Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Post-release)


Master Member
This is the post-release thread for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice with spoiler discussion.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Official Final Trailer [HD] - YouTube




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My short review:
Honestly everyone in film school should be required to watch the first five minutes of BvS. ****ing gorgeous and rivals the watchmen opening. Larry fong is at the top of his game. Although I didn't like the soundtrack on its own it mixed incredibly well with the movie and wasn't overbearingly loud. Dialogue was good. No cringy lines like mos. Sometimes it got too intelligent and I felt like I was watching TDK again and will require a rewatch to get what it was about. Despite everyone raving about Jesse I thought he was only good. No where close to bad. He takes a modern day spin on Lex. WW does indeed steal the show. The cameos aren't bad. Except there is one where 99 percent of the GA won't understand it and I didn't understand it until the end and it takes some assuming. Affleck didn't get a huge amount of time for Bruce Wayne but he was good. His batman..... Holy shiz nipples. Cavill still played an excellent Superman. The pacing was very fast. Blink and you miss it. There was alot there but it was handled very well. Visually it's gorgeous. Honestly, I was skeptical bexause I thought it could all go wrong but it's def. Better than MoS and fixes alot of issues. Critic score could go up to 80 or so. Honestly I talked to alot of people and no one came close to not liking it. Some thought it was alright but mostly good to absolutely great. Gets 8-8.5 for me
I've read Batfleck kills people? As in blowing up cars with people in them?

He does. But is it any worse than Bale crushing people multiple times with the tumbler and shooting the truck driver with the batwing?
There is some "presumed" killings, you don't flat out see a dead person.
The act was not glossed over and dialog emphasized the one rule with Nolan's Batman, and scenes where he simply refuses.
Yes during the action you have to figure well that guy must have survived.
This sounds different, was a car actively targeted and explodes with people inside? If so that's an intentional killing right?
I hear that Superman dies. If that were true, then this movie was as predictable as I guessed it would be. Based on the second trailer, I pretty much got the story together: Batman sees Superman as a threat after some weird nightmare, Lex somehow gets a ton of kryptonite (I'm guessing it's from an aircraft of some sort that came from Zod), Batman would either strike a deal with Lex to get ahold of some kryptonite or steal it himself, Lex creates Doomsday from Zod WHILE Batman and Superman beat each other up, something happens and they get to team up, Doomsday is released, Wonder Woman swoops in to assist, and Superman dies while killing Doomsday, Batman realizes that there are threats to the world that he can't face alone and starts gathering up superpowered beings (Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg)

The moment I saw Doomsday in that trailer, I knew that they weren't gonna let Doomsday escape in defeat and that they were gonna kill Superman along with Doomsday.

I'm more of a Marvel fan than I am a DC fan, no bias here but the story was just too predictable. Marvel's got flaws, I'll admit that, but at least their trailers don't give away the plots.
Nice of you to spoil the film you haven't even seen.

I didn't really care much for the movie after the second trailer. My excitement died when the trailer gave too much away. And if you're worried about being spoiled, then why are you in the post-release thread WITH spoiler discussions?
If you dont care about the film, the better question would be, why are you here?

I said I didn't care that much. I never said I don't care at all. I still care enough to talk about how they could have done this right without spoiling everybody. I'm probably still gonna see the movie, probably not. Who knows?
I was curious how far off path they went from the characters as I have them in my mind's eye, given people were saying if you hated MOS you would not like this one.
If I heard something different that made me think that I could get over my MOS and Batfleck derangement hater syndrome it might be salvageable. But
Batfleck murdering people or trying to kill Superman certainly is a major problem for me. And again they did not lighten up Superman but doubled down on grim Steelman so that wasn't fixed, though the trailers pretty much showed that.
WW as sideshow distraction doesn't sound like it's worth suffering through character interpretations I find too far from home and the traits abandoned that make them special to me.
But I had casting issues anyways with WW.
I don't know if this thread is spolier free or not so I'll use the spoiler thingy.

Regarding Batman killing :
When he's in the batmobile or the batwing, he does open fire on vehicles that are actively shooting at him indeed, and pancaking a few cars as well, which led to some of said vehicles exploding. Not exploding like full blown explosion with nothing left though. But when he's fighting hand to hand, he doesn't even attempt to kill them, when he very well could as easily, so I don't know if we're supposed to assume that the bad guys in the cars survived with some severe burns and traumas, or if they're dead indeed. I think this might need clarification from Snyder.

EDIT : actually there is one instance where batman has a gun (from another goon he's currently holding in a grip) pointed at the main henchman that has himself a flamethrower pointed at Martha Kent and was about to burn her alive. Batman then shoots the tank of propellant on the back of the guy. But once again, he could have shot him straight in the head instead, but didn't. Still killed him though.

Regarding the plot :
Well, yeah, it's pretty much what matthewdelacruz said, except Bruce doesn't want to kill Superman because of a nightmare, he wants to kill him because of the destruction that happened in MOS, and Luthor has been secretly fuelling his rage by sending him the notes like "you let your family die" and setting up Superman for stuff that makes him look bad ever since the end of MOS, 2 years ago in movie time. The nightmares are just a by-product of his hate, and also it seems Bruce is prone to weird dreams all together because he has more than one in the film.
There are however quite a few moments and things that you cannot have guessed from the trailers, and the first half of the movie does a pretty good job setting up the fight IMO, and the VS fight doesn't happen until late in the film. Before that it shows you how Bruce works as a detective in and out of the suit, and how Clark struggle with trying to do the good thing when he gets backlash every time he tries to help. And Luthor has a play in that backlash of course, actively setting him up to look bad more than once.
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Regarding the plot :
Well, yeah, it's pretty much what matthewdelacruz said, except Bruce doesn't want to kill Superman because of a nightmare, he wants to kill him because of the destruction that happened in MOS, and Luthor has been secretly fuelling his rage by sending him the notes like "you let your family die" and setting up Superman for stuff that makes him look bad ever since the end of MOS, 2 years ago in movie time. The nightmares are just a by-product of his hate, and also it seems Bruce is prone to weird dreams all together because he has more than one in the film.
There are however quite a few moments and things that you cannot have guessed from the trailers, and the first half of the movie does a pretty good job setting up the fight IMO, and the VS fight doesn't happen until late in the film. Before that it shows you how Bruce works as a detective in and out of the suit, and how Clark struggle with trying to do the good thing when he gets backlash every time he tries to help. And Luthor has a play in that backlash of course, actively setting him up to look bad more than once.

This caught my attention. I'm curious to see that kind of Lex Luthor.
Well he's not physically imposing and doesn't have this calm yet menacing vibe he traditionally has in other medias, but he's one smart manipulative grade A a-hole for sure.
I think the big question i want answered is....does this movie suck as much as man of steel?
If you tell me exactly what you didn't like about MOS I can tell you if they fixed it or not. I can already tell you that if you didn't like the way MOS is told, with jump cuts and all, this is worse. You go left and right in the story, without transition, so it's unsettling sometimes. Same with the dreams, you don't know they're dreams until Bruce wakes up. Although they're really weird, like real dreams sometimes are so you can guess at some point that you're not in the "real" anymore.

But, in the other hand, both fights take places away from civilians, superman doesn't kill anybody except for Doomsday but this version is a mindless beast, it doesn't talk and can't be reasoned with. Superman also [major spoiler !]
sacrifies himself twice for the sake of humanity. First he takes Doomsday into space, and the military decide to nuke them both. When superman sees the nuclear warhead approach, he grabs doomsday and maintain him right in the path of missile. This lead to a cool throwback to TDKR, you'll know what I'm talking about if you read it. And since that didn't work, he later decides to pick up the kryptonite spear that batman tried to use on him, and despite the fact that it weakens him, and makes him as vulnerable as a human, goes to stab doomsday in the heart while WW holds him in her lasso and Batman weakened him with a kryptonite gas grenade. But doomsday impales him in return on his bone spike, and Superman impales himself further to thrust the spear deeper, which killed both of them.
So Superman is pretty heroic in this movie, at the end at least, but he's seen in a montage earlier in the film saving people from floods, fires and whatnot, despite half to world bitching about everything he does and making himself doubt if he's doing the right thing.
See if Liea had her own death star and had to shoot through five planets to blow up the bad death star, maybe he would have a point.
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