Peter Parker Replica Skateboard


New Member
Like many of you out there, you've probably seen the new Amazing Spider-Man movie? I thought it was awesome and I've seen that it offers a lot of replicas for a "prop-geek" to have a go making. Well, I am one of those guys. I've decided to make Peter Parker's White Skateboard.
So first of all, these photographs aren't high quality because I took them on my iPad so they're a bit.. pixelated. But nevertheless, you can see the progress which I can honestly say, took some time, effort and money. Patience also.
Here's some from the movie to get an idea of what I'll be doing -





You'll noticed that this have heavy weathering, mine is going to look 'brand new' without scuffs and scratches.

Also, if you've made one for yourself, it would be pretty darn cool to see other designs as well because we all know it's a pretty cool board. I mean Chemistry equations with Einstein on? Epic isn't the word. Anyway, here's my progress so far. Oh and the boards I'm using are 31 inches.
Pardon the quality.

The board before any changes to the deck was made -

Sanding begins -

About an hour later.. I had to go in the garage as it started raining. Typical UK weather. -

Finally. A plain deck. -


Getting the primer on. A lot of people choose not to put primer on because they think that the spray paint will take to the wood just the same. I want to make it of highest quality as I can. -

2 Coats of White Matt Spray Paint, going to get another 2 or 3 on I think -

Well, that's it so far. Bare in mind, I'm making two boards. One for myself to enjoy (haha) and one to sell. Before anyone asks, I don't know when or how/how much I'll be selling the other board. I'll get it in the Junkyard when it's ready and happy with.
Once I have the other few coats of white on, I'll draw the entire on with pencil using photographs of the prop I've found off the net to the best I can possibly do. Haha. Once the pencil design is done, I'll go over it in pen (just like the movie) and then finished off with Polyurethane spray to protect it all from coming off. You're welcome.

Anyway, get yours on if you have made one or so. I'd love to see them. If this is a successful project, I'll definitely make more. That's definite.

Stay frosty, stay tuned.

Alex Van Dort
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Oh, how I miss skateboarding. That is pretty sweet!

Me too mate. I used to skate when I was like 15. I wasn't bad either. Could do an Ollie over something and that was about it. I was in the garage today and I managed to do one still. Surprising it was. Thanks mate. Fingers crossed for hoping it'll turn out okay. :)

Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker Replica Shoes - YouTube
Here's a vid on my dunks :love
If you want better updates of my spidey projects, def add me on facebook bro!

I just watched your video on the PP Shoes, nice job. :)
Did you use some sort of special paint for that or was it just like model paint? That's stuff is the most toughest permanent paint I've ever came across ever. That stuff never comes off anything. It ruined a desk of mine when I was painting my Chip Hazard figure.. Never mind. But yeah dude, I'll add you mate. You'll probably see my project updates first-hand as well. Haha. :)

Hey guys, just a quick update with what's going on and stuff. Well, I started the drawing of the equations and etc on the board last night and I'm still not done! It's quite hard writing what seems nonsense. Anyhow, this is the board so far. I need to touch up some bits here and there and I need to complete the Einstein, it's quite hard to get that bit just right. The picture isn't great by all means, it was just a quick snap-shot on my DSLR. But yeah, you can see everything that went into it.
Anyway, feedback will be great. I'll end up starting the ink job tomorrow.


Hey guys, well this is the first one done. Inked and ready to go! If I was going to use it that is. Haha. Anyhoo, what do you all think? Do you reckon I should get it scratched up or should it be left the way it is? I do realise it'll be more movie accurate with the scratches but I'm quite fond of the 'clean look'. Here it is!


I don't know how I missed the thread :lol I count myself really lucky to have jumped on this, amazing work A.V.D! Highly recommend this guy
I have another board ready to go and sell. The thing is, I've just realised there are a few scratches on the grip tape but it really isn't a big deal since it will probably be skated on. I've literally just noticed but I am aware that imperfections put people off so I might just hang onto the board until I get a pm of some fanatic who may want it. Whoever does pm me, I'll send them a photograph of the scratches.
I have another board ready to go and sell. The thing is, I've just realised there are a few scratches on the grip tape but it really isn't a big deal since it will probably be skated on. I've literally just noticed but I am aware that imperfections put people off so I might just hang onto the board until I get a pm of some fanatic who may want it. Whoever does pm me, I'll send them a photograph of the scratches.

Hey I know I'm a bit late but do you still have the board?