Harry Potter Wand Boxes


Sr Member
I'm in the process of making several wands for friends (pics pending) and I after looking through a billion threads on here - I'm just looking to see if anyone has reference pics for the screen used boxes from Harry Potter. The Noble Collection ones are ok - but I want to see what the real deal labels and textures look like up close.


Found some more, but still looking for some scans of the original:


  • olli.jpg
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From what I recall, those Ollivander's stickers weren't actually "on screen" but just used as a COA type thing to guarantee authenticity for giveaways and contests. I had a large scan/photo of one somewhere, but I can't make any guarantees I still have it. (I'll take a look when I can.) Hinkypunk's HP thread in the Paper Props forum has a good "close enough" version too...
Krum stunt wand (and box). Just to clarify, the wand box isn't for Krum's wand. (And no, this isn't my display.):

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I'd love to see what comes of this. I'm going to be doing a set of wands and boxes later this summer. Would be great to have some good references!
The sky is the limit on wand boxes, I even noticed on the 1st movie in the wand shop there were round tube like wand containers with tassles coming out of them behind Olivander in a couple of scenes. Here is one of mine. Please post your pics, love to see them when they are finished.
HOLY CRAP!!!! HeirOfOlivander! I've been trying to get in touch you FOREVER!!!! I want to get some wands from you and I am more than willing to pay.
Related to this thread: I've been wanting to make some wand boxes as well, my question is, what would you even make them out of? What kind of cardboard do you use and where do you get it? Where can you get a nice sponge for the inside. How can I texture the outside? (I would like to have several different textures)
The boxes remind me of the boxes for player pianos

I have several I use as case-fillers! They're a little short for wands, though. Nice boxes, Heir -- I have a prop box and then a really nice box made by Fyberdyne. The rest of mine are Noble Collection or my miniatures.
The boxes I'm just gonna construct from priority boxes. It's a very simple design and construction. I made one about 10 years ago from a large shoe box. Super easy to do.

My real issue is finding good textured paper that is large enough to cover one of those boxes. Went to Michaels and all their sheets were much too short.

I will certainly post pics once I get cracking. i have made around 6 wands so far - so I should start posting pics. I'm just afraid the people I have made them for might see and it would spoil the surprise.

Would love to see more wand boxes !

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