Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Post-release)


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This is the post-release thread for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 with spoiler discussion.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Trailer 3 (Official) - YouTube



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Saw the movie this Wednesday......OMG !! what a good movie, Funny, great characters, Wonderful quotes. It's even better than the first one. Superb old music for the soundtrack. You will laugh out loud when watching it.
A rare miss for me from Marvel.
Some good to great set pieces and moments were largely drowned out benieth a suffocating tonnage of soapbox sentiment that would make a daytime TV serial blush.
Its like that second date after the first one went so well. All those personal issues start to surface, and the problem with this movie its a bit on a planetary scale and everyone seems to have an even bigger relationship crisis, like they were trying to beat each other playing top trumps. All you seemed to get on the screen at times were big heads (too many close ups) and yakity yak and it got boring very fast. The script often felt like it needed some serious doctoring, a number of jokes fell flat on their face or failed entirely and something about some of the effects work seemed a bit off at times and again too CGI heavy.
I rewatched the first GOTG last night for about the nth time and still loved it. This one ,not half as much.It pulls itself back a bit towards the end but everything that works so crisply and brilliantly in the first just seemed slightly out of sync , sometimes oddly paced and even clumsily copied and redone exactly again .
Dial your expectations down a notch. Its a 6/10 from me, and probably my least favorite Marvel film since Iron Man II and thats a bit of a surprise and disappointment. Many will probably like it , and like it alot, but mostly it just didn't do it for me. When others get to put in their feedback perhaps I'll understand better why . Still it had some strong moments,mainly with the Yondu / Groot/Rocket story which really saved it for me.

PS Its kind of like the difference between X Men Apocalypse and Days of Future Past only not quite as bad.

I do note that James Gunn wrote this by himself. The lack of Nicole Pearlman may explain the lack of a balanced structure to the story. I am pleased to note she got the Captain Marvel gig
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I saw this today, and while the reviews would have you believe this is not as good as the first one, they are wrong.

The ending of the first one is upbeat, triumphant, and the end of this is a little more empire strikes back, if empire had ended with a sad Cat Stevens song.

I'll give no spoilers, but if you dont already know, stick around for the 5 scenes during the credits, and other fun stuff in between those, including the new Hasslehof song.

I think the bittersweet ending is what is making reviewers give this 4 out of 5 stars, and it is quite the metaphorical punch to the stomach.

I saw the first one three times in the cinema, I am not sure I would with this, because the heart wrenching scene in the first one was at least at the beginning, and its harder to rewatch knowing its coming up towards the end.

That said I will probably watch the hell out of it on bluray.

Some of the songs are not as memorable, but even they might grow on me over time.
I liked it very much, but I would put it under the first one. Still one of the better Marvel though. It maybe was lacking structure indeed, not all the humour attempt work and some of them went on for a bit too long. It's all nitpicking though, I was smiling from start to finish, when I wasn't down right laughing !
Loved it. The opening fight with baby groot dancing is so funny. Drax is better in this one than the first (and he was great in that) You are still learning about the charscters which makes them more 3 dimensional. And just when you think its all done the credit sequencies are well worth waiting in the theatre for. Teenagae groot.....well...... yes.
I loved it,....not as much as Vol 1,....but still a cracker movie

Negative point out of he way is hard to put in these slower meaningful moments in movies without going overboard.....luckily in GotG,....they catch on & theres a lighthearted quip to bring you out of it,....but threre's maybe too many of these moments

Good things:
Great de-aging of Kurt Russell......flawless
Amazing CG
Great make-up.....all the alien beings looked believable,, even crystal
The Hoff......brilliant....he's this film's Kevin Bacon
The end battle.....extremely different

I noticed a dancing Jeff Goldblum dressed in his Thor Ragnarok garb in the end titles

Can't wait to see it again

Saw this on Saturday, and walked out with a big smile on my face, maybe not quite as big as the first time I saw GOTG but still enjoyed the ride. Bonus for me was spotting Ben Browder seems to have been working on his Gold Coast tan.(Aussies will get this)
Great movie, will be watching it again.
BTW, does Peter now understanding Groot at the end mean he retained a few things from his time as a god, or is it just hanging around with Groot for the few years to bring them back up to the same time frame as the rest of the MCU?

And if the latter, how do you learn a language when you only hear his words in your own anyway?
It was a good sequel... Not great, but I liked it a lot.

I mean, who could not love Baby Groot? He's soooooooo cute and funny. Yeah, they need to do a Baby Groot spin-off series or something. Hehehe.

Let's just say it's a wild & hilarious ride as expected.
Awesome film. I just saw it this evening with friends. We were laughing our asses off the whole time. Definitely a must-see again sometime soon.

I loved Drax's interaction with Mantis the whole time, so funny!!
Seen this twice now - opening night last thursday at midnight, so I was a little tired/easy to manipulate emotionally. And then on Tuesday.

Overall, entertaining film, with some great rollercoasters emotionally. Vibrant, awesome, laughs from start to finish, with more nuanced stuff inbetween.

However, I shouldnt have gone a second time so soon.

If I had to compare, this film is the Deadpool of the MCU - brilliant the first time, because it just hits note perfect. Once you've had the first taste though, you start looking for a bit more, and the cracks show a little.

I have to go with it not being overall as rewatchable as the first, but this film shouldnt be judged alone IMO. Very much like Raimi's Spiderman 1 and 2, both films make each other. They get better for being in sequence. First GotG is a solid foundation and the second fills in some emotional gaps and builds on almost everything positively.

That said, I could have done with a little less comedy at every turn, and would have liked to spend even more time with the characters at their truest, which is where the film goes at points.

Very enjoyable.
Just got back, and both my son and I really enjoyed this film. I have to say, for me..Yondu was the stand out of this one. I did enjoy Rocket, baby Groot, and especially the Drax/Mantis relationship.

It is always a treat to see Kurt Russell, and I enjoyed the brief cameos by the Hoff and Sly. Such a missed opportunity not to have Sly and Russell together, even briefly. My only criticism is he way it ended was definitely a downer, but I am still excited to see the Guardians back in Infinity War. Overall, I did enjoy this more than the first.
It was certainly good but not nearly as good as the first. Humor was there but story feel flat big time and sometimes the movie went a little too far. For example the pacman part
Saw it tonight. I was a little concerned that since they had such an unexpected (to me at least) home run with the first one that it would be hard to duplicate that. Well, I was compltely wrong. I went in expecting a just ok movie, but it was really great. It honestly felt as if they added more of everything that made the first one so awesome and they really pulled it off. Loved the humor, loved the action. I don't know if I'll see this one again right away, but I can tell its a movie I'll be able to watch over and over.
With all the reviews on here I stayed open minded and Yes I Loved the movie, deeper content, humor was great, a little more depth, all in all liked it as much as the first , but still love the entro of the first film the best... Saw it in IMAX 3D very nice P.S. it was shown as a double feature with the first Guardians. Way cool
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