Star Trek 2009 USS Enterprise model kit coming from Revell Germany

That is a terrible paint job, but I think I'll be picking one up as I think the kit looks decent.

They might have painted it with that white basecoat to show off the decals better, but the stark contrast does have the effect of making some of the decals look too dark compared to the CGI ship.

Just an FYI, Steve Iverson at Cult TV Man has passed along the news that this kit is intended only for the European market, and will not be made available for purchase here in the U.S.. Of course, that really only means it'll probably be a little more difficult to get, but not impossible, and probably a bit more expensive as well.
I had ZERO interest in their TOS Enterprise
as I DIDN'T like the look of the kit.. But I know
of allot of guys that went into GROUP BUYS
to get a case or two.. I would image that
would cut down on Shipping costs ?
I'm torn on this actually. I got excited when I first heard about this. Then I was really excited when I saw the pics. Then as I looked over the pics and I started noticing all the things I don't like about this design.

Things like how far back the neck sits and slopes all the way to the back of the secondary hull. The bulgy covers on the nacells, the biggererer is bettererer philosophy and so on. I know I'm nit picking but not terribly so. It is growing on me, like the Enterprise D did after a few seasons (hated that ship at first, now it's one of my 3 faves), but I guess it has not completely done so yet.

I think the model needs a good aztecing with colorshift paint to give it more life. I'll probably get one eventually.
I'm torn on this actually. I got excited when I first heard about this. Then I was really excited when I saw the pics. Then as I looked over the pics and I started noticing all the things I don't like about this design.
For me it's been the exact opposite. I didn't like the design at all when I saw the first promotional stills around the 'Net, then I saw the movie and thought, "Eh, it's not so bad," then I saw the few photos of the Revell kit that have surfaced and it's really grown on me. I still think the nacelles are too far inboard though, and would look better further apart, but that's just aesthetics.

I never have warmed up to the Galaxy Class design. In my opinion the NCC-1701-D is the fugliest ship ever created for any sci-fi production.

I think the model needs a good aztecing with colorshift paint to give it more life. I'll probably get one eventually.
I can't say I'm a fan of Aztecing; on most models it's far too heavy-handed and obvious for the scale, and makes the ship look like it has some kind of disease. But I do think the white basecoat in the photos is far too bright; a "light gray" would probably be a better choice.
I heard THIS is how the kit actually looks....

I never have warmed up to the Galaxy Class design. In my opinion the NCC-1701-D is the fugliest ship ever created for any sci-fi production.

LOVE the D but it's one of those ships that you have to see in the "intimidate" pose for full effect. Low angle shots like this:


On the other hand I can't stand the Enterprise C & E. Fugly as all hell. JJPrise has it's positive aspects but if there's one thing that kills it for me it's the massive nacelles. The rest I can overlook but those are just hideous.

To each their own though!
I never have warmed up to the Galaxy Class design. In my opinion the NCC-1701-D is the fugliest ship ever created for any sci-fi production.

Blasphemy!!! Just kidding man. I personally love the Enterprise D but I understand there are some that see it your way. As for this model, I love it too and look forward to this kit.

I figure you photo shop guys could go crazy with this one.. :cool

I loaded up the JJPrise mesh and did a quick screen
cap of the side view to compare with the model image...

It's pretty close, but I'm still waiting too see more images
to make an honest opinion... :popcorn
I did something similar to illustrate the angled nacelles and primary hull:


Assuming the drawing is accurate to the CGI model, the primary hull, secondary hull, and centerline of the nacelles should all be level. As you can see, on Revell's build up the primary hull is angled upward towards the fore, and the nacelles are angled upward towards the aft. I'm hoping this is just an oversight on this particular build-up, and won't be present on the actual kit.
Considering the model at Nuremberg is either a 3D grown prototype model or a test shot (either of which looks like it was hastily built) I would say it is pointless right now to start trying to compare angles of sub-assemblies from side views. Looking at the sub-assemblies themselves, they seem to be correct enough and a modeler should easily be able to overcome any angle issues if they cut their teeth on old 18" AMT TOS Enterprise kits (long box ones especially).

Besides, even though the Revell TOS Enterprise has some weirdo shape issues, fit everything together and things seem to align just fine. So I expect the JJ Prise will be the same. I'll be ordering at least one from a UK based vendor and I'll do a Youtube review of it once it arrives.
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