Game: Which Actor... ?

It's Gary Oldman.

Air force one. The professional and JFK.

The terrorist (Air Force One):

The drug dealer (The Professional):


Or, the drug dealer (True Romance):


The assassin (JFK):

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well...two out of three are what I had in mind....the third could be up for interpretation (I was thinking of his role as Drexel Spivey in True Romance).

Your up Barryjoe

I agree with you (answer post edited.).

I'm going to stick with Stansfield's hint about the actor's character dying in the film.

This actor plays an oil worker that dies in the desert. An outlaw that dies in a gun fight. And a sergeant that dies in a knife fight.
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I really like this thread; therefore, in the interest of having it progress I offer up 3 hints.

I believe that these hints do not give away much, but they might point you in the right direction:

Hint 1:
1. The actor in question won an Academy award.

Hint 2:
2. The Academy award was NOT for any of the 3 films I'm interested in.

Hint 3:
3. All 3 movies were made before 1970.

Good luck!
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