XRobots Iron Man: Video added page 22, fours years into 4 mins

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

wow amazing !!

still want to buy...please let me know if you want to sell parts.

kind regards

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I'm lovin th' details from th' shoulder ta th' forearm those casts look awesome!!!! Btw do ya rotate th' molds by hand or is it a automated rotocaster? I've seen some on YouTube made out of wood an a motor that rotate on all axises.

Yep I did that by hand because the moulds are all quite shallow and/or have holes in each end, so you have to be really careful not to spill the resin.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Small update. I have some more raw pulls, but I'll post pictures once I've cleaned them up.

For now, I have the pieces so far on my duct tape dummy. (There's nothing holding the arms on apart from friction):


More to follow...
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I like James! How tall are you? and how much you Weigh? Can you Pm me on a price for a cast of the chest and back, and the scale? Thanks -Delray.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Hi Delray, I'm not doing any casts for now because I want to get the whole thing finished. Also I'm in the UK so shipping would be the most expensive part... maybe one day...
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

ooohhh i love this thread.
Amazing work ! keep it on

kind regards

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Your just ridiculous!
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

when u think about it!,its amazing how this is made from foam,man its awsome,and i live in the uk to i will come and pick it up when its ready,lol.,you are indeed a craftsman good sir
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

X, you are AWESOME! This thread and your page is where I go to when I run into problems. I noticed for your war machine you were able to make angled cuts in thick foam. How did you keep the angle so straight in such a thick piece?

Thank you for sharing your progress!
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Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Thanks guys, it's taken me a while to get this far, mostly just the legs to do. I also have a body harness made to attach all the pieces to which I'll post shortly.

How did you keep the angle so straight in such a thick piece?

All done with a knife and a steel ruler, or for curved parts with a card template. Although some pieces I did multiple times before it was perfect - the pictures of course only show the last one ;-)
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

great work man.. very inspiring.. when u did the mold in Polyurethane plastic does that make it more flexible or just softer to work with?? just curious the advantages of doing a mold.. thx again
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

great work man.. very inspiring.. when u did the mold in Polyurethane plastic does that make it more flexible or just softer to work with?? just curious the advantages of doing a mold.. thx again

The original suit was foam, the casts are rigid plastic. It means that I can sand/fill the casts to get rid of the imperfections that were there in the foam suit.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

This is so awesome!

I started work on a papercraft helmet about a year ago and it ended up shrinking slightly and deforms just a bit when I actually put it on. I really want to finish a costume for halloween this year, hopefully the foam method will work out better for me as the papercraft version takes a LOT more time with the cutting, folding, gluing, glassing, bondo, sanding etc etc etc.

Also, what method of scaling would you recommend considering the thickness of the foam?
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

That's incredible work. Now do one of these...

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Also, what method of scaling would you recommend considering the thickness of the foam?

I used the default scale for all the pieces, some of them are a little snug to get on, but fine once they are in place. The plastic pieces are of course thinner so they've come out as intended.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

That's incredible work. Now do one of these...

I've not actually seen anyone attempt that... I think I'll finished what I've started first, since I've never actually finished a whole costume yet.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

You know what's funny, those robots look like foam, not armor.
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