Why aren't we getting a remake of

well, itr depend on who holds the rights at the moment. If I remember the details correctly, Ron Howard Directed the movie and Lucas wrote it.

Honestly, if Lucas is the person to go to, we might be better off without the project. The story will become that of General Keal. If it's Ron Howard, you never know, an email campaign to Imagine Entertainment might just catch his attention. Maybe.

that's how I'd start
Oh, they have been re-doing books, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and sensibility and sea monsters... the list goes on and largely, gets worse.

Yeah, I read about half of the first one...really sucked. Just as boring as the original, but with some bad zombie writing tacked on. Cute gimmick, but a total failure, imo.
Forbidden Planet would make a good remake.
I would say keep it simple, but Hollywood pushes that CG button a little too often and I would fear tht a remake of FP would end up looking like a two-hour hunk of CG garbage with a loose story:sleep
I'd love to see a re-make of Tora, Tora, Tora.

Not that it needs it - it is a fine film and a solid piece of cinematic history.

But what I'd really love is for Jim cameron to take the helm, shoot the original script (he can tweak it a bit to "make it his own"), and create an Oscar-Award winning epic that serves as a flagrant, upward-thrust middle finger to Michael Bay.
Forbidden Planet would make a good remake.
I would say keep it simple, but Hollywood pushes that CG button a little too often and I would fear tht a remake of FP would end up looking like a two-hour hunk of CG garbage with a loose story:sleep

I could see this being a lot like that "Lost in Space" movie , witch I loved and really wished we could have gotten more of, I'd love to see them do the same thing with B9 that they do with all the star trek stuff.

I'd defiantly buy tickets to a new Forbidden Planet movie. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup
I could see this being a lot like that "Lost in Space" movie , witch I loved and really wished we could have gotten more of, I'd love to see them do the same thing with B9 that they do with all the star trek stuff.

The problem wasn't the the film, it was the script. The reason why I believe this is because the director who did the "Lost in Space" movie did another movie after it called "Under Suspicion" with Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, Thomas Jane and Monica Bellucci, and to me it was amazingly impressive both story and visually.
The 28,651,426 Dollar and 63 Cent Man?

The 1 Billion Dollar Man.

I remember reading years ago about some project that was in "developement limbo"- Steve Austin is the 1 Billion Dollar Man... and the Six Million Dollar Man is a renegade prototype that he must stop!

I think it was supposed to star Jim Carrey. :confused :wacko

Bionic Woman killed that premise.

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