e3 2014 mass effect 4 trailer

Wes R

Legendary Member

It looks good so far but I'm not thrilled they let Casey Hudson anywhere near it after his butchery of ME3, it could hurt sales to diehard fans. They need to hire Drew back as a writer so he can go back to all the stuff they dropped after he left the company. I just hope they're not going to be greedy and wants 70.00 for this thing like they're wanting for the new Dragon Age.
If they got Patrick and drew back into it 100 percent it'd win over so many people. Patrick is the only person at bioware who didn't treat the fans bad even on the forum. Personally having members of the dev team being mods on the forum is a bad idea as it makes people think you're not doing work on the game that needs done.
Chris Priestly loved to troll fans during the mess about ME3. Guy reminded me of the kids i went to art school with that took the fun out of all the classes. Looks like Priestly left bioware last year and man fans posted some nasty stuff about him lol. So far bioware's lost alot of employees who had years with the company including at least one of the founders. They're blaming violent threats from fans which sadly i wouldn't be surprised about. Wow just saw a photo of priestly his attitude goes with his girth.
If they keep charging 70.00 for new games when everyone else wants 10-20 less i'll be getting them used too or wait til walmart has them for 20.00 in the discount bin.
The shame of it is that some of these guys were really talented but they let EA push them around.
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Well, clearly another obvious cash grab. It's a damn shame what happened to ME after the first one, in my opinion. That's where they need to go back to; that was one of the first games that really captured my wanderlust and really built a, seemingly, big universe. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I loved that it it took time to get from point A to point B, long elevator rides and everything. Oh, and exploring vast terrestrial plains! Imagine my disappointment when in the second game, after all the talk about rebuilding the Citadel, all you get to see is an office.

The worst part of Drew leaving was the unfinished plot threads that was started in the second game (dark matter siphoning energy from stars) and how that just made the next installment feel so disconnected and blase. I've played them all so far and have liked the series for the most part, despite it's heavy and obvious flaws, so I am slightly interested in this. Don't know if I'm gonna rush out to buy a new Xbox just to play this, exactly, but color me curious.
I'm hoping the new writers would go back to Drew's unused material and use that as the new storyline, at least find a way to remake it into something. Sadly with Casey involved i see no good coming of it. IF they weren't part of EA i'd give them even more benefit of the doubt but so far EA's killed mass effect and dead space. Oddly enough i think one of the ME writers is still working on ME stuff in the form of the comic books. Though the comics all take place before the games which tells me they have no plans to expand the post-3 universe yet. Bioware's starting to remind me of Squaresoft: doing everything wrong to alienate fans.
I doubt they'd use Drew's original stuff. From what I read, it was meant to all end with the third game. The dark energy siphoning was actually from using the Mass Effect fields, so using these abilities was actually destroying the universe, causing it to eat itself (stopping this was the original purpose of the Reapers). That was how the third game was gonna go; you opt to either save the galaxy by abandoning all these technologies and abilities and go back to being being cavemen, practically, or continue to use the ME tech and further civilization hoping we can prevent the death of everything later (or something). Seeing how that would've ended the money-making franchise, I'm sure that's why he either left or was let go, and the series is what it is.

I wouldn't say it's purposeful alienation, both EA and Square-Enix do the same thing and it's pander. Which leads to alienation. ;)
I don't know if Square wanted to pander they'd put out the remake of FF7 everyone wants and not stop the free fan-made one that was being made.
I don't know if Square wanted to pander they'd put out the remake of FF7 everyone wants and not stop the free fan-made one that was being made.

Or just a new rpg (Still a ff ofc tho) similar to the old ones instead of always wanting new combat styles etc.
Or just a new rpg (Still a ff ofc tho) similar to the old ones instead of always wanting new combat styles etc.

I don't mind a new combat system if it's fun and part of gameplay instead of "different to be different" and used to fight a single boss over and over again (I'm looking at you XIII-3). If they were to take something from the old games again, it'd be work on making comprehensible stories again with characters that I like and not put me to sleep.

As for pandering, there's still too much money to me made dangling that FF7 lure in front of peoples' faces and giving rabid fans close-but-not-quite spin-offs.
Bravely Default for the 3ds actually sold almost as well as Lightning returns and got rave reviews for being like old school Final fantasy so i think they're getting the hint. Wish bioware and EA would get a hint. Visceral went silent after they put out that DLC true ending of Deadspace 3 to bad reviews and feedback.
One would certainly hope so but I'd still stay a bit wary. Hand held games, despite their continuous success and a catalog of great games, rarely have their formula of success imported to consoles. At least with triple A titles, anyway, the trend seems to be "follow what's trendy and sells the most copies". Games haven't been around all that long in comparison to other mediums and already it feels like it's cannibalizing itself.

Nowadays, if I'm not revisiting old games, I'm plowing through independent titles. They give me more of what I'm looking for in titles; I honestly hope digital releases pick up and great independent titles get more exposure to the point of rocking the majors to change up their gameplan.
As the console companies ignore older gamers you're going to see more and more RPGs on kickstarter along with other titles you don't get on consoles. All you have to do is look at Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun returns to see a market for old school RPGs, they got amazing funding. To the point that the Shadowrun crew made enough to totally revamp the first DLC, Dragonfall, into a fully independent game with new stuff and are giving it to backers and those who bought Returns/Dragonfall at first release for free. How often do you see that from a game company? They even listened to complaints and made patches to fix those issues in under a month. The game industry is headed for another crash and this time it's going to be the small companies that save gaming instead of Nintendo. I'm still laughing that the Wii U is outselling the xbox 1.
I want to know who designed the xb1, it looks like an early 80s vcr, i keep expecting the top to pop open to insert a tape lol
It certainly seems that way unless things change.

As for future indie games go, I'm personally looking forward to Cryamore if we're talking old-school RPG's.

It looks good so far but I'm not thrilled they let Casey Hudson anywhere near it after his butchery of ME3, it could hurt sales to diehard fans. They need to hire Drew back as a writer so he can go back to all the stuff they dropped after he left the company. I just hope they're not going to be greedy and wants 70.00 for this thing like they're wanting for the new Dragon Age.

Casey Hudson has left Bioware so he won't be going anywhere near it. THANKFULLY. But I still won't touch it. ME3: Not forgiven, not forgotten.

Well, clearly another obvious cash grab. It's a damn shame what happened to ME after the first one, in my opinion. That's where they need to go back to; that was one of the first games that really captured my wanderlust and really built a, seemingly, big universe. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I loved that it it took time to get from point A to point B, long elevator rides and everything. Oh, and exploring vast terrestrial plains! Imagine my disappointment when in the second game, after all the talk about rebuilding the Citadel, all you get to see is an office.

Huh i heard that Casey Hudson was still somehow involved, that might have been before he left. I loved the convos in the elevators and how they used realistic things to give you missions like radio broadcasts during the elevator ride. Mass effect has always reminded me of how a Star Trek game should be. I just hope they don't turn it into Call of duty.
Im a bit late to ME (still havent finished ME3 and I dont know how it ends so ill be careful for spoilers), I also really liked the gameplay of ME1 the best. I liked how it really reminded me of the KOTOR games. Needless to say, when I jumped right into ME2 I was shocked at some of the changes to the gameplay and hoped it didnt /doesnt turn into another COD shooter.

I loved how you would hear radio reports about finished missions. Really helped with making the game feel more "real" and not having everyone in and around you oblivious to whats going on.
That "trailer" felt like it was written by someone in marketing with an MBA: a lot of words that really did not mean anything. And how are they going to pick up the pieces? One way or another the Geth and Reapers have been dealt with and depending on the ending you chose for ME3 I do not see how there will be any bad guys.
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Huh i heard that Casey Hudson was still somehow involved, that might have been before he left. I loved the convos in the elevators and how they used realistic things to give you missions like radio broadcasts during the elevator ride. Mass effect has always reminded me of how a Star Trek game should be. I just hope they don't turn it into Call of duty.

You know why those elevator conversations were great, and I'm glad you do. Subtle, in-game character development and world building integrated smoothly into gameplay both at the same time. It's never been as subtle or well done as that, in my opinion. Hearing conversations between the two of whoever you had in your party told you who they were, how they felt, and expanded the lore and history of the galaxy they live in every time they stepped into an elevator. It made the universe feel lived in and active, all the while, giving the game the sense of being vast and complex without the majority of players realizing it

It's funny and slightly disappointing how much it that was lauded in the succeeding games because of 'fan memes' that caught the attention of the developers. They had something fluid, and subtle, and really great but because it was trendy to publicly depants and shame it, they joined in without knowing what they had. How it happened reminds me of a group of school kids making "Your Momma" jokes and then, the kid that's getting teased, starts making jokes about his own mother. It's funny but, at the same time, a bit sad and shameful. Bending to fan polls and things like that rather than sticking to their guns; that really bit them in the end.
I love at the party in ME3's citadel DLC where garrus jokes about his calibrations like the fans did. It shows that some of the writers were paying attention. All i ask of ME4 is more of Tali drunk lol. She and Kasumi were my favorite female characters. The one thing I liked is even though some of the characters did bad things (C-sec officer bailey and Thane) they're still likeable and you can see why they did what they did. It's rare for games to get you to like so many characters at once. Losing Mordin was up there with seeing Aerith stabbed for the first time, just caught you off guard. I really wish there'd been more development for Edi and Joker, that was an interesting matchup and would have been fun to see it play out more.
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