
Quick question for ya Indy (or really anyone whomay have insight on this matter):

I really want to purchase the Tennant Ricci tie, dyou think that could work with a charcoal suit? Would love to get any kind of help with this, as I really want to own the Ricci tie and use it with my suit.

Or alternatively, any Tennant ties you would recommend for a charcoal suit?

I think the Ricci would work really well with a charcoal suit. (assuming you mean the lighter end of the charcoal spectrum, not virtually black). The blue would mute out nicely and the red isn't strikingly bright.
Thanks for the insight Risu! Do you think it would be preferable to pair it with a white shirt or more of a light blue shirt?

Thanks for the insight Risu! Do you think it would be preferable to pair it with a white shirt or more of a light blue shirt?


Stick to the white shirt. A light blue shirt would only work if the suit was more blue or red.
Yea, avoid blue. Whie or very light grey with some kind of pattern would probably be best.
Another idea for the charcoal suit would be the darker brown (almost black) Swirly Tie.

That's exactly what I wear with my charcoal suit. I have the darker brown Swirly Tie with a white shirt and it looks great. I'll take some photos of it later if needed.

The Ricci would look good with it too, coupled with a white shirt. Pretty classic business colors.
Would love to see some pics Talos! And thanks for the insight everybody! I appreciate it.=)

When will the re-designed Istanbul tie be available for purchase? I've been holding off an order of a few different items while waiting for this one.
Hey Indy,

Nice to see the Giorgio back in stock, can't wait to place my order tonight. I was just wondering if there were ever any plans to do a River Song Journal anytime? I am debating on getting a journal from you to start a new autograph project. Thanks!
No plans at the moment to do the River Song Journal, but who knows...

Here is the first swatch of our Nash "Lantern Tie":


I'm happy with the pattern itself, but we're still working on the colors.
That pattern really looks great! Once you get the colors set that will be one beautiful reproduction. I am looking forward to this one very much, great work Indy. Throw the Kenzo in and I'll be an extremely happy fan.
Pattern looks impeccable! Very much looking forward to this! It's a good year for tenth Doctor ties :p

Oh and one of the great things about living in Australia is how swiftly new ties arrive. The new Georgio looks and feels great!
I can't wait for the Nash tie, couple cosplaying is gonna be great.
But don't you think (looking at the original tie's pattern from Steve Ricks) that the S designs are a little more elongated and upright on the original?
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