for having Mac as their shill in Bioware. Meanwhile Guerilla games, who were known for generic games, sold 2.5 million copies of Zero Dawn in 2 weeks to the point they decided they would make story DLC for the game after all.
Good enough is the mantra of the game industry these days once your company hits a big size. I just had a save file go bad on me, luckily the game autosaved a lot so i'm only about 2 minutes from where i was. Honestly both gamers and game companies seem to be moving backwards in evolution. The problem is there's tons of gamers who are okay with broken games because in their eyes the companies do no wrong and then you have the gamers who demand quality only to be insulted by other gamers. What's getting me is EA was actually not the bad guy for once in this. Then again that's what they get for having Mac as their shill in Bioware. Meanwhile Guerilla games, who were known for generic games, sold 2.5 million copies of Zero Dawn in 2 weeks to the point they decided they would make story DLC for the game after all.

Plus that game is a new IP + female lead + open world.

And it's not like gamers who believe a gaming company can do no wrong isn't an unfounded principle. Nintendo for as long as I can remember have been the pinnacle of high quality games that are both great looking, fun to play and almost entirely bug free. Well, bugs that distract you from the game. There are bugs in Nintendo games but you really have to look for them. Now I don't think that as a company they can 'do no wrong'. They have done a lot of things wrong. "Mario doesn't need a story", Link must always be a guy, if you post ANYTHING on youtube you have to follow our rules in doing so, Fair Use be darned. ect. It's maddening, but when it comes to their games, it delivers.

But BioWare? I watched a video a while ago where a guy talks about Mass Effect 3 after it's been out for five years. He covers a lot of familiar territory but the one point he brings up that really sets up the video perfectly is that none of the Mass Effect games ever really reached a level of greatness that some other properties can look back on and say "That was the one where everyone aspired to be like it". Mass Effect 1 had a very dragging pace with it's elevators, weak side quests, horrendous game interface and laughable DLC. But it still gave players something that they wanted to experience which was a character they could create and shape. Mass Effect 2, while certainly helping in the interface department and speeding up the pace a bit still fell short in the story telling department and BioWare's forward thinking take on romances. Seriously, no gay characters at all? Get lost. Mass Effect 3 stuck with what ME2 had done, but wound up with that ending. And now with Andromeda, a game that promised us a whole new galaxy, is coming off as mediocre and stale and buggy as all heck. When fans look back and talk about what the quintessential Mass Effect experience is, I highly doubt anyone will bring up Andromeda. It just doesn't do anything new despite the much advertised new galaxy. When you play a Mass Effect soundtrack, are you going to listen to something iconic like Vigil, or....

"I'm only human after all. I'm only human after all. I'm only human after all. Don't put the blame on meeeee."

Jeyl they really did get rid of the heart and soul of Mass Effect, Drew Karpyshyn as a writer and Jack Wall/Sam Hulick's music composers.
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The people who write the dialogue for the team members in the game do pretty good as there is some funny stuff but whoever handled the main writing got it kinda wooden. This one thing about modern games: too many writers as they're simply too complex for one or two people. I think it helped that Drew not only wrote the stuff but he probably guided and even nurtured the other writers. Mac's like a monkey with a typewriter just slamming keys and metaphorically throws his crap at us on the page.
I normally don't post Kotaku articles, but this one pretty much reflected my thoughts on one of the earliest side quests you get in the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda's First Big Sidequest Is A Let-Down

Yeah. You think you're taking part in something really big when your quest is called "First Murderer", especially given the context of this whole initiative. Yeah, not really. Just set him free or exile the suspect. No middle ground, no bringing up new charges, nothing.
Honestly all the side quests are basically hollow fetch quests that have you running all over creation with no good rewards other than exp and once in a great while a super rare gun I have no use for as it's a shotgun every time. I did get a gold paintjob for the car so now it looks like a pimped out batmobile. I'm not sure how far into the game I am but honestly by this point in the first game you ran into the reaper and other stuff. It's bad that this game hasn't even sold as many copies as the 3rd one. So much for bioware redeeming themselves with fans like they somewhat did with Dragonage.
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