Wolverine all day baby! Jackets, belts, claws, oh my.

I actually bought a pair of these a few days ago, which was strange because they are not the type of boot I would normally buy but I found myself with them anyway.:) They seem true to size and are comfortable. I would not wear them for work like logging but for most things I think they would do fine. Since I have not had them long at all I can't offer my full recommendation but for the relatively inexpensive type of boot that they are they seem to be creating a favorable impression.:thumbsup

Thanks!!! No, no logging in my future...I don't think. I just got a part time job for supplementing my income at Home Depot and realized I didn't have any good, walking on concrete all day shoes anymore.....I figured why not a pait that Logan himself endorses!!

Thanks for the info, the reviews on Amazon are pretty good as well....
I'd emailed Heron a few days ago about their new X-1. I was told that their new X-1 is officially for sale now, the price is $350, basically just all the same information that was mentioned. I asked for pictures of the completed jacket and was sent the same pictures we've already seen, with the curved sleeves. I replied back asking if the jacket would be available with the straight sleeves to make it more screen accurate. I'll post back here once I get a reply.

Oh they did send me this picture too which gives us a more close up look at the new jacket and it looks really awesome IMO.
I don't understand this curved sleeve stuff. It won't be curved when you wear it as your arm isn't curved so what's the point of curved sleeves (or the desire for them not to be included?)

I'm sure someone else can chime in with a proper answer because I'm not sure on the actual practical difference between each. There's definitely a difference when the jacket is being worn. If you look through this thread and see for example pictures of Dan wearing his X-3 which has curved sleeves, the curve is quite prominent as opposed to the X-1 which has the straight sleeves. For me personally, it's a matter of preference, I like the look of straight sleeves, the fit of straight sleeves, and curved sleeves always remind me of a bulky biker jacket that should have armor. But to say it wont be curved when you wear it is wrong, the curve is definitely noticeable when being worn.

I don't understand this curved sleeve stuff. It won't be curved when you wear it as your arm isn't curved so what's the point of curved sleeves (or the desire for them not to be included?)

Apart from Solider, has anyone else here bought from wolverinejacket.com? I'm interested in their feedback. I *did* read this thread in it's entirety but that was when I was looking for Heron info and I don't have another 4 days to read it all again :)

Also, anyone know why Logan's Closet is twice the cost of WJ and Heron?
never knew wolverinejackets made the X-1 too. That is very interesting. I wish they’d post pics though – and I wish we had feedback here about the quality and fit.

Antman84, what is lacking in your Heron X-1? I ask because that is the jacket I’m on the verge of buying (would be the new & redesigned version – not the old one that I suspect you have). Is it the fit? Is it too thin?

Wolverine Jackets cost about $350 right? With free shipping anywhere? That’s beating my preferred supplier, Heron, as they charge $40 - $50 shipping.

I think when I say for the price it's more because I picked mine up from eBay for about 60 dollars. The leather smells fantastic and it feels like wearing a sweatshirt as its very comfortable. The interior on mine is great and has no signs of damage due to wear. Really great jacket with a great distressed look and ill definitely be keeping it.
The main reason for looking at vanson is because Its suitable for motorcycles the heron is definitely not although I haven't seen the thicker newer designed one.

I'm going to go with the vanson for the origins as its my favourite jacket and the heron x-2 as it looks fantastic.

I think if they did a thick origins I'd probably be tempted
The best reply I can give regarding Logan's Closet jackets is that they are real cycle riding jackets made by one of the best motorcycle riding garment manufacturers out there, Vanson. They are tough as nails. I've had mine soaking wet while having to cut down and clear tree's during an ice storm, twisted the heck out of the jacket with no busted seams. The leather and construction are designed to protect you if you fall while riding. That and the incredible amount of time that Dan has put into researching every last little stitch makes for an expensive jacket, and it will be there to hand down to someone else in the future. It's an heirloom jacket for sure.
Ordered up some of the Wolverine Raider's boots. Seriously thinking on a Heron, if the new X-1 riding jacket comes out looking good....though I would probably want different colour stripes.

Still really want a Vanson but if the Heron comes out great I'm gonna grab one of those up.
I actually bought a pair of these a few days ago, which was strange because they are not the type of boot I would normally buy but I found myself with them anyway.:) They seem true to size and are comfortable. I would not wear them for work like logging but for most things I think they would do fine. Since I have not had them long at all I can't offer my full recommendation but for the relatively inexpensive type of boot that they are they seem to be creating a favorable impression.:thumbsup
Do you mind me asking you where you bought them? I saw them on the Wolverine site, but I would rather buy them in a store, because I would like to try them on.

This other Wolverine boot was brought to my attention. I was off on the stitching :facepalm. Anyways, I think we have the winner, it's uncanny.


You know, now that I look at the picture more...I wonder if these are actually the Wolverine "Outlaws" instead of the Wolverine "Raiders" boot......

They're wolverine raiders. Wearing mine as I speak. Great investment.

Well, I've already ordered up a pair of them through amazon.....so we'll see. I just hate to be wrong. I reckon either way, they'll be a good pair of boots for work.

I'm seriously thinking on the Heron X1 or X2 in motorcycle weight..... but with different colour stripes.....
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I don't know how you can say for sure that they're the Wolverine Raiders, just by going off of a grainy set photo that shows little to no details. That's just my opinion. I don't think they're the Wolverine Raiders.

Look at this picture, the boots he's wearing look like they have a much taller ankle than the Wolverine Raiders boot. That being said they COULD still be the Raiders, just a version with a higher ankle. I just dont think we should take a grainy set photo and use that as a definite guide to identify something. Personally I think you guys who bought the Wolverine Raiders might have jumped the gun a little bit.

There's also these pictures which show him wearing POSSIBLY a 3rd type of boot.
I don't know how you can say for sure that they're the Wolverine Raiders, just by going off of a grainy set photo that shows little to no details. That's just my opinion. I don't think they're the Wolverine Raiders.

Look at this picture, the boots he's wearing look like they have a much taller ankle than the Wolverine Raiders boot. That being said they COULD still be the Raiders, just a version with a higher ankle. I just dont think we should take a grainy set photo and use that as a definite guide to identify something. Personally I think you guys who bought the Wolverine Raiders might have jumped the gun a little bit.

There's also these pictures which show him wearing POSSIBLY a 3rd type of boot.

By these pics I would say it rules out the "outlaws" I would lean farther toward the raiders though...adding the grainy pics in...the boot is definitely a "wolverine" brand...and looks more like the "raiders" than not the raiders..... but that's jmo
I'm sure someone else can chime in with a proper answer because I'm not sure on the actual practical difference between each. There's definitely a difference when the jacket is being worn. If you look through this thread and see for example pictures of Dan wearing his X-3 which has curved sleeves, the curve is quite prominent as opposed to the X-1 which has the straight sleeves. For me personally, it's a matter of preference, I like the look of straight sleeves, the fit of straight sleeves, and curved sleeves always remind me of a bulky biker jacket that should have armor. But to say it wont be curved when you wear it is wrong, the curve is definitely noticeable when being worn.

I guess that the curved sleeves are made to faciliate the wear of the jacket when you ride your bike and hold the handlebars...usually, your arms are not straight...but curved !!! It could be that...
Thanks for the replies, guys! :)

If I recall, the Heron fashion leather was about 1mm thick. Wolverine Jackets are 1.2mm thick. Does this, and the above comments about Vanson being riding jackets, mean that WJ are fashion leather too?

I don't mind as I am not a rider. However I have been looking at a thicker jacket (for aesthetics only - I'm concerned the thinner jackets crease up too much and hang a bit limp whilst the WJ and bike jackets seem not to) which is why I'm moving away from the Heron fashion jacket.
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Thanks for the replies, guys! :)

If I recall, the Heron fashion leather was about 1mm thick. Wolverine Jackets are 1.2mm thick. Does this, and the above comments about Vanson being riding jackets, mean that WJ are fashion leather too?

I don't mind as I am not a rider. However I have been looking at a thicker jacket (for aesthetics only - I'm concerned the thinner jackets crease up too much and hang a bit limp whilst the WJ and bike jackets seem not to) which is why I'm moving away from the Heron fashion jacket.

The heavier jacket I got hangs well on me. no bunching. The thinner Origins jacket I returned really did not look authentic. I've said it a lot but I really love my jacket. The quality of the materials, construction, and over all look and feel, I just love it. When I'm wearing it, I feel uber bad ass. I have asked wolverinejacket.com about an X1 jacket and I was told it is in the works.
The quality of the materials, construction, and over all look and feel, I just love it. When I'm wearing it, I feel uber bad ass.

thats the type of quote that sells a jacket lol

great news on the X-1 jacket as well, good to see them take on more of the designs
The heavier jacket I got hangs well on me. no bunching. The thinner Origins jacket I returned really did not look authentic. I've said it a lot but I really love my jacket. The quality of the materials, construction, and over all look and feel, I just love it. When I'm wearing it, I feel uber bad ass. I have asked wolverinejacket.com about an X1 jacket and I was told it is in the works.

What thickness is your jacket though? I was wurprised to find out the WJ (wolverinejacket.com) is so thin at 1.2mm. Aren't riding jackets closer to 3mm?

Again, I'm not a rider so I don't care - am just surprised that its so thin considering it's suppsoed to be tough, heavy and long lasting. Really surprised to see it's fashion leather thickness.

PS: no reply from WJ as yet - tried his gmail and info@ addresses.
The heavier jacket I got hangs well on me. no bunching. The thinner Origins jacket I returned really did not look authentic. I've said it a lot but I really love my jacket. The quality of the materials, construction, and over all look and feel, I just love it. When I'm wearing it, I feel uber bad ass. I have asked wolverinejacket.com about an X1 jacket and I was told it is in the works.
I sent wolverinejackets.com a message and left my email on their Contact Us page asking if they could make the X-1 jacket. I haven't gotten a response yet, so it's nice that I know now that the X-1 is in the works. Also, I submitted that message on November the 29, so it's been about 5 days ago. Is there a better way to contract them instead of using the Contact Us page?

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