Robocop Reboot (Pre-release)

"They made this to honour him"

Thats the attitude then need to go into this project with...
Wont happen... Just saying!

- Skyler101
Ehh, I do love Robocop, but a robot cop is only so appealing.

But a KARATE cop? Now we're talking. Not only does he know karate, he's the only cop still alive in an entire city full of evil *********. This movie deserves a remake.

Karate Cop(1991) - YouTube
I remember reading about how when the Strauss brothers got the R rating for AVP-R it was going to be amazing and back to what Predator should be, that didn't exactly work out now did it? Violent doesn't guarantee god, get a good writter please, thats half the battle
They should bring in Frank Miller to write it as series reboot in the form of a sequel where the original Robo's out of commission or something and they need to make a new one. It isn't really a reboot and it isn't really a sequel but something in between. No clue how they'd do it without sucking but can't be any worse than what they have planned now.
Read the thing about the eyes and right then realized how badly they're going to miss on this thing. The...whole.....POINT of Robocop (besides the social critisim and satire of a media-frantic, corporate world) is Murphy's arc from likeable family man and good cop, to machine, and then finding his humanity again. Making the 'robo' part more human and relatable says they have no idea what this story is about. I also particularly liked the comment about how the original was cool, but THIS one is going to be a real actors' piece. Go **** yourself, Peter Weller, apparently.
They should bring in Frank Miller to write.

...cough...The Spirit...cough....Dark Knight Strikes Again....coughcough....Holy Terror....All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder...coughitycoughcough. Frank Miller is an insane, bigotted, egotistical hack with one piece of greatness under his belt.
...cough...The Spirit...cough....Dark Knight Strikes Again....coughcough....Holy Terror....All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder...coughitycoughcough. Frank Miller is an insane, bigotted, egotistical hack with one piece of greatness under his belt.

Thanks for saying what I was just thinking. Now I don't have to.
Zetumer is a talented writer and Jose Padhila is a tremendously talented director. We'll all be fine.
Reboots will flood the market and out of the ashes something new and fresh will arise.
Folks here have already covered many good points on why RoboCop should not be remade; I'd like to add one of my own-

I personally do not think there is an actor currently active in the business today who could pull off the deeply-detailed performance that Peter Weller gave as Murphy in the first movie. Not only would they have to act the part of a human being who is tormented and brain-wiped at the same time, but would also have to convincingly portray the movements and mannerisms of machine-driven parts and the precise, rigid, mechanical movements characteristic of them. This is physical and demanding; it took Peter Weller some time to get the movements down if memory serves.

Additionally, the original chemistry between several of the characters (both friendships and rivalries) would be almost impossible to replicate, such as the relationship between Murphy and Lewis while Murphy is rediscovering his humanity (I thought the scenes with him and Lewis as he had his helmet off in the factory were poignant and touching), the seething, subdued hatred between Robert Morton and Dick Jones, and the antagonistic clash between Clarence Boddicker and Murphy, both pre and post RoboCop transformation.

Any new film is most likely not going to have any of this, or skew them so badly that it will destroy the point of the story. In the original film, we feel for poor Murphy because of what he lost, and through no fault of his own. Yet, he is a hero: despite all of that, he continues to do his duty even when the police force is after him and he is badly damaged by them. He continues on even when his partner, Lewis, is injured and he himself is critically damaged by Boddicker with a well-placed shot from a makeshift spear. And despite an ED-209 guarding the door and Dick Jones taking the Old Man as hostage, Murphy still presses on to do his job to the end.

In the end, we cheer Murphy for being human, yet being made of a far stronger "mettle" than the alloy his body is now made of. My concern is the "reboot" will not have any of this and simply focus on making RoboCop a springy, fleet-footed, cyber-ninja with a badge. But, i guess we'll have to see...
I really don't understand why Hollywood has to reboot every franchise. I know there is the argument of re-introducing it to a newer generation but why not focus their efforts on new ideas?

From what Ive been told the Aronofsky RoboCop was still Peter Weller Robocop just 25 years after the first film. He is painfully obsolete, forgotten and fending for himself living in a closet. He is still a hero doing right by the law in a new Detroit modern world but looked down upon by everyone including the cops. The RoboCop project had been cancelled long ago....
I really don't understand why Hollywood has to reboot every franchise. I know there is the argument of re-introducing it to a newer generation but why not focus their efforts on new ideas?


It's simply because people pay to see their long time hero's return to the big screen.

If you make it, they will come.
For all you wonderboys ****ting on the new Robocop, how many have taken the time to see Jose Padihla's ELITE SQUAD? It's brilliant, gritty, politically smart, well-acted... need I go on?

okay i saw José Padilha's Elite Squad and have to disagree. While it was extremely well acted, had competent crowd battle scenes etc... the action was shot with that frenetic epileptic 'shakey-cam' style. I'm hoping that it was a budget constraint or conscious decision to go 'documentary style' that prevented him from using a steadi-cam and not a lack of ability to shoot choreographed close quartered scenes.