e3 2014 mass effect 4 trailer

I had no intention of preordering it after 3 considering 2 of the clowns who drove the last game itno the ground worked on this one even if one left early on. I'll be buying it used in 6 months after it comes out or from the 19.00 bin at walmart. Bioware and Bungie are 2 companies that won't be getting my cash anymore on new products.

Check this out. Mac Walters actually streams this game on Twitch with level of animation to the characters' faces.

Also, look at how Peebee is holding her gun at 46:59.
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Ugh Mac Walters, he's one of the two EA shills that ruined the last game. I was looking at the "day one" edition which seems to be all that's for sale and nothing in it justifies being 70.00 when most other new games are 60.00 and especially when I can get special editions of RPGs new for 50.00 with cool stuff in them.
This is a nice dose of lore destroying mentality. In the Golden Worlds trailer, there is text along side the graphic of the Nexus that reads as such.

Charting the Andromeda Galaxy for habitable planets presents a unique challenge. Observation is limited by light, and given Andromeda's distance, any observations from the Milky Way are 2.5 million years out of date-enough time for a planet to have altered irrevocably.

Initial attempts to identify settlement sites were made by obtaining Asari astronomical surveys and running them through predictive models. But Jien Garson was unwilling to risk thousands of colonists without solid information.

Eventually, the Initiative obtained promising data from quarian explorers who claimed to have found a geth array on the fringes of the Perseus Veil. This array was supposedly built from three mass relays, using sensors in the combined relay corridor as a form of FTL "telescope" to observe dark space beyond the galactic rim. Why the geth expended so much effort to study dark space is not known.

Amongst these observations were near-contemporary surveys of Andromeda. When our predictive models confirmed them within an acceptable margin, the Initiative was able to begin identifying "golden worlds."

Yes. The Geth, a race of synthetics that were too busy attacking and blowing stuff up at this time, somehow managed to to locate and dismantle three whole Mass Relays, transport them across the galaxy without anyone but the Quarians noticing in order to build a freaking telescope with it. The Geth TOOK APART THREE MASS RELAYS.

The relays are made of an unknown but incredibly resilient material, the same material that the Citadel is built from, and are protected by a quantum shield that renders them nearly impervious to damage by locking their structure in place at the subatomic level.

What's the name of that trope where you have a story that makes a priority out of something supposedly important even though there is clearly something else going on that is far more important by comparison? This text pretty much told us that the Geth are capable of repurposing Mass Relays, our only practical method of traveling across the Milky Way in a short amount of time, and that's not cause for alarm?
You know, Jeyl, I was thinking something similar along this line of thought last night. The Geth were also the reason in the series as to why the whole galaxy reverted from near-infinite ammunition to cartridges again.

There was no real reason for this.

Even the game couldn't figure one out. When pushed, it will only go so far to answer "why?" with "because the Geth did it". This was another example where it was clear that the gameplay was altered to fall in line with its contemporaries and sacrificed the world-building and lore it had established to do it.

And let's not even bring up the whole set up of the galaxy ending due to the use of mass effect fields, again.
And let's not even bring up the whole set up of the galaxy ending due to the use of mass effect fields, again.

Thing is, if they stood by that story, we'd have a legitimate reason to want to go to Andromeda! The Reapers are defeated, but our galaxy is dying so we must leave. That would solve every single issue I have with this game's premise. We have a reason to go to Andromeda!

All this "We're explorers." jargon that they've been spoon feeding us is not a good enough reason to leave the Milky Way Galaxy. Humanity is still a new member of galactic civilization that there are still millions of humans alive in Mass Effect 3 who were around long enough to believe that there were no other life forms in the universe. The galaxy still has so much to explore. Even Sara Ryder was researching the Protheans before the Initiative. Why is she totally willing to abandon all of that just to go on a one-way trip to another galaxy?


Even just running from the Reapers would be good enough, but I don't think BioWare will touch one bit due to how much they love selling the game with the 'humanity is awesome because we're explorers' schtick. I would almost say that this feels like it should have been it's own IP instead of Mass Effect.
Yeah Mass Effect is good at nickle and diming with DLC, I don't mind DLC but when they had that one alien as DLC but he was already on the disc that was going too far. Everyone blamed EA for that but they're not that bad with any other franchise just like Bungie's behind most of the microtransactions in Destiny not Activision. I want to see how much of this game has had the history changed to fix what the writers, aka Mac, felt would work better. It's getting to be like Trek with so may retroactive canon changes.
Edit: Apparently last year Bioware shut down it's forums, it must never have recovered from 2012 when 3 hit and they literally shut it down for a day and purged half the posts. Probably did it just in case a crapstorm hits with the new game.
Yeah Mass Effect is good at nickle and diming with DLC, I don't mind DLC but when they had that one alien as DLC but he was already on the disc that was going too far. Everyone blamed EA for that but they're not that bad with any other franchise just like Bungie's behind most of the microtransactions in Destiny not Activision. I want to see how much of this game has had the history changed to fix what the writers, aka Mac, felt would work better. It's getting to be like Trek with so may retroactive canon changes.
Edit: Apparently last year Bioware shut down it's forums, it must never have recovered from 2012 when 3 hit and they literally shut it down for a day and purged half the posts. Probably did it just in case a crapstorm hits with the new game.

They don't deserve anyone's well earned money.

EA has "released" DLC that are found on the actual game disc dozen of times for over a decade. It's nothing new.
True. At least Capcom learned from their DLC mess when they tried to sell the real endings of a game as the ones in game weren't the final endings. Though it seems with the last Marvel Vs Capcom they didn't learn well enough. Honestly with the way the game industry is going I'm glad I dropped out of art school, even if i did end up paying for it over 10 years, as I couldn't in good conscience work for companies like this. It's also why I try and help out new companies on kickstarter or moderate sized ones so they can get a foothold and get past all the gaming snobs who hate indie companies.

Behold a Mass effect guide that costs as much as the damned game: https://www.amazon.com/Mass-Effect-...rd_wg=aI4xe&psc=1&refRID=N4A2YYSRTSJXTHWBYW56
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I'm sorry, the Initiative did WHAT?!

Gene therapy over the course of 600 years WHILE IN STASIS! Forgetting the tiny fact that being in Stasis shouldn't allow anything to happen to your body, but the established history of Mass Effect made the point that the Genophage attacks every cell in the Krogan to specifically fight off gene therapy! This is why the Genophage was destructive to the Krogan! And now this one clan just happens to have a mutation that is resistant to the Genophage and can be enhanced by therapy while you're an ice cube?

And how could any Solarian or Turian allow this sort of thing to just happen? One of the big plot points in ME3 was that the Solarians would back out of helping everyone saving the galaxy if the Krogan were cured of the Genophage. and now they're all fine and dandy with toning down the Genophage?

BioWare, I know this game is fictional and all, but I can't take you seriously if you keep breaking your own rules.
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That video reminded me how bummed I was the first time to see that the females of these alien races are almost indistinguishable from the males, beyond having just slimmer features.
Is it me or do the character models look a bit bland and off? That's the most boring looking Krogan ever and that Assari that's on the ship looks really weird in the previews.
Is it me or do the character models look a bit bland and off? That's the most boring looking Krogan ever and that Assari that's on the ship looks really weird in the previews.

Wait until you see the humans. Judging from this one picture alone, how would you describe her emotional state?


Shocked or pleasantly surprised? Not really. This is actually supposed to be her angry face since she is currently arguing with your Ryder character. Other than that, I think another big issue seems to be with the eyes. They're completely emotionless and have a very fake look to them. Like they're wearing blatantly fake contact lenses. The irises have no transparency to them.

Unfortunately it gets worse when you see these faces animated. Take a good look at Squirrel Girl's face here for example.


Now see how much her facial emotions change at 7:47 in this clip where she's actually animated.

There is next to zero facial movement above her mouth, her eyes are looking in the wrong direction and her head is as still as a statue.


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I'm sorry, the Initiative did WHAT?!


Gene therapy over the course of 600 years WHILE IN STASIS! Forgetting the tiny fact that being in Stasis shouldn't allow anything to happen to your body, but the established history of Mass Effect made the point that the Genophage attacks every cell in the Krogan to specifically fight off gene therapy! This is why the Genophage was destructive to the Krogan! And now this one clan just happens to have a mutation that is resistant to the Genophage and can be enhanced by therapy while you're an ice cube?

And how could any Solarian or Turian allow this sort of thing to just happen? One of the big plot points in ME3 was that the Solarians would back out of helping everyone saving the galaxy if the Krogan were cured of the Genophage. and now they're all fine and dandy with toning down the Genophage?

BioWare, I know this game is fictional and all, but I can't take you seriously if you keep breaking your own rules.

Hahahahahaha :lol :facepalm

The more we learn of this game the more sad/funny/pathetic it gets :facepalm
There is no verisimilitude at all. Breaking their own rules at every turn. Did they even play the previous games? Read any of Drew's books?
Jeyl they both look like they just crapped their pants, honestly.
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Oh, what the heck. Let's have an animation montage.

But please, don't let knowing what's about to happen ruin the mood. Let the expressions do that for you.

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Drew did his best not to bad mouth them during ME3 as apparently he didn't want to burn a bridge that they lit themselves but I guarantee he's shaking his head in disgust. I love that the small game company that made Zero dawn got ton of facial animation but Bioware that has the backing of EA can't be bothered. They look like the white trash druggies I see stumbling around my therapist's office once a month. Edit: that one with the lipstick looks like one of the screwed up custom characters people make for Saints Row as a joke lol
Here's a line I caught in a stream a few minutes ago.

"No one's a pathfinder, until they've path found."

I think we should have that as our slogan.

"No one's a replica prop builder, until they've built replica prop."
Sadly this is why I hate when games have more than one writer for dialogue, it's all over the place from good to so so to cringe causing. This game is getting hammered all over youtube and the net, sadly it's still going to be a hit as there are always fanboys who will buy it just because. That's how Destiny's stayed alive and even as broken as it is they're already vowing to buy the sequel. I'm half tempted to break open Inquisition and see how it is but i gotta get some dlc cash first.
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