Door built. thx for help

The Portugeek

Sr Member
So I'm redoing my games room, its not huge but i do have some Star Wars stuff scattered throughout the room. There is a door that leads to the stairs into the basement. I'd like to do something nice on the door but cant find any pictures of star wars doors that i could make work.
Any ideas would be awesome!
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Re: Need help with a door design

You could always do the elevator door to the Emperor's throne room with lights:


Or something like this:


Or... Dare I say:

Re: Need help with a door design

Thx guys, was starting to think that no one would come up with anything.
Hey Orange, wheres that second one from?
Re: Need help with a door design

Nice find on the SciFi doors... I wonder if they're still in business. The phone number rolls to a generic voicemail greeting.
Re: Need help with a door design

I agree, very cool find. I think I have my mind set on a plan now. Gonna check the gargage for material and pick up some paint so I can start tomorrow. Its suppose to be a high of +1!!
Re: Need help with a door design

Oh man I told myself about 50 times "dont forget to take pics for a thread" finished my first step without pics then thought again... ""dont forget to take pics for the thread!!!" well i was to lazy to grab a camera at that moment so now i'm 70% done and no pics :cry
Its so hard to try building anything with a 2yr old always wanting attention. coulda been done this in an hour but its been 10 mins every hour so far.
Re: Need help with a door design

I've been putting alot of pocket doors - basically a door that slides into the wall see vid - fast forward the below vid to about 2min's

YouTube - Dado Door - Automatic Pocket Door Demo

you could always design your door in CAD and get it CNC'd out of MDF or wood?

if you've got a particular door style I could draw this up in CAD?
Re: Need help with a door design

Well It took me awhile but I got pics of the completed door. It has no knob, i have it on a magnet push lock.

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