The Hobbit movie costumes

more pics, more pics, more pics bro:lol..looks great so far(y)thumbsup

hi Omel, you're the one with the scratch built Vader right? one of our troopers said your work was impressive. we would be honored if you would join us.

back to Dwarves, we are currently working on upgrade details we saw when watching the movie. i'm fixing Orcrist after the holidays then my wife wants to fix her Kili costume too. we had to rush some of the parts and used craft foam, i'm going to change some parts to wood, metal and acrylic
hi Omel, you're the one with the scratch built Vader right? one of our troopers said your work was impressive. we would be honored if you would join us.

back to Dwarves, we are currently working on upgrade details we saw when watching the movie. i'm fixing Orcrist after the holidays then my wife wants to fix her Kili costume too. we had to rush some of the parts and used craft foam, i'm going to change some parts to wood, metal and acrylic

yup thats me bro, i love scratch budget builds. i'd love to join you guys someday when i've built a 501st worthy Vader, i recently did a 3 night budget build medieval knight for our office xmas party (posted in the costume showcase), and one of these days will build a witch king. your dwarves are looking great, a bit of suggestion if i may, can you try to bulk up the feet to give you guys a more dwarf-like proportion.
your dwarves are looking great, a bit of suggestion if i may, can you try to bulk up the feet to give you guys a more dwarf-like proportion.

yeah, we are working on the proportions now, our Bombur was a large person and he still wore a fat suit to get the right size, along with daily banana splits.

we will also incorporate body suits and quilting in the inner clothing to get a bit more bulk especially for the three ladies in my group playing dwarves.

the boots will be replaced to get a better proportion, in the meantime, my wife (kili) and i are wearing our weekend boots with little to no modification which gave us time to focus on finishing the rest of the costumes.

omel: you should come and meet the rest of the Pinoy 501st so you can see what we do and how we do it
Looks great! :):thumbsup
Once I'm done with the big commissioned piece I'm doing now, maybe I can work up a Dwarven costume... However, I'm leaning toward the older generation rather than band of 13 in the Hobbit.
@Éowyn: I love all the pictures of my uncle ... and looking forward to meet all of the family and company at HobbitCon. :lol
Our Bilbo costume is almost finished. Some details are still missing or have to be changed.

Next week, I can show you my own new costume. I can't wait to take photos of it. :D
Just thought I'd share my own hobbit costume! As I wanted to do a Hobbit, but not Rosie, I just decided to call this character Elanor Gamgee. I based it off the Hobbit fashion of LOTR as the hobbits in The Hobbit have different attire.


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