What Pepakura File Would You Like To Have Made?

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It looks like you might be able to just buy that off of whoever made it. Also, watch your forum/post usage four posts for the same thing doesn't really help too much, also there isn't an active modeller attempting to do all of these, it's just anyone who has the file or wants to make it, so I wouldn't hold my breath for it unless someone has it already.

-not being rude, just the speaker of reality. The Armorer
On Pepakura, No. Pepakura just slices existing 3d models so they can be printed flat. Someone would need to make the model using a different program and then load it into Pepakura. From there they would need to unfold the model.
You probably be better off freehanding that belt anyways. Looks like a generic weight-lifting belt like this http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/312499069/weight_lifting_belt.jpg with a small switch box, some added gems and then the odd shaped enclosure with a fan inside. That encloser should be fairly easy to shape by hand out of foam, then check out out some of the ways to plasticote here on the forums and you are almost there.
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then how can i make papercraft swords more solid by using resing or fiberglass?

i want to know the process ?
I would absolutely LOVE to see a Mouth Of Sauron helmet in pep, I've searched the internet for hours and I'm sure one just doesn't exist and as MoS is my favourite LOTR character I totally need it for my helmet collection :)
Well you are welcome.

Unfortunately that is all that is available unless you commission it. Any file is still going to need finishing with bondo, so you will have to sculpt some details.
A Sovereign Class Reaper from Mass Effect 3. (Preferably in flying mode, leggs closed.)



And an Alliance cruiser to scale.


Scale comparison.

So I can have this scene going on in my room. :p

Aaah. A man can dream...
Would really like to have Nova (Prime) armour parts Pep'd...
Helmet, shoulders, Chest, Forearms and shins...
Dung0Beetle had started on that but I don't think it was completed or released?
I know people keep saying its being done but I would like a paper version or the mk 8/mk 47 iron man. All results bring up only foam pepakura files. I think theres one helmet but havent seen any of the rest of the suit. Either that or my search is broke. Waiting is a small price to pay. Cant help but appreciate all the hard work everyone puts in to give us less talented folk the files for free/next to nothing. I love this place!!!

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