Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

Just what I want out of my Star Trek. Boldly sitting in one place with a thinly-veiled Israeli/Palistinian conflict that goes on forever. That show bored me silly. I even stopped watching after a while, which, as a lifelong ST fan, is saying something.

Yeah, I like Star Trek to actually... trek.

"a trip or movement especially when involving difficulties or complex organization : an arduous journey"
Just what I want out of my Star Trek. Boldly sitting in one place with a thinly-veiled Israeli/Palistinian conflict that goes on forever. That show bored me silly. I even stopped watching after a while, which, as a lifelong ST fan, is saying something.

You have got that right. I did, however enjoy the Tribbles episode though.
My BIGGEST concern was that the trinity that is Spock, McCoy and Kirk, did not yet develop on screen. That is absolutely acceptable if we see it happen in Trek10, my biggest fear is that it doesn't.

My biggest concern is that the characters will not stand still long enough for any of them to form a relationship. The faster pace may lead to more cinematic storytelling but at some point the characters need to sit down and chat in order to build a bond. There's only so much bonding one can do while standing around yelling at each other on the bridge, or in the brewery, or in sickbay, etc.
Since we're including everything... :)

I couldn't get into DS9 until probably the 3rd season with the introduction of the Jem'Hadar and the Dominion War arc.

DS9 did have some excellent episodes- "Far Beyond the Stars", "The Visitor", "Little Green Men", "In the Pale Moonlight" and the aforementioned "Trials and Tribble-ations" episode (this one needs to be watched even if you hate DS9 ;) ). I could name dozens of more I enjoyed.

DS9 also saw the return of Kor, Koloth and Kang. :D

Mind you, while I really liked the Dominion War storyline... It wasn't until after the show was done that I realized this was one of those "this is not Star Trek" cases.

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Just what I want out of my Star Trek. Boldly sitting in one place with a thinly-veiled Israeli/Palistinian conflict that goes on forever.

Never got to the Dominion War, huh? Oh, well. I liked this Trek because it was a lot more mature than TOS, had more diversity not only amongst the humans, but actual aliens, there were a lot more roles for women who actually got to wear something that looks professional, and it broadened the Trek universe to allow other races besides humans to take the center stage even without any humans involved. It didn't dumb down Star Trek, it broadened it. And I like it when the writers really try to give Trek a new direction in ways you don't expect.
^ :lol :lol

I can't join in on the TOS v. DS9 debate because I love them all. I have seen every episode of every season of every series and could eat them all for breakfast if I only could.

So yeah, it's hard for Trek to be "new" for me. :lol Maybe that is why I liked it so much.
Never got to the Dominion War, huh?

No, I saw most of that boring nonsense. I think I gave up around the one that had Billy Mumy in it. But I hated Odo and I hated Quark and all that Jake nonsense and Quark was at Roswell, really? Doctor Bashir was a boring milquetoast and even bringing Worf in couldn't save it. It was just a big yawner to me.

I think the forgotten temporal war on ENTERPRISE was handled better, and that was a disaster. :lol
I would love to see Bones get more screen time. Urban would have made Kelley proud with how closely he played the role to the original character.

This is it for me really. That was a pitch perfect performance.

As long as this thing is centered around Kirk, Spock, and McCoy and stays as far away from Khan as it can manage, I cannot wait for it.

I always preferred movies 1-6 to all the other Treks, but ST09 reminded me how much I'd missed Kirk, Spock, and McCoy throughout all the other versions. I hope they do twenty more.
My BIGGEST concern was that the trinity that is Spock, McCoy and Kirk, did not yet develop on screen. That is absolutely acceptable if we see it happen in Trek10, my biggest fear is that it doesn't.

If you'll recall, it took several episodes of TOS before the "trinity" hit its stride. In fact, it really wasn't until the second season that the relationship between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy was firing on all cylinders.

But, yeah, I too will be disappointed if Trek 10 fails to leverage the "3 Musketeers" dynamic. It's one of the things I loved most about TOS.
If you'll recall, it took several episodes of TOS before the "trinity" hit its stride. In fact, it really wasn't until the second season that the relationship between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy was firing on all cylinders.

But, yeah, I too will be disappointed if Trek 10 fails to leverage the "3 Musketeers" dynamic. It's one of the things I loved most about TOS.

I guess by the time Trek5 rolled around, the trinity was locked in my brain. Sure that movie had its problems, but there is something magical about seeing the trio enjoying marshmelons and singing row row row your boat. To me, THAT is what TOS is about.

The biggest piece of evidence that we will see a bit of that in Trek10 was Nimoy's performance in 9. Based on the way he characterized he and Kirk's friendship, it looks like Abrams is cognizant of its importance. I just hope they don't forget McCoy.
We need to hone down our terminology here.
JJ Abrams Star Trek (2009) is Trek 11. (Which I've been calling Trek '09)
The sequel would be Trek 12, or we can call it Trek '13, but I think that would just be confusing. (I'll just be calling it "Star Trek 2" until there's a title.)
Ah, my bad. Saw the 09 and ran with it. I only know what the numbers are to 6, then by the names. I never counted them. :lol Blame the TNG movies.
But I absolutely could not understand how they could do all that and have Nimoy's bangs stay so perfectly shellacked. Even as a little boy, I could see microscopically repairing axons and dendrites and whatnot, because, hey! it's the future. But making sure his hairstyle remains unaffected? Vulcan, please.

I heard that even made Oscar Wilde cringe.
I never really liked the series. Always with their technical mumbo jumbo deux ex machina fixes to everything, yadda, yadda yadda. Haven't watched TOS... because, let's face it... the effects... and aliens... crickey. I only watched the movies... and even those, I didn't care for those that weren't with the original crew. My friend says they are horrible tv-upscaled with big funding movies where the Picard films are so much better. BOLLOCKS, I say. Better my ass. They just run around like headless chickens and suddenly have an illogical stupid answer to beating the problem and taking themselves way too seriously.
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