Why aren't we getting a remake of

I fecking HATE remakes.
They usually try to 're-make' a classic film, but almost always end up just making it CGI with more "high octane" action sequences and invariably feck it up into just another disposable flick.

I don't see the point in 're-making' something that's already been done amazingly enough to become a household name.

Hollywood needs to get some balls and start making original stuff again instead of freeloading off people's past successes.
the only thing worse than remaking to me is AMERICANISING!

why does something like "death at a funeral" have to be remade for americans to get it?
its even already in english!

not to mention all the french german and japanese "american" remakes

i say this as someone who watches movies that are rarely from my specific culture (and i think it applies to movies made in specific eras too) you have to accept the movie in the context in which it is made.
things don't always transfer easily, what is scary in a japanese film, cant be copied onto american faces and still be the same
a joke in an english film, that is based on being english, doesnt copy over into an american film properly.
and to the era thing, when you watch the excorcist, you accept the language used for the time, the same language being used in a remake wouldnt 'mean' the same thing.
if you get what i mean

the "americanisation" has the same exception as remakes do tho
season 1 of the US office i though sucked, as it was mostly just a remake
but 2 onwards i think are excellent, the characters went their own way, you like and feel sorry for michael, where as david brent was and never could be likable
The Thin Man could use a remake. The original film is great fun, but it's as much a comedy as a mystery, and William Powell, as wonderful as he is, spends half the picture mugging for the camera. A more serious take on the story, which is a solid noir murder mystery, would be wonderful. Alfred Molina and Natalie Portman would be perfect for Nick and Nora.

Even though I wouldn't touch A Clockwork Orange, the film is quite loyal to Burgess's novel, but it's based on the edited-down American edition, which doesn't have the real ending. I believe current American editions have the missing 21st chapter. For the sake of keeping the discussion spoiler free, I won't divulge the true ending, but it's vastly different.
the only thing worse than remaking to me is AMERICANISING!

why does something like "death at a funeral" have to be remade for americans to get it?
its even already in english!

not to mention all the french german and japanese "american" remakes

i say this as someone who watches movies that are rarely from my specific culture (and i think it applies to movies made in specific eras too) you have to accept the movie in the context in which it is made.
things don't always transfer easily, what is scary in a japanese film, cant be copied onto american faces and still be the same
a joke in an english film, that is based on being english, doesnt copy over into an american film properly.
and to the era thing, when you watch the excorcist, you accept the language used for the time, the same language being used in a remake wouldnt 'mean' the same thing.
if you get what i mean

the "americanisation" has the same exception as remakes do tho
season 1 of the US office i though sucked, as it was mostly just a remake
but 2 onwards i think are excellent, the characters went their own way, you like and feel sorry for michael, where as david brent was and never could be likable

I love British humor and the few BBC shows that are Americanized always pale in comparison. It's the British humor and delivery style, to me as an American, that make it truly funny. Movies on the other hand are aimed at making money at the box office and most of American viewers won't run to the theater to see a foreign film unless it's something truly epic that they have known about the subject matter their whole life. It's all about money and culture. Any other country that had the equivalent of Hollywood and it's clout and the movie mad culture like America would do the same thing, I believe.
Another question: why are we get so much Remakes?!?

So much Remkes and 90% are complete senseless...

I dont know why we need another Remake of "the Fly" or why we get a Remake of Hulk... I think if there are 30 years between the two movies, then its ok, I think, but if there are only 3/4 or 5 years?!? No, thanks...
I know many will take this as heresy, but I think Forbidden Planet could use a remake. Mostly an update to the designs and with CGI, it could really kick ass.
Screw remakes....Hollywood makes too much money, not to come up with new ideas. Pay the right aount to the right writers and we might start seeing some new original work instead of rehatching the same old movies again and again.
I really wish they'd stop remaking Robin Hood.
Especially with American actors (no offense, guys) who say, "ROBinhood" instead of "ROBin HOOD", or who come out with lines like, "This is English courage" in the broadest and most obvious American accent since God invented the Texan Drawl!!!

I love Ridley, but I really want to kick him in the nuts for churning out yet another re-telling of the same tale.
How about some Sid and Marty Croft shows redone as movies. LIke HR Puffenstuff, or Liddsville, Those would be a riot...!!!
Will Ferrell? Dry, the same in every flick Will "my masterpiece was Elf" Ferrell?

i guess you havent seen his real masterpiece "stranger than fiction."

because it is a masterpiece.

id be down for a bttf remake, atleast the first two, because the third was pale in comparison. i never really caught on to the bttf band wagon, a remake might benefit that series.
Not at all.

Dude, the little miniature people in that look so cut and paste I thought they were refugees from South Park. I love Willow, but it has NOT stood the test of time. Does that mean they should re-make it? God no. But I can't imagine anyone but a blind person thinking it looks like one of today's movies.

Maybe they should do books too, re-make Dante's Inferno, and the writer adds a tenth circle for Will Ferrell? And, what the hell, Adam Sandler too.
Even though I wouldn't touch A Clockwork Orange, the film is quite loyal to Burgess's novel, but it's based on the edited-down American edition, which doesn't have the real ending. I believe current American editions have the missing 21st chapter. For the sake of keeping the discussion spoiler free, I won't divulge the true ending, but it's vastly different.

Yeah, I'm of two minds on this. I hate the idea of the American edition cutting the author's ending...but the American edition is so, so much better. The 21st chapter is a lame cop out. The whole situation really makes me conflicted. Maybe if someone had forced Twain to cut the last part of Huck Finn, too...oh well. Great artists need great editors.
There is only one answer here: Six Million Dollar Man, corrected for inflation.

I can explain why we haven't seen a remake of this, much like why there's only been a reimagining of the spin-off series, "The Bionic Woman": Because "The Six Million Dollar Man" is based off of a novel called "Cyborg" by Martin Caidin. Since he holds the rights to the novel, it's more than likely that his estate (or whomever holds the copyrights on his work now) would refuse for a feature-length to be done. The reason why "The Bionic Woman" was redone is because it was a spin-off that was based off a character made for the original show, thus they could get the rights to do the reimagining.
I am all for a Continuation of the Story in "Willow"! I love that movie and still watch it from time to time! very well done, well acted and I think it does hold up!

Excellent choice for a Sequel! not to be redone!
Maybe they should do books too, re-make Dante's Inferno, and the writer adds a tenth circle for Will Ferrell? And, what the hell, Adam Sandler too.

Oh, they have been re-doing books, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and sensibility and sea monsters... the list goes on and largely, gets worse.
I am all for a Continuation of the Story in "Willow"! I love that movie and still watch it from time to time! very well done, well acted and I think it does hold up!

Excellent choice for a Sequel! not to be redone!

OK I'd go along with that, how do we get the message to someone that matters? What if a thousand copies were rented on netflix in one day or maybe bought online , so there would be a big paper trail spike , would something like that get anyone's attention ? Does anyone watch those numbers ? Could we get a thousand people to all do something at the same time ?
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