My Prop collection

Wow, that's looking sooo good! One of my dream projects wich will probably never happen due to my limited budget!

What did you tell/offer YOUR misses to get her to let you buy all this???
Oh, wait... don't know if this is acceptable to write in a public forum though! ;)
My offer was to break in and promise to make her a (static) BB8, cause he´s "sooooo cute". :D
I assume we will have some fighting when both are ready and it comes to which one gets which display place. :lol

There are several ways to bring the costs down - making a styrene R2 is much cheaper, and not really that visible when painted and weathered. Or don´t go overboard with gadgets, keep it with some basic functions. Spreading buying parts over some time, and making stuff yourself helps too.

Check the international and also the german R2 boards, look what variants are there. I´m sure you will found that there are ways to make this dream come true.
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