The Hobbit movie costumes


New Member
Hi everyone! I'm a new member, but I've been visiting around the site for a few months now.

I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the newly released pics of a few of the characters from the upcoming movie based on The Hobbit. The pic features three dwarves (Dori, Nori, and Ori, to be specific). I was just wondering if anyone had planned to take up the challenge of recreating any of them. Based on what I've seen so far, I know that this group can handle it.
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Follow up: a picture of two more of the Dwarves has been released; Oin and Gloin. Still some pretty cool costumes!
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Is it just me, or are those Dwarves looking less LOTR and little more... Warhammer? Dunno. Maybe when we see them in non-publicity images we'll get a better 'feel' for them.
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Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Especially the hair on the dwarf on the left. The expression on the dwarf on the right makes me laugh, though. It's like he's thinking "what the heck did you do to your hair?"
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Another production photo release of two more of the dwarves. this is the highest resolution photo I could find. If I find another one, I'll post it.
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

I rather like the look! Plus, I'm glad they kept with the geometric theme that they used for the dwarves in LOTR. It gives the culture a sort of subconscious realism. I can't wait for these movies! I've read the book at least 3-4 times. It's one of my favorites.
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

I saw the second photo and also thout this had a Warhammer look to it. If any of the costume is produced commercially it would be attractive to the fans of both.
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Hey all. Another photo of the Dwarves has been released. Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur. According to the story, these three are somewhat less noble than the other dwarves, so their costumes seem to be designed to reflects that. As with the previous photo, I was unable to locate a pic with as high a resolution as the first two. But here it is regardless.
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

Bofur and Bombur look ok.

Bifur looks like he should be singing "Smaug's not only merely dead, he's really quite sincerely dead..."
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

I found a higher res pic of Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur. Still not as good as the first two, but still better than what I had posted originally. Also, I'm still looking for a better version of the Fili and Kili pic...
Re: The Hobit movie costumes

The last ones look even more CGI than the first.
All the CGI did in LOTR was 'squish' John Rhys-Davis to make him short and stocky. These look like some of the hair and costume are digitally 'tweaked'.
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I kind of like the look. It would seem to me that dwarves would be a little eccentric anyhow:lol, with spending all of that time underground ...
I like them. Alot. They look great! A marauding band of opportunistic dwarves! Great costuming! Not sure about the fellow with the upswept "hair-do".

I just hope that we see the dwarves as tough fighters, not just used mainly for comic relief as Gimli was.
Another new pic as of this morning: Balin (left) and Dwalin (right). Again, low-res, but I'm trying to keep my eye out for better versions. If anyone else is able to find one, please feel free to post it.
Sorry I'm a few days behind, but Peter Jackson released a picture of Thorin Oakenshield, arguably the most important dwarf in the movie. This one is a good, higher res pic, but I still have had no luck in finding a better version of the pics above unfortunately...


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