Warrior Hawkgirl - Articulating Wings + Armor

Hey I found another picture of me as Scarecrow next to you! I can validate that the light was awesome! I hope the wings work out for you.


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Woe is me for not seeing this until now. Truly fantastic work! I love the detailing on the armor, and the combined effort between you and Canobi made for a wonderfully lit mace. I look forward to seeing what you do with the wing rig, and although Hawk Girl material seems to be almost nonexistent around here, this makes me want to brush up on my DC. I am somewhat worried though (as others have pointed out) you make the spendy worbla look mighty tempting...
Woe is me for not seeing this until now. Truly fantastic work! I love the detailing on the armor, and the combined effort between you and Canobi made for a wonderfully lit mace. I look forward to seeing what you do with the wing rig, and although Hawk Girl material seems to be almost nonexistent around here, this makes me want to brush up on my DC. I am somewhat worried though (as others have pointed out) you make the spendy worbla look mighty tempting...

It is tempting! I wish that I'd given EVA another chance before breaking the bank, but I felt like all of my hard work was wasted when it always seems to fall apart on me. I've even "Supermanned" down a flight of stairs in my Worbla Wonder Woman armor, and aside from a few paint chips, we both came out totally unscathed. It's pricey, but I like knowing it will last me a very long time.

I saw you at Planet Comicon. Your costume was Amazing, the best Hawkgirl I've ever seen!

Thank you! I actually met a couple of RPFers there - it's so cool seeing where these worlds intersect. I'm trying to make it to KCCC this August, so maybe we'll cross paths again!

So, thanks everyone for keeping up with this! I finally have a bit of progress to share, but it's still a lot of trial and error. I've managed to place and arrange the primary/secondary feathers in a way that they nicely fold into place when the wings collapse. There will eventually be twice as many feathers as this once the coverts go over-top, but the concept will be the same: feather shaft attached to frame with flexible IV tubing and zipties. Then everything folds and unfolds like a fan, with each feather attached to the same cord.


My original plan was to paint the feathers to match the pattern of a red-tailed hawk, but after trying it out on two feathers from each wing, I'm not sure I like the result. That, with my deadline of May 23rd, make me think I should hold off on the paint job for now - I can always go back for upgrades later!

I hear you on the 'trial & error' :facepalm frustrating sometimes...the sacrifices we make in order to be creative,but hey,someone has to do it ! ;)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your deadline :thumbsup seeing how far you got until now,I have faith in your abilities
So, I've taken the wings apart and put them back together another half-dozen times over and it would appear that I am STILL NO FURTHER ALONG. Funny how that goes :)


I did manage to make another 40 feathers, and cut out the pieces for another 50 more, but it's going to be a busy two weeks. StL Comic Con is just a fortnight away and I've got my work cut out for me!


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Updates! I know! I almost forgot what they look like...

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement! When it rains it pours, and I feel like I'm in the middle of 800 different things, but, I have MORE PROGRESS!

I decided to go for painted wings, which is probably a mistake, but whatever.

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