Deagostini Falcon. Anyone seen this?

Please check out the "running engine" lights set for deAgostini Millennium Falcon. Each set consists of 11 Neopixel RGB super bright LEDs attached to Trinket Pro - Arduino compatible controller board. The controller gradually independently changes brightness of each LED creating a look of "in-flight" mode.

Once the power is supplied to the board, the controller goes through a "start-up" sequence turning on the LEDs one by one and then switches to "in-flight" mode that runs indefinitely, until the power is turned off.

No modification of any existing wiring or parts is required. The LED strips connect the same way the stock LED strips are connected to the circuit board of the ship.
If you are planning to use this for any other model, any power source from 6v to 12v will work. The controller also has protection from reversed polarity.

Please note, you need 2 sets for deAgostini Falcon and Hasbro Falcon. You might be able to use just one set for 1/72 and 1/44 versions of the ship. The LED strip can be cut to length if needed.

This is how the set looks like:


The lit LED strip attached to the housing:


Startup sequence (looks better in person):


Please note there is 2 seconds delay after the "power" botton is pressed and before that LEDs start to turn on.

Example of the lights set in Hasbro Hero conversion:


Please visit the project runs section for more info and ordering:


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UPDATE: There is a concern about a light gap in between the two housings for the engine LEDs, so I have updated the "Running Engine" LED strips I am offering with 1 more LED making it 12 total per strip. You can see the strip is overlapping with the edges of the housings. You can either file down the edges of the housings, or if you don't want to make any changes into the parts of your Millennium Falcon, you can cut off with scissors one LED from each strip.



For more info please visit this thread
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It was advertised as a model that came with PRE-PAINTED hull parts. Where does it say it does not need painting? The initial advertisement said you could leave it as it came or you could take it to the next level and paint and detail as you wish. In fact the company provided some instructional videos!!! They never said it didnt need painting....Who ever has been saying that is wrong or has failed to comprehend the model's description. The assembly may not be snap tite level but certainly is NOT the most complex model ever to come as a kit. The advertisement was CLEAR enough, but if the person failed to apply some simple logic and common sense he/she developed a false expectation its not anybody's fault. The complains sometimes come as hysterical and sometimes absurd. Its almost as if some here expected a snap tite level model basically almost half completed.... The truth is that as it is now its the best, most detailed model kit available that is also the best bang for your buck. No model is perfect and if you are truly a model builder with enough experience will know this to be true. I will just look away from this thread since the level of dramatics is getting, quite frankly, ridiculous. I have better things to do, like working on my models, than continue to discuss this nonsense.

I think that overall this is a great kit, and the closest we've ever come to an out of the box studio scale model kit. I'm going to get the last four issues next month then I'll be done with getting the kit. There have been several builds that are out of the box that look great, as well as other build threads that add more detail, paint, and weathering to take it to the next level. There are plenty of part maps out there so if you want to add more detail you can. Ktaylors build thread is a perfect example of that. He's not adding every little part to it, but just enough to bring it that much closer to the real deal. Just giving a decent paint and weathering job will make it pop. The point is you can do as little as you want to it or go all out. It's your model that you bought and paid for, so make it the way you would like it to be. We're doing this because it's a hobby, and it's supposed to be fun, enjoyable, and bring a sense of accomplishment when you finish.
Just a quick lookup of DeAgostini's advertising (in this case, their "Series Guide" which came with the first 4 issues, bolding emphasis mine):

-"Just like the prop from The Empire Strikes Back"
-"Your model is an authentic, official replica of the original filming prop, built to the same scale, with all the external details seen on screen."
-"Pre-painted parts ensure an authentic appearance, but you can choose to add your own detailing
-"Hull parts are supplied pre-finished, but expert modellers can apply their own battle scars and other touches to add extra authenticity and personalize the model."


I was not going to post again about this because it seemed to have gone away, but since it was brought up again, I'll say this. When I got the final month a few weeks ago and flipped through the booklets, I was struck by the images of the complete final and real DeAgo kit (not images of the MR, as many have suggested). I don't recall seeing any of those pics before that last month. But simply compare those images with the language above. "Pre-painted parts ensure and authentic appearance"? Clearly, there are those who if they had seen those pictures next to that purchase price, they would have had second thoughts. And DeAgo probably knew that, too.

Mike Todd
The naysayers have some valid points to be made. Could DeAgostini have done a better job? Absolutely. Could they have done a worse job? Absolutely. But one thing that they did do, is allow seasoned and even new modellers a chance to make a Studio Scale Replica of probably one of the most iconic ships in Science Fiction. Other than a resin model, ( which more than likely would have had sagging or pinhole issues and the detail would have been mostly moulded in ) there isn't another kit as detailed as this anywhere. We're lucky that DeAgostini decided to release this. I think back to the days when when I first heard about them releasing this as a test...I though that it would never happen. Amazingly it did. I hope they continue and release a X, Y and TIE in the future.

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I can understand the critisism about missing parts or inaccuracy, but the painting? Come on guys, it's a model kit! Be pleased that you don't have to stripp the factory paint off of each part!
Taz hit the nail on the head. This might come off a little crass, but this is not a a snap tight kit for $12 at the local five and dime. I have no sympathy for the folks who do not have the talent to paint but want to drop down big coin for an expert kit. This is the big leagues....better bring your A game.

With that said, a novice could assemble this thing and display it proudly. And thats a good thing. But for the rest of us, come on.......A STUDIO SCALE MF AT THIS PRICE????? You can make this thing as accurate as money and time allows. Its the perfect platform.
Exactly, it's not a $12 kit, it's a $1,500 kit plus and then plus some more for most of us. With over 4 million kits sold(if I read the Disney award info correctly) I can't help but think that there is a very good percentage of that that doesn't build models as a hobby. While I personally don't care I will say that I think it was not necessarily a good decision to skip pre painting a lot of the off colored panels to save a little on manufacturing. Cheap falcon kits probably at least give you the decals. The more the mainstream is happy with the kit, the more that will buy the next one. The higher the sales the more kits... The mainstream doesn't care about the accuracy, just how it looks. Hey, maybe I'm wrong and there are 4 million of us out there with that kind of money. Either way I'm impatiently awaiting their next kit(I really hope r2 isn't all we get for 2 years as I have no interest in that).
Over 4 million kits sold??? That's crazy. From just a handful scratch build to more than 4 millions. Well I'm happy with the kit, nothing that can't be fixed and I get the chance to make my own decisions and interpretations. My goal is a model that looks good to the eye rather than 100% SA
I actually thought the same thing with regards to the 4 million but the way it's worded is a little strange which is why I put the disclaimer in. Something like 4 million units delivered as 100 packs... 4 million issues are still an extremely successful product that must have a good percentage of mainstream. I also don't know how many more countries they will try and reach, I'm more than happy to admit I'm wrong. I personally think that they priced it as a niche product whose sales far exceeded what the expected. Shipping probably costs them way more than then the actual packs. The other thing that i have no idea about is magazine distribution and how low they sell it to the stand. In America you could say 1,500 per 100 issues and at 4 million sold is 60 million but how do adjust for magazine sales. At any rate my point was that if they put the picture in issue 100 on their website it would most likely impact sales and that pre-painting the off colored panels would have long term been in their best interest. I remember but can't find an early video with Steve where he talked about how the pre-painted deagostini would be even better than the mr one because the paint job could be controlled more and wasn't up to how the painter felt that day.
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