What's your favorite Zombie/ Living Dead film?

Jet Beetle

Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Yesterday my son (12) finally worked up enough courage to watch his first Undead movie: Return of the Living Dead. He loved it - He's not one for scary movies, unlike my daughter who we caught up watching Interview With The Vampire when she was 7.

Return has always been one of my favorites tied with Zombie 2.

your turn
Return is certainly the one I've seen the most. It's the perfect blend of zombie horror and comedy. My advice is to follow it up with Fido. He's the perfect age to really appreciate that one. I'd definitely show him the Romero trilogy. Though, honestly, I think I prefer the 1990 Savini remake of Night just because Patricia Tallman is a bad ass and not a fainting, screaming, helpless female like in the original. I also really like Dead Alive, Dead Snow, Cemetery Man, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, The Grapes of Death, Tombs of the Blind Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Juan of the Dead.
My all-time favorite is White Zombie (1932) starring Bela Lugosi. But as far as modern zombie movies go, my favorite is still the original Night of the Living Dead (1968) despite the bad acting; I like Tom Savini's 1990 remake as well. Second on my list would be Zombie (a.k.a. Zombi 2; 1979). And, although it's sacrilegious to most zombie movie fans, I prefer the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead over any of Romero's other movies (except, of course, for the aforementioned NotLD). Also, despite the truly awful acting and horribly dated wardrobe, I have a real soft spot for Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (1973) because it was the first zombie movie I ever saw and, because I was only 12 years old when it was released, it scared the hell out of me (the only time I can recall any movie having that effect on me).

For zomedies, Shaun of the Dead wins top honors in my book, closely followed by Zombieland, which is closely followed by Return of the Living Dead.
I loved this little movie called Shock Waves that I saw when I was a wee little tyke - Also Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things.
Of the 60+ zombie flicks I own, I'd definitely say that Dawn of the Dead 79 will always be my favourite zombie film. I loved how in the film, the humans managed to make an entire mall their fortress but ultimately they got bored of what they coveted and it wasn't the zombies that they had to worry about.
The original Dawn of the Dead is my top favourite as well and some of its infused social commentary just made it more memorable and thought provoking.
Im in a vast minority but my favorite is "Day of the Dead." Something about that movie always scared the crap out of me. The remake of "Dawn of the Dead" would be my runner up. As with everyone else here, the original Notld and the Savini remake score big with me. Of the comedy zombie flicks I prefer Zombieland over Shaun of the Dead.
I loved Return of the Living Dead, the basement dweller was perfect, along with Linnea Quigley:love

I really liked the Dawn of the Dead remake.

Of course Night of the Living Dead and the 1990 remake are tops.
I'm a sucker for any Zombie flick, but my ATFs are:

Shaun of the Dead (great comedy)
Warm Bodies (a bit cheesy, but nice)
Night of the Living Dead (gotta love the classics)
28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later (a rabies-like virus that turns a person into a fast zombie in 20 seconds is downright terrifying)
I'm in the minority. Zombie land does nothing for me. Since none of the threats to any of the main stars feels like they're of any consequence, i.e. you know they're going to survive, it doesn't work as a zombie movie. Since Bill Murray's cameo is the only funny part, it doesn't work well as a comedy. Give me Return of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead, Fido and Juan of the Dead because they're funny and good zombie movies.
For nostalgia's sake I'd have to go with Romero's original Night and some of the follow-ups. Another weird, scary one is Dead Girl. Some of the Zomedies as someone said also have been fun. Love Shaun and, especially,Zombieland. Such a hoot.
I'm not big on horror films, but I saw Dawn on the dead in 1980 when I was 8 (its good to have older bros ;) ), scared the crap out of me! I re-watched it with my daughter a few months ago (10) and thought it held up well. The new version was OK but the zombie "craze" in films and TV had me kind of burned out on the concept by the time I saw it. Zombieland is probably my most watchable walking dead type movie. The Resident Evil movies were a cool original take on the zombie idea once-upon-a-time. I like the virus vs supernatural concept better, unfortunately they seemed to get worse as the series went. Of course if Milla is wearing tight clothes, kicking butt and shooting guns, I'll probably sit through it once ;)

Sci-Fi zombie killer of the week.....:cool


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