Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

He choked a Gamorrean Guard just after he entered Jabba's palace, didn't he?

No one ever said that was a Dark Side power. They both can throw people with the Force, so there's no reason they couldn't both use choke. One of the only Force powers that Lucas definitively said was Dark Side was lightning. I should also point out that Luke only choked them until they passed out. Vader choked them to kill them.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That would have been absolutely ridiculous. What was Hamill thinking? So that would be how the OT would have ended if Hamill had his way? Luke turns evil same as his father, kills his father betrays his friends his mentors Yoda and Obi Wan the same Obi Wan who he oh so pined for when Vader cut him down? What would be his reason? I am just mad boo hoo nobody told me the absolute worst human being in the galaxy is my father.
His conversation with Leai...." there is still good in him have to turn him back to the good side then oh um yeah....murder him betray myself and everyone I love and destroy everything I fought and stood for.

Oh yippy yay great idea Hamill. I watched Mark's dinner for five and he just sounds ridiculous. Yeah let's just throw out everything that was good about the movies ecuase he wanted to look badass and playing the good guy is too easy? Isn't he the same guy who said in Star Wars A New Hope commentary that he went out and rallied the extras at the meal ceremony saying hey guys we just beat the bad guy and saved the universe.

Should he not want to put everything into portraying Luke and proclaiming himself a Jedi?

Really whatever is whatever and everyone's opinion is there own. Just pick one thing and stand for it. Stand for something or fall for everything.

Mark Hamill was convinced Luke would turn bad in ROTJ, he has said it in interviews countless times. He wanated Luke to kill Vader and put on the mask.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Or they could just rehash the same old s$&t.

The way I see it they want to make something fresh and exciting.Will I be sad if Luke turns dark. Hell yes,but I will definetly be glued to the screen til the very end.The emotional rollercoaster of drama will make for riveting viewing. And if he turns good at the end like Vader then the emotion that will bring will all the more be worth it.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

In my dream version, Luke would have died at the end of empire, witnessed by Leia. (Who would then become a Jedi)

It would have been the appropriate impetus that each of the characters needed to take down the empire in Jedi (that was missing from everyone except for Luke. )
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The problem with the PT, in part, was that the real SW fans are 40ish now, and the PT was too full of kiddy moments and unsophisticated dialogue and video game screen caps to really hold our grown up attention. We've grown, Star Wars should grow with us. I'm all in for a more mature sequel trilogy. Give me two ESBs and a ROTJ...I can take it!

Having said that, we're all nostalgia junkies. Wanting to feel like a kid again is our heroin. It's why we're here. So the sequels need to have grown with us enough for us to respect them as adults, but need to be innocent and whimsical enough to give us the warm fuzzies of nostalgia. I don't envy the writers. I think we all need to prepare ourselves: these won't make us feel the way the OT did, because we're not the people we were in 77-83. But hopefully they won't make us feel how the PT largely did: disappointed, bored and annoyed. I'm just looking for a solid trilogy of well crafted, fun, and thought provoking movies. I want to cheer, I want to cry, I want to feel a strong urge to buy kitschy memorabilia. But nobody working on this crew is magic. Nothing they do can make me 8 again. If you're looking for that, you're going to be let down.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The problem with the PT, in part, was that the real SW fans are 40ish now, and the PT was too full of kiddy moments and unsophisticated dialogue and video game screen caps to really hold our grown up attention. We've grown, Star Wars should grow with us. I'm all in for a more mature sequel trilogy. Give me two ESBs and a ROTJ...I can take it!

But my brother was 9 when TPM came out and loved the PT, so there is that….
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

How 'Star Wars Episode VII' Set Visitors Are Warned Not to Share Spoilers - Hollywood Reporter

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The problem with the PT, in part, was that the real SW fans are 40ish now, and the PT was too full of kiddy moments and unsophisticated dialogue and video game screen caps to really hold our grown up attention. We've grown, Star Wars should grow with us. I'm all in for a more mature sequel trilogy. Give me two ESBs and a ROTJ...I can take it!

Having said that, we're all nostalgia junkies. Wanting to feel like a kid again is our heroin. It's why we're here. So the sequels need to have grown with us enough for us to respect them as adults, but need to be innocent and whimsical enough to give us the warm fuzzies of nostalgia. I don't envy the writers. I think we all need to prepare ourselves: these won't make us feel the way the OT did, because we're not the people we were in 77-83. But hopefully they won't make us feel how the PT largely did: disappointed, bored and annoyed. I'm just looking for a solid trilogy of well crafted, fun, and thought provoking movies. I want to cheer, I want to cry, I want to feel a strong urge to buy kitschy memorabilia. But nobody working on this crew is magic. Nothing they do can make me 8 again. If you're looking for that, you're going to be let down.

So just because I'm not a particular age I'm a fake fan?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

No one ever said that was a Dark Side power. They both can throw people with the Force, so there's no reason they couldn't both use choke. One of the only Force powers that Lucas definitively said was Dark Side was lightning. I should also point out that Luke only choked them until they passed out. Vader choked them to kill them.

And who said that it was physical choking. Maybe Luke just "suggested" that they could not breathe, like being under water?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

So just because I'm not a particular age I'm a fake fan?

No no no, that's not how I meant that. Let me try again: the sequels should be trying to win over people who have been long time fans (and therefore are presumably older, as the last movie came out 9 years ago) instead of making a stab at gaining a new kiddie audience. They should be aimed at the adults who like SW, not trying to rope in five year olds. Of course SW fans can be any age and are, etc etc.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

No no no, that's not how I meant that. Let me try again: the sequels should be trying to win over people who have been long time fans (and therefore are presumably older, as the last movie came out 9 years ago) instead of making a stab at gaining a new kiddie audience. They should be aimed at the adults who like SW, not trying to rope in five year olds. Of course SW fans can be any age and are, etc etc.

fair enough ;)
I was 15 when Phantom Menace came out, 30 now and I concur with you :)
Just like when I was 15 I didn't want some goofy character named Jar-Jar running around making a mess(pun intended) of the film. I wanted more of the dark gritty fairy tale that the OT is. Not some high polished dumbed down cartoon network-ish film. For kids or what have you, make something like Lego Star Wars, SW Rebels or whatever. But make the real star wars films real star wars films. :) the tiny bit of SW7 leaks I have seen, it looks like JJ will deliver the goods :D
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

No no no, that's not how I meant that. Let me try again: the sequels should be trying to win over people who have been long time fans (and therefore are presumably older, as the last movie came out 9 years ago) instead of making a stab at gaining a new kiddie audience. They should be aimed at the adults who like SW, not trying to rope in five year olds. Of course SW fans can be any age and are, etc etc.

I don't think that is a creative instinct Disney is inclined to make.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I hate to give Disney credit, but how about the Winter Soldier? That was borderline subversive, and certainly dealt with grown up topics. The mouse has shown it has guts now and then...

What I mean is not that they are unwilling to make films like that, just that they will be more inclined to make new SW content directed to a new generation of fans. We have discussed this many times previously, but these films will likely appeal to older fans but we are not, and should not, be the target demographic.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

On the earlier posting about it being ridiculous for Luke to go Dark and turn on friends at the end of Jedi... I think, since it was early on in production, that the idea was Luke would give in to the dark side to defeat Vader, turn on the Emperor, then grab vaders mask and go full dark side... slicing his way out of the Death Star only to confront his friends where they would have to talk him back.

Think of it in terms of the Iron Giant...

The more I think of Dark Luke, the more I'm interested in the movie. We don't have a 70 year old George Lucas making these movies anymore, we have a guy who was a kid when star wars came out making them... One of our own making these movies... but one who KNOWS story structure... Luke going dark works if the story works, and I've been rewatching JJ movies lately, and this guy is the guy who can do it.

His mission impossible is probably the most enjoyable of the series. Real stakes, Urgency... He employs the "ticking clock" over and over, so there's always a sense of dread. Set-ups. Pay-offs. A villain who is threatening with only his words and demeanor.

As far as the demographic they're aiming for, I don't think it should ever be at kids... You don't get The Empire Strikes Back, aiming for kids. When I was a kid it was my least favorite of the trilogy. I loved Jedi, Empire seemed long and depressing to me. Now, of course, Empire is my favorite of the 3. So if you aim Star Wars only at kids now, you could potentially miss out on a future ESB.

I should also note that I was 8 when Jedi came out.. it flat out terrified me. If the Ewoks weren't in it, I would've been a wreck by the end. Not sure why everyone calls it a kiddie film. The Emperor, the rancor, the idea of the sarlac pit, Luke getting fried... it was intense for my young brain.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Luke is the last of the Jedi, and he, like us, at the end of the ROTJ actually knows very little about the Force ,his Father or the Sith. So it would be likely he would want to investigate the circumstances of his fathers fall from grace ,quite thoroughly. Particularly given the fact he was deceived by both Ben and Yoda. And that almost killed him.
And its here that the new trilogy could easily break new and interesting ground.
There are literally dozens of ways to draw Luke onto dangerous pathways. Perhaps at Vaders Palace/Castle , where his Father dwelt for so many years. The 2nd unit shoot in Iceland ,around the Krafla volcano could easily have been done to cover that, or for another unnamed place where the hidden Sith Chambers could exist.
Or ,in an effort to draw out whatever parties are moving to recreate the “Darth” order, perhaps Luke allows himself to “become” corrupted knowing he can be redeemed, and returned from the Darkside.
Perhaps the powerful ruling clans behind the Moffs and governors, were left a set of instructions by the Emperor on how to ressurect the Sith using artefacts and rituals that raise Sith “ghosts” that bind them to a living consciousness, as hinted in Episode III, rather than the benign Jedi presences of Yoda and all.
Is Daisy’s character actually Lukes daughter, born from a war time romance, yet Luke has deliberately isolated himself from her ,to protect her from unforeseen threats, such as the Inquisitors.
It would make sense that she looked somewhat like Leia, and is obviously far stronger in the Force than she was because she’s Lukes offspring (hence the three film deal). Perhaps the cast photo with Carrie Fisher talking to her is a brilliant piece of misdirection.
My point is, with just a little thought I can come up with dozens of interesting alternatives as to how the story plays out. Like a few people here I saw the original trilogy when it was first released back when I was just fourteen and I’ve shared an awful lot of time thinking about and talking about where I would want the series to go.
The prequels ,for what they were, were great entertainment for kids and they WERE hugely successful films. But not the stories. They lacked the elegant Shakespearean simplicity of the original trilogy, and they were grossly over loaded with complicated effects and poor characterizations.
The people involved in the making of this new trilogy know exactly what was wrong with the Prequels and what worked so brilliantly with the Originals.
They are planning a huge story arch to cover at least a decade, if not longer , of filming.
We are now in an age where franchises now span generations of fandom. Arguably that started with Star Trek as a TV series, but “Star Wars” is the granddaddy of them all. It started this huge trend in cinema and now look where it is potentially going. And I say that knowing that are now generations of people brought up on the SW Mythology who have watch it on cinema, video ,DVD and now on line.
I have every faith that that the powers that are will serve us well. They understand the tone S7 needs to strike, and it won't be for children. They wouldn't have hired JJ if it was. Look at the films he has done and tell me who would have been any better suited at that time.And if S7 doesn’t hit the mark perfectly for us old timers you can be damn sure the “Standalones” will. And their efforts so far on “Rebels” seem to show just how much they WANT the franchise to succeed , for all of us. They know what kids want, they know what the FANS want.
And from what we have seen so far, I really don’t think we have much to worry about. There are directors out there who are literally lining up to get an SW film made, because, they LIKE US, really ,really want to recreate that magic we all felt in a cinema such a long ,long time ago. And I think they will do it.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

It's really too bad that Anakin's turn was handled so poorly in the prequels... I wasn't sure HOW they would do it, but the way it happened just sucked.

When I was a kid, there was no real explanation for how giving into anger would turn you full on evil... I wondered why Luke wouldn't just give into anger, beat down Vader and Kill the emperor, then just calm down, and go about business with the rebellion... I didn't see why if he did it that way he would then start his quest to be the all evil ruler of the galaxy.

Then I saw "Temple of Doom" and watched Indy go evil and smack around short round. I figured THAT must be what it's like to go dark side... A jedi giving into anger and using hate was like drinking the blood of Kali... It just completely takes you over. It may have even been like when Indy was changing... you could fight it, but you were going to cross over, kicking and screaming.
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