Warhammer 40k Bolt Pistol


New Member
Hello! I'd like to share with you my first replica prop, a space marine bolt pistol from Warhammer 40000. Any feedback is welcome!

It's made from mostly MDF, styrene, and small nick-nacks i found around my place for knobs and such using a lot of methods i found on various prop blogs (and of course, here). I'm pleased with my first results and I would love to mold it. I've done exhausting amounts of research on silicone molding and I want to do either a two part block mold or a brush-on with a shell. It seems like it would take an incredibly expensive amount of silicone though. Does anyone know if the trial size (or two) of Smooth-On's Rebound 25 would be enough for this oversized "pistol"?
I'm not a mold expert just yet... Can't really help you there... But GREAT job on the Pistol. Very clean lines! :)
Don't think trial size or two will do, I moulded my carnifex pistol and used best part of 4 kilo of silicone for a two part mould, smooth ons is not readily available for me being in uk, but I use condensation cure silicone and was around £100 for 5kgs of the stuff.
Hope this helps.
Dam man nice build , how long did that take you ? Im new myself to the build scene and was abit rushed ( 3 days ) to get a sister of battle built for a friend of mine who wore it at supernova in Brisbane recently. Looking to build something that clean myself , here was my rushed jobs : ( ok about 5 days in total build with all the armour and guns :p ) 20170119_222819.jpg20170117_140259.jpg20170117_171757.jpg20170113_090050.jpg526066_10150791725223938_1472601340_nhg.jpgIMG_3520.JPG


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