Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Post-release)

Out and about and groups, my current girlfriend we were both at a stoplight, her in her car, and me on my Bike, and she looked over and revved her Jetta asked her if it was a stick and she said hell yeah told her I would race her to the Starbucks a block away and loser buys! :lol

Now enough about Apollos adventures in dating and back to your regularly scheduled thread!!

Do you just go out there and do it, or do you go through groups? Like, how do you actually talk to a girl when she is doing either of those?
i have a good friend who saw it in many many times back in the 70s. he reminded me back then there was no home movies, so your local small theater would play the movies over and over.
I only saw Star Wars a few times during it's initial run, but I saw Jaws 11 times during it's first week in theaters. The first time was with my older brother, and I liked it so much I went to the local theater five days in a row, and sat through it twice each time. This, of course, was back in the days when you could do that. Besides, they were only charging 54¢ to get in. Ahh, those were the days. :D

...could you imagine living with out video tapes? growing up in the 80s we didnt have cable, and had only a handful of movie tapes we just watched over and over until they demagnetized lol
I don't have to imagine it, and I'll take it a couple of steps further. We had only a black and white TV in our house until I was 10 years old. And only seven channels. Imagine that. :lol
Hey Gang,

R1 is $19M away from the $500M mark! Let's all go out this weekend and enjoy the movie once again! :)

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Hey T,

Seeing the OT (despecialized version) on the big screen would be awesome! I hope you / we get that chance sooner than later!

Would LOVE to see Mike Verta's restoration work on the big screen :love

I checked yesterday and R1 will at least be screening where I live for another week, more $$$ = more happy Disney executives = more quality star wars films(hopefully) :D

I've only seen Rogue One once so far, but I'd like to go again. The OT is really a sight to behold on the big screen. If you ever get a chance do not miss it!

I had planned to go see the "originals" in 3D, but those got scrapped :( even those would have been better than not getting to see them at all :unsure
I don't have to imagine it, and I'll take it a couple of steps further. We had only a black and white TV in our house until I was 10 years old. And only seven channels. Imagine that. :lol

Seven? Here in Sweden we only had TWO channels up until the launch of the third on Dec 31st 1987!
Which I don't really remember all that well, I was just 3 years old :p
I wiil be celebrating my 56 th Birthday this year with my 24 year old girlfriend all our friends always agree she is the mature one

Age is nothing more than a number and a mindset.

I've got to go along with Snikt on this one. You my friend, are THE MAN!! Damnation, I'm 51 and you have brought hope back into my world!! Keep on rocking!!!
Out and about and groups, my current girlfriend we were both at a stoplight, her in her car, and me on my Bike, and she looked over and revved her Jetta asked her if it was a stick and she said hell yeah told her I would race her to the Starbucks a block away and loser buys! :lol

Now enough about Apollos adventures in dating and back to your regularly scheduled thread!!

if only it where that simple. but i don't have height on my side, or a beard, and even when i was thinner no one cared to bother :)
Chicks love old guys on fast bikes. :)


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Have you tried online dating? It sounds kind of pathetic but it actually works and is a really good option if you're finding it difficult to meet women the old fashioned way. Now a days they even have specialized dating sites including ones for geeks like us.
I've tried online dating and I liked it. It's one way to date outside of your social-circle/geographic region and meet folks you couldn't otherwise bump into. It's a great resource if you're not liking the kind of folks you've been meeting in public circles.

Unfortunately my friend, I have. The free ones, the paid ones, even the geek ones. There are so many fake profiles though. I have no problem with online dating, my last 2 relationships came from it. But now, its crazy, everyone is SO FLAKEY. Ill be talking to a girl, then all of a sudden nothing. There is even a term for it: ghosting. Im also the only one in my friend group that is single too, so thats also a bummer. Maybe I should move...

The only geek one I saw was geek2geek and that was mostly a scam. Are there better ones out there that I dont know of? Also, thanks for commenting on my plight. :thumbsup
The greatest hurdle to face with online dating, especially the popular free ones, is that you have to accept that the odds ratio run completely against a single male. (For purposes of this discussion I will assume you're a cis-hetero male looking for a female) It's probably, like, 200 men for every female member browsing profiles. As they always say, with those odds, your profile has to seem interesting in some way or very specific about your interests so as to keep someone scanning your profile from skipping to the next guy. It's tough. The other thing is that your odds are best if you quickly contact folks with brand new profiles because a hetero female is going to get about 70 messages in their first week. Get in early. Also don't be overly focused on the photo or stats unless there are absolute deal-breakers - I will tell you that some folks don't photograph well or just posted a lousy picture but were quite attractive IRL. Accept the fact that you will have a low batting average and, of the folks you meet, there will be some complete lunatics. Contact a lot of folks - don't just place your bets on 1-3 profiles. And, if you send a message, don't simply send a standardized cover letter you crafted - those are obvious and get flushed fast. Make each message specific to the person you're contacting. Yes, it's a lot of work.

Then there are sights like eHarmony which are based on matching by personality quiz. These are definitely worth looking into because the secret of the "algorithm" based sites is that they even the playing field for men and women. Those sights benefit men over the meat market sites (=96% of sites). For some women it offers a safe way to delve into online dating without exposing their profile to a world of potential creeps. The folks you contact through this site are not likely to see you as a potential stalker right off the bat because you've been objectively "matched" by an independent body. Whereas with the common free sites you really have to work to gain someone's trust. The algorithm-based sites break the ice for you by being a screening tool. When I was still dating eHarmony got me dates with some really cool folks. All the crazies with bizarre baggage I ever dated were through the free sites.
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Unfortunately my friend, I have. The free ones, the paid ones, even the geek ones. There are so many fake profiles though. I have no problem with online dating, my last 2 relationships came from it. But now, its crazy, everyone is SO FLAKEY. Ill be talking to a girl, then all of a sudden nothing. There is even a term for it: ghosting. Im also the only one in my friend group that is single too, so thats also a bummer. Maybe I should move...

The only geek one I saw was geek2geek and that was mostly a scam. Are there better ones out there that I dont know of? Also, thanks for commenting on my plight. :thumbsup

like i said, we should start a datingthread so as not to derail this one, but welcome to my world.

only in my case, after sending out a few notes over the course of a year, both pay sites and not , and mostly short ones, so as not to scare them away with a book..not one wrote back.
not that i blame them.

you see this mess coming at you, it won't even be a last chance desperation choice...
I've tried online dating and I liked it. It's one way to date outside of your social-circle/geographic region and meet folks you couldn't otherwise bump into. It's a great resource if you're not liking the kind of folks you've been meeting in public circles.

The greatest hurdle to face with online dating, especially the popular free ones, is that you have to accept that the odds ratio run completely against a single male. (For purposes of this discussion I will assume you're a cis-hetero male looking for a female) It's probably, like, 200 men for every female member browsing profiles. As they always say, with those odds, your profile has to seem interesting in some way or very specific about your interests so as to keep someone scanning your profile from skipping to the next guy. It's tough. The other thing is that your odds are best if you quickly contact folks with brand new profiles because a hetero female is going to get about 70 messages in their first week. Get in early. Also don't be overly focused on the photo or stats unless there are absolute deal-breakers - I will tell you that some folks don't photograph well or just posted a lousy picture but were quite attractive IRL. Accept the fact that you will have a low batting average and, of the folks you meet, there will be some complete lunatics. Contact a lot of folks - don't just place your bets on 1-3 profiles. And, if you send a message, don't simply send a standardized cover letter you crafted - those are obvious and get flushed fast. Make each message specific to the person you're contacting. Yes, it's a lot of work.

Then there are sights like eHarmony which are based on matching by personality quiz. These are definitely worth looking into because the secret of the "algorithm" based sites is that they even the playing field for men and women. Those sights benefit men over the meat market sites (=96% of sites). For some women it offers a safe way to delve into online dating without exposing their profile to a world of potential creeps. The folks you contact through this site are not likely to see you as a potential stalker right off the bat because you've been objectively "matched" by an independent body. Whereas with the common free sites you really have to work to gain someone's trust. The algorithm-based sites break the ice for you by being a screening tool. When I was still dating eHarmony got me dates with some really cool folks. All the crazies with bizarre baggage I ever dated were through the free sites.
Thanks man, thats what Riceball was telling me. Basically I have expeirenced everything that you said, down to a T, and I find your insight welcomed and knowledgable. You guys sold me. I think Im going to look into eHarmony! I was hesitant to try that one, because I thought it was for older people(upwards of 40's) so I didnt give it a go. Its funny, everything you explained, down to every minute detail, is so accurate, its insane. And here I thought it was just me that stuff was happening to. I have cast a wide net though, and only got a few nibbles. I appreciate everything you said though, thank you. :)
I've tried online dating and I liked it. It's one way to date outside of your social-circle/geographic region and meet folks you couldn't otherwise bump into. It's a great resource if you're not liking the kind of folks you've been meeting in public circles.

The greatest hurdle to face with online dating, especially the popular free ones, is that you have to accept that the odds ratio run completely against a single male. (For purposes of this discussion I will assume you're a cis-hetero male looking for a female) It's probably, like, 200 men for every female member browsing profiles. As they always say, with those odds, your profile has to seem interesting in some way or very specific about your interests so as to keep someone scanning your profile from skipping to the next guy. It's tough. The other thing is that your odds are best if you quickly contact folks with brand new profiles because a hetero female is going to get about 70 messages in their first week. Get in early. Also don't be overly focused on the photo or stats unless there are absolute deal-breakers - I will tell you that some folks don't photograph well or just posted a lousy picture but were quite attractive IRL. Accept the fact that you will have a low batting average and, of the folks you meet, there will be some complete lunatics. Contact a lot of folks - don't just place your bets on 1-3 profiles. And, if you send a message, don't simply send a standardized cover letter you crafted - those are obvious and get flushed fast. Make each message specific to the person you're contacting. Yes, it's a lot of work.

Then there are sights like eHarmony which are based on matching by personality quiz. These are definitely worth looking into because the secret of the "algorithm" based sites is that they even the playing field for men and women. Those sights benefit men over the meat market sites (=96% of sites). For some women it offers a safe way to delve into online dating without exposing their profile to a world of potential creeps. The folks you contact through this site are not likely to see you as a potential stalker right off the bat because you've been objectively "matched" by an independent body. Whereas with the common free sites you really have to work to gain someone's trust. The algorithm-based sites break the ice for you by being a screening tool. When I was still dating eHarmony got me dates with some really cool folks. All the crazies with bizarre baggage I ever dated were through the free sites.

well, that explains alot. i guess if you get 500 messages a day, being one of the few women on a dating site, males aren't likely to get a response unless you look like a 6 pack

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Thanks man, thats what Riceball was telling me. Basically I have expeirenced everything that you said, down to a T, and I find your insight welcomed and knowledgable. You guys sold me. I think Im going to look into eHarmony! I was hesitant to try that one, because I thought it was for older people(upwards of 40's) so I didnt give it a go. Its funny, everything you explained, down to every minute detail, is so accurate, its insane. And here I thought it was just me that stuff was happening to. I have cast a wide net though, and only got a few nibbles. I appreciate everything you said though, thank you. :)

just be warned that the survey takes something like 5 minutes. i think at this stage i'd rather be setup by friends. one or two threaten to do it but it never happens.
and most of the people i know are married friends.
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