Phantom of the Paradise "Voice Box?"


New Member
Greetings all,

After not getting to it for several years I finally watched Brian De Palma's Phantom of the Paradise.

I really liked the design of the costume. Especially the helmet. If anyone can point me to where to find a good replica please do.
I know there is a post on the forum from a few years ago. Current info would be helpful.

But more than the helmet/mask I found myself drawn to the "voice box" he gets from Swan to allow him to speak.

I kept trying to figure out what exactly "the box" was or might have been made from. I haven't come across any pictures of the prop itself, so I'm guessing this thing was lost or destroyed after the production.

At first glance it does seem like a piece of audio gear someone may have adapted.

If there are any audiophiles or gear heads out there that can identify this thing that'd be great.

RPF pic1.png

The fact that it lights up makes me whatever the box was got gutted so they could place the lights in there.

RPF pic2.pngRPF pic3.pngRPF pic4.png

Whatever it was is several inches thick as you can see from the side shot.

RPF pic5 side shot.png

I would love to recreate this thing. It's a relatively simple yet cool looking prop and one that hasn't gotten much attention.

Jack Fisk was the production designer on the film. Not sure if that helps or not.

I would love to build one that actually lights up when you speak. I guess I'd need some kind of voice activated circuit or something and wire that to LEDs? I know the effect on his voice was done in post for the film itself. But it would be fun to try and recreate. Any advice there would be appreciated as well.

Thanks for taking a look at this and good hunting!

Hehe that's awesome, I've been a long time fan of this movie and will always be :p

I think the member Clutch made a helmet a while ago... You can always try to contact him!

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure the box is something they might have made from scratch, or completely made for the movie...

Good luck on this xD
Helmet has been done by a few.

I think someone is still doing them hopefully another member will recall who they were
I kinda want to see this to be done too, I wish there were clearer pictures of it though, it's hard to really see the shape of the box and how the leds are place onto it :x
I kinda want to see this to be done too, I wish there were clearer pictures of it though, it's hard to really see the shape of the box and how the leds are place onto it :x

LED's? In 1974? Those are what we used to call incandescent light bulbs. :lol

It does look like some old 60's audio gear with lots of vent holes. so you could see the light.

I have a helmet always wanted to build a voice box.

...however, there are no led's in that prop.
but nowadays are different. led's are brighter since then and are now more commonly used in place of lightbulbs
I have spent a couple hours trying to find a suitable black vented enclosure online and haven't had any luck. I am going to scrounge at some local surplus shops and see what I find.

Now let's look at the controls. In the middle we have a standard red push switch and a silver toggle switch. Those I already have. On the left is the big knob. I may not be able to match it exactly but should be able to come close enough. What is that thing on the right supposed to be? A microphone?
Ok, so I now have FOUR voice changers on order. I will report back which one works best. I am also experimenting with repurposing an old smartphone and using an app, though there is a slight delay in the translation. The only app I have found so far that can work live through the headphone jack is RoboVox (Android). Everything else I have tried works either via record/playback or via the telephone. RoboVox isn't perfect, but the "Imperial" and "Shiver" voices are the closest. Saturday I go scrounging for a knob and an enclosure. The LED kit I mentioned above arrives this week. Still not sure what to do about that mysterious 4th object on the right, but I may just imitate it with a proper size grille.

I haven't looked at the costume yet. They switched back and forth between two capes in the film - black/silver and red with odd black collar, though the action figure has the black/silver cape. I might use a black/red cape I already have. The goal is to wear this to the Horror Ball in Portland on June 20. The voicebox is key!

I am still trying to find a suitable enclosure, but I have 3 of the 4 items from the top of the voicebox ready. The knob is not an exact match, but it will do. I still have no clue what that flat thing on the right side of the box is. Anybody?
From Prop Master Erik Nelson:

"I don't have any idea where the voicebox has gone off to. I hung on to it for several years, but it went with a couple of boxes of electronic miscellany to a special effects man who had a shop in Simi Valley - which no longer exists."


"The round flat mesh was merely some screen covered with an interesting "washer". Inside were batteries hooked to lights made to flash when he talked. A microphone under the mesh picked up the sound and activated the colored lights."
Look familiar?


It's the same model enclosure used in the film! The company has been making electronic enclosures since the 40s and this one is still available direct from the manufacturer. It's model C03 in gray. Some black spray paint and I'm in business!

LMB Heeger : Product Category Page : CO Series

Now the final key is the voice changer. I have the HyTechToyz deluxe Cyclon voice changer on order. I am hoping I can make that work because all of the under $30 voice changers have sucked royally.


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