Star Trek Continues

I have a couple thoughts on Continues... It is very well done. And because of that, I'd love to see them tackle the animated episodes, using the longer versions of the stories in Alan Dean Foster's "Star Trek Log" series to work from. There were some good stories in there, hampered by a 20-minute run time and the 1970s. I could care less what Gene said about their "official" standing in later years. He liked them at the time, they were solid for their day, there's good Trek in there, many of the authors and other production staff carried over from TOS, and Gene had been largely absent from TOS for the third season, anyway. The only episode I'd say should be omitted would be "The Slaver Weapon" because it has too much from Niven's "Known Space" setting.

Because the five-year mission was completed. Rack up the stardates (how production staff originally treated them, not the b.s. non-explanation Gene pulled out of thin air at a convention, rather than just acknowledge that the episodes were aired out of order and a few goofs occurred). "Mudd's Women" is within the same month as "Where No Man...", just over a year after Kirk took command of the Enterprise. They add up over the three live and two animated seasons to a little over six years in command of the Enterprise. Little continuity problem with the films, though, as The Powers That Be had changed their minds about how stardates work (or rather, they'd abandoned the old way and not replaced it with anything other than "it should be higher than the last one we saw").

Oh, and the environment-simulation rec room in TAS isn't a holodeck, per se. The lighting and environmental settings change to suit what's being projected on the walls, but it's nowhere near as immersive as in TNG.

I am seriously liking how they're not directly tacking random episodes on set after "Turnabout Intruder" so much as adding flavor to existing original episodes by showing the aftermath -- something that was anathema to the model of syndicated television. I think of all the people tackling Trek right now, these guys "get it" more than most -- certainly more than the current rights-holders.

Well if they are trying to make an under the radar campaign ad fan film hybrid I think that blows, whoever the candidate may be I don't care.

That's BS in my book.
Well if they are trying to make an under the radar campaign ad fan film hybrid I think that blows, whoever the candidate may be I don't care.

That's BS in my book.

It may just have been my interpretation, and that's not what they were going for at all.
On the surface, it's social commentary, and relevant.
Wouldn't be the first time Star Trek dabbled in social commentary.
Did you watch the episode?
If it is, not one member of the production has ever mentioned it within my earshot.

And even if it is, it can be taken either anti-Hilary or pro. One could walk away with "yeah, time for a female prez like her", or "maybe it's time, but not HER!".

It's up to the viewer's interpretation, which is how it should be.
"Embracing the Winds" is my least favorite STC episode. I still enjoyed it, though, as I'm a huge fan of Vic's series. But I felt like the pacing of this one was off. Too slow. I think it could've been edited more crisply. Several of the shots were held too long, causing them to lose their impact, and slow their respective scenes down. I never noticed anything like this in the previous episodes, so when it happened in ETW, it was conspicuous.

But hey, I'm nitpicking. lol I still love the Star Trek Continues! And Vic and his crew do so much right in each episode it's incredible!

Does anyone know if they're working on an eighth episode?

The Wook
Due to the rocky state of the ST fanfilm world, I try not to publicly say anything the producers haven't said already--they don't need me blabbing all over. So--- Vic said on a recent podcast interview that the remaining episodes have already been funded by donations (mostly the last indiegogo campaign, but large private ones, too), and he would hope CBS would not prevent STC from providing what the donors paid for. Those episodes would wrap up STC, there are no plans beyond them. No more crowdfunding!
Due to the rocky state of the ST fanfilm world, I try not to publicly say anything the producers haven't said already--they don't need me blabbing all over. So--- Vic said on a recent podcast interview that the remaining episodes have already been funded by donations (mostly the last indiegogo campaign, but large private ones, too), and he would hope CBS would not prevent STC from providing what the donors paid for. Those episodes would wrap up STC, there are no plans beyond them. No more crowdfunding!


When you say, "the remaining episodes", how many episodes we talkin' about here? And are one or more of them currently in production or post?

The Wook
STC facebook page:

The announcement you've all been waiting for! At the beginning of
2016, STAR TREK CONTINUES ran a successful fundraising campaign to
produce the final episodes of our fan series. As promised, we've spent
your hard-earned donations to our non-profit production company exactly
as we said we would, and have been working around-the-clock to finish
our final four episodes as quickly as possible.
Episodes 9, 10, and 11 are still in post-production, and will be released throughout
the year as they are completed. Episode 8 -- "Still Treads the Shadow"
-- guest-stars Rekha Sharma ("Battlestar Galactica") and will premiere
at Fan Expo Dallas on Saturday, April 1!

We have even more amazing guest stars in these last episodes,
culminating in a thrilling series finale by acclaimed science fiction
author Robert J. Sawyer.
We want to thank each of you for your
patience while we've been busy, and also for your support and
encouragement throughout our run. It is our sincere pleasure to be
bringing a conclusion to our beloved original series of "Star Trek" at
long last. LLAP


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A shame it's coming to a close but I'm glad that at least they've been permitted to finish up this "season".

Congrats to the Continues cast & crew, you guys had/have something really special here!
Episode 8 is up!

edit: the link is correct but was displaying broken. remove the space after the double backslash.

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Wow! Excellent story.

Vic and crew just keep cranking out wonderful, classic Trek episodes! These are so satifying to real Trek lovers. It's simply amazing that they can accomplish this level of quality with what little resources they have at their disposal, compared to the modern attempts backed by big money.

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