star trek enterprise - fifteen years later

Hhm, I actually gave up on the series after the first season. But if it is on Netflix, maybe I'll give it another try. Sometimes I like stuff like this better on second viewing, when I can just accept it, instead of wondering how it competes with the other series.
Just make sure to watch Season 2, episode 2 :p don't read what it's about just watch it ;)
That was my concern when I first heard about the show and it's premise--it sounded like Star Trek in a space-bound shopping mall, and the few episodes I watched pretty much confirmed that.

A number of Trek fans have suggested I give it another chance, and even admitted it took a while to "find it's legs", but at this point I really don't care enough about it to do that.

Once you get into the characters, it does have it's emotional moments.

The Stupid Dax Death not withstanding.

One particular one was a group shot in a comedy episode about a holodeck bank robbery. you see this slow mo shot of all these future guys in 1960s tuxes and dresses walking down the alien station in a slow mo mode, and i remember thinking at the time, 'yep, this is the end of another era'...

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Would that maybe be the one where the Vulcan chick is half naked in the decontamination thing? I think I did get that far.

there was sadly more than one. her tension point massage therapy of trip was just as bad.

that's why I never find women like jolene interesting. they get hired on their looks rather than their talent.

Give me a Hoshi any day of the week ;o).
Can't wait to eventually see it, hopefully :unsure

it's on netflix. but warning, it starts off very slow.

I'd say skip to season 5, where I came back on when i heard an episode written by a fan managed to get made. where the crew finds a planet of their descendants in the Gamma Quadrant..
Once you get into the characters, it does have it's emotional moments.

The Stupid Dax Death not withstanding.

One particular one was a group shot in a comedy episode about a holodeck bank robbery. you see this slow mo shot of all these future guys in 1960s tuxes and dresses walking down the alien station in a slow mo mode, and i remember thinking at the time, 'yep, this is the end of another era'...

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there was sadly more than one. her tension point massage therapy of trip was just as bad.

that's why I never find women like jolene interesting. they get hired on their looks rather than their talent.

Give me a Hoshi any day of the week ;o).
Her sex appeal was totally misused on the show. She was a great actress and an excellent vulcan (And from my understanding, a lifelong trek fan)

As awful as those massage scenes were, the actors did great by them. And they laid the groundwork for a pretty fantastic relationship
it's on netflix. but warning, it starts off very slow.

I'd say skip to season 5, where I came back on when i heard an episode written by a fan managed to get made. where the crew finds a planet of their descendants in the Gamma Quadrant..

Nope, busy waiting for the blu-ray/whatever format HD-remaster :)
Don't forget DS9 also explored the Ferengi culture and character quite extensively, even more so than the Cardassians and possbily the Bajorans in some respects. Plus they really added some gem Klingon moments also.

I thought having a down-to-earth character like Hoshi playing against a somber, full-blooded Vulcan like T'Pol had it's interesting moments on Enterprise. They were both excellent in character dipictions, I thought.
Okay, now I'm definitely out. Can't stand the Ferengi.

Uh oh... the community that hate's to hate things unless your positively hating them has identified you now ;o) just stated you hated an entire anlien race too ;o) lol

Actually, I forget what it's called, but check out the time travel episode where they go back to, I Think, 1960s earth and get captured by the military. that was also quite good. And a nice twist on the time travel stuff, because they didn't have to adhere to the federation rules. your first thought when they do something wrong is 'oh, wait, they CAN Do that, it's OK!'
Uh oh... the community that hate's to hate things unless your positively hating them has identified you now ;o) just stated you hated an entire anlien race too ;o) lol
Yep, an entire fictional alien species. Somehow I don't think anyone's going to lose sleep over that. :lol
I am a huge fan of TOS, TNG and even Voyager (although there were some wafty episodes - I blame Braga), but not a huge lover of NuTrek, so you guys made me feel bad for not giving Enterprise a go, especially after re-watching DS9 did change the depth of my negativity towards that series.....

But one series and a bit into Enterprise, I am struggling to find any redeeming features - the writing is terrible, the acting aside from Phlox and some Archer moments is cringe-worthy and I cannot find it in me to like a single character (Porthos aside). I will continue to watch just in case it improves, but if pilot and 'cliff hanger' of S01 are anything to go by then I doubt this will stay in my collection.
I am a huge fan of TOS, TNG and even Voyager (although there were some wafty episodes - I blame Braga), but not a huge lover of NuTrek, so you guys made me feel bad for not giving Enterprise a go, especially after re-watching DS9 did change the depth of my negativity towards that series.....

But one series and a bit into Enterprise, I am struggling to find any redeeming features - the writing is terrible, the acting aside from Phlox and some Archer moments is cringe-worthy and I cannot find it in me to like a single character (Porthos aside). I will continue to watch just in case it improves, but if pilot and 'cliff hanger' of S01 are anything to go by then I doubt this will stay in my collection.

The show really didn't get it's stride until the 4th season really (exclude the last episode which I didn't like and wish was never made), so it really never got a chance to shine much, but it does gets better! I've rewatched the series several more times and it grows on you the more you watch it!
Funny, I enjoyed Enterprise the first two seasons, but I didn't much care for the rest. Season 3 was a waste, the full season devoted to a dumb plot. And season four felt like they were just cramming in as many TOS references as they could to try to win over folks not happy with it. And there were too many multi part episodes, the one with Soong and the "Augments" was especially bad, a one episode plot padded out with crap to make three.

With H&I running all the Trek series now I've been rewatching DS9 and Voyager, which I haven't seen since their first run. I really like DS9, even more than TNG in some ways. Breaking from the ship bound exploration mission format allowed them the freedom to do more, and it made for some great story telling. Voyager had it's moments, but never really got off the ground. Voyager was a funny looking ship, but it had the best engine room set of all of them.
so i'm rewatching season 3.

first time since it aired.

one thing didn't add up.

the Episode with James Avery guesting as a Xindi (I think it was him). He mentions that the Xindi home world was pretty much blown up via war.
Yet, isn't the whole plot of this season the fact that the xindi 400 years in the future have their home world destroyed by humans?

I'm watching it in bits and pieces, so i may be getting my plots mixed up with long breaks.. but that stood out to me instantly.....
not with the over reactors here and online ;o)
Yeah, you might be right about that. Okay, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

...the Episode with James Avery guesting as a Xindi (I think it was him)...
You're probably thinking of Tucker Smallwood. James Avery played General K'Vagh in the two-part episode that tried to explain why the Klingons of the TOS era had smooth foreheads, but never played a Xindi.

As for the rest, I didn't like the whole Xindi/Temporal Cold War story arc and tended to sort of zone out during those episodes, so I have no idea why the Xindi blamed humans or when the Xindi home world was allegedly destroyed.