Captain America: Civil War

Superherohype has an article about comments made by Tom Holland about Civil War.

One thing in particular stuck out to me:
“I think one of the most interesting things about Peter Parker for us is that he’s the only person in the MCU now that has a secret identity, so we all know who everyone else is. I think it’s quite interesting to go back to that hiding behind a mask.”

While no, no one in the MCU really has a secret identity in the way that Peter does, it's not like everyone's well known. Sure, everyone knows that Tony Stark is Iron Man, and who Thor is, and it likely doesn't matter if people know that Captain America's name is Steve Rogers, with how recognizable he is, but... Do people really know that mild-mannered Bruce Banner is the Hulk? And while they're recognizable with the others, if Natasha Romanov and Clint Barton were walking separately on the street, would anyone know who they are, vs. Black Widow and Hawkeye? And that's not even counting all of the Inhumans who are hiding themselves.

While Peter might be the only one with a "secret identity," per se, but there are a number of characters without "public identities."
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I've read the Civil War Comics. I know how that works. It was ok. But as a Marvel Fan (and Bucky Fangirl specifically) I am over the moon about the resolution of Bucky and Cap's friendship (which is totally awesome to have two dudes who are just really really awesome friends without the subtext of romance)

And I've never liked Iron Man much.

He has his moments of heroics but always sinks down into the morass of self-indulgence, in my opinion. So, I'm Team Cap all the way and this will fill the inevitable void in my soul from Star Wars.

Ultron who decided to eradicate humanity after using 40 seconds of the internet.

Well, he can't really be blamed for that. Have you SEEN the Internet? I'm surprised it took him that long to make the decision.

In fact, I bet his decision was made as soon as he came across some of the more prurient slashfics online. I bet he was just fine, thinking everything was hunky-dory, then delved into that world, had a virtual BSOD, and immediately decided to eradicate it all for the good of the Multiverse.
It's very well written but... The build up isn't there unfortunately, Cap and and iron man have never seemed like friends but more like teammates who have fought on the same side a couple times. So that line about tony being caps friend is kind of cheapened because of the fact that they never really seemed like friends.
It's very well written but... The build up isn't there unfortunately, Cap and and iron man have never seemed like friends but more like teammates who have fought on the same side a couple times. So that line about tony being caps friend is kind of cheapened because of the fact that they never really seemed like friends.

I took Tony's "So was I" remark as more sarcastic than anything else.
Yeah, I didn't take it that he was being sarcastic but I've also certainly never been under the impression Tony and Cap were friends at all. They just tolerated each other out of necessity. I know it's based on the comics but for me this whole Civil War thing feels pretty forced. Based purely on the movies, sure they've had squabbles but I just don't buy that it would come to this and they all would oppose each other in this way. Where is Fury during all this? Regardless, I still think this would've been more appropriate as an Avengers movie rather than a Cap movie.
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I actually do think Tony considers Steve his friend. Look at how he treats all his close friends - Rhodes, Happy, and Pepper - he bickers with and verbally bullies all of them :lol Maybe that's why I find that scene emotional, that Tony actually considers Steve to be a close friend whereas Steve doesn't, and that makes the feeling of betrayal even more powerful.
I actually do think Tony considers Steve his friend. Look at how he treats all his close friends - Rhodes, Happy, and Pepper - he bickers with and verbally bullies all of them :lol Maybe that's why I find that scene emotional, that Tony actually considers Steve to be a close friend whereas Steve doesn't, and that makes the feeling of betrayal even more powerful.

That was my take.
Saving the world on multiple occasions should bring some people closer lol. Look at Tony and Rhodey, they threw Iron blows at each other and are still besties, heck they even shot replusors at each other! Tony was a bit a-holey to the kid in IM3, and what did Tony do? Upgraded his entire garage. His personality is a shield to water down how much he really fells towards others; his dad was a badaas, he needs to match him because macho is much cooler LOL
Meow? How about ROAR instead. I didn't think too much at first of EW's attempt at humor but they did do a disservice to BP there on the original cover.


Need someone to release this photo w/o the cover text, like right now. Yeah I know it's extremely similar to the AoU EW cover, but I still want it.
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I'm glad movie makers are finally getting around to the white eyes. With Deadpool and now Black Panther, they really need to get this over to Batman.
The Russos are a treasure.
Winter Soldier proved their chops as great action directors who understand the craft of editing and stunt choreography that drive true action.
While BvS, on paper, has the pedigree to be the big film of 2016, the last trailer for BvS is disappointing. It seems that Zach is more of a cinematographer and CG guy than an action director.
Come 2016 MMM.
After seeing everything there is so far i can't help but feel as if this isn't what im expecting from a CW movie. CW being one of my fav stories and which was on such a grand scale seems to have diminished quite a bit. I do hope that im wrong and that there is more at stake then purely cap defending bucky.
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