Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want to see a side on view of it because I think the fuselage still looks a little too short. Also I really hope the wing doesn't split down the middle like that because it makes the design useless. If the wing is split there's not enough wing to be of any use in atmosphere. It doesn't make any sense other than to make people think "Oh wow looks how the wing opens NOW!"

but they are made of Long Time Ago, Galaxy Far Far Away metal known as Impervium! that's why they can be so thin and droids can crash in a desert and have only a small dent on the head! :D
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want to see a side on view of it because I think the fuselage still looks a little too short. Also I really hope the wing doesn't split down the middle like that because it makes the design useless. If the wing is split there's not enough wing to be of any use in atmosphere. It doesn't make any sense other than to make people think "Oh wow looks how the wing opens NOW!"

I don't think there is any lift coming off of those wings, open or closed. I thought in the SW universe they used some kind of anti-grav lifting system. I think the only reason to "lock S-foils in attack position" is to spread those cannons out to increase the area they cover.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't think there is any lift coming off of those wings, open or closed. I thought in the SW universe they used some kind of anti-grav lifting system. I think the only reason to "lock S-foils in attack position" is to spread those cannons out to increase the area they cover.

There's definitely another technology at work in the "lift" department other than those airfoils.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Wings have no use in the vacuum of space and the ships would not pull jet fighter type maneuvers but its a film and it looks cooler. Imagine the space battles without sound effects also, it would be appalling.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Some weeks ago we got these images... but they kind of look out of whack, like forced-perspective or something.




  • millennium-falcon-star-wars-spoiler-sneak-peek-behind-the-scenes-photos-012-480w.jpg
    160.5 KB · Views: 100
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Would anyone be willing to do some screen grabs of the pilot on HD? I suck at trying to get them to turn out.

It looks like at least in the flash you get of him from the front that his left side of the helmet has the yellow/black grid like Bigg's helmet.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The x-wing looks fantastic. The paint job and attention to detail is absolutely awesome. I want to see footage of the falcon, and get a sense of what Kevin Smith felt walking up that ramp... on that set.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

DS, what I know of you through years of being on the RPF...

You never hold back.

Sometimes you can be harsh, and you are very cautious of being too excited about a film pre-release...

Reading this post made me realize...

Are we all getting a lil too excited?

I mean... The prequels are what they are regardless of over hyping ourselves....

But are we getting too excited?

Damn. I'm rediculously excited right now!!!!!


The x-wing looks fantastic. The paint job and attention to detail is absolutely awesome. I want to see footage of the falcon, and get a sense of what Kevin Smith felt walking up that ramp... on that set.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Some weeks ago we got these images... but they kind of look out of whack, like forced-perspective or something.

View attachment 351916

View attachment 351918

It could be perspective and some lens distortion in the photos. Unless you specifically compensate for it and are shooting orthographic images there's almost certainly going to be some lens distortion, particularly at the ends of the image due to the curvature of the camera lens.

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think the reasons it looks funny is that the laser turrets at the ends of the wings are just a flat drawing.

It is very common to have actual sized illustrations during the building of an item, like a car for instance.

They are used along the way to check scale, appearance, style, etc. This way things can be changed along the way if something is amiss.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Because his profession to this day is Sculptor. why else would they hire him?
If you check out his web site, you will find that he as a great range. He could have been hired to sculpt just about anything on set. It doesn't have to be armour.

Some weeks ago we got these images... but they kind of look out of whack, like forced-perspective or something.
My guess is that that is only a flat cardboard cut-out to be seen only from afar on the Millennium Falcon set.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The engine intakes split.

I could honestly see the wings splitting in either of the proposed ways...

But the engines definitely split. There is an OBVIOUS line/gap in these close up pics.

Even the greeblie to the left of the engine has a clear dividing line.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't think the problem with EpIII Vader suit was being symmetrical, it was the whole thing was just too skinny because they made it to fit Hayden, and the last person to wear it on a regular basis was a body builder.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Hayden had on a muscle suit under the episode III Vader costume his build looked fine on screen. It was the loads of promotional pics where he looked skinny since the under suit was not used, probably so who ever was wearing it had better movement.
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