Vigo the Carpatian

I can't see it either, but I did a "save as" and it worked just fine.

Nice job Thomas, Thanks!!

I tried digging the URL out of the quote box, but it still wouldn't load. I just put it down to network server stress since other sites are loading fine.

Trying again later might help.
Looks like Thomas' was CMYK which may cause some people trouble. Here it is RGB.

"On a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain,
I sat on a throne of blood.
What was, will be; what is, will be no more.
Now is the season of evil.
I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia - - - COMMAND YOU."
Damn it. Ever since you quoted this, it's been stuck in my head on a repeating loop! :lol

Oh, and for those of you who can't see the poster, the free direct links as previously posted (not mine) are: (CMYK) (RGB)

It'll look better on your wall, though. With you kneeling before it, holding a small child in your hands. ;)
(give me time, still working on the "restoration") :lol
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5x7 i think. I scaled it by using the rubber trim on the wall from the pic.

what would you guys do if I could get this printed on 5x7 canvas for less than $150????

I'm going to the printers at lunch to do a test.

**edit I worked like a charm!***
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I started playing with this in photoshop when the thread first popped up. Still needs some work but I tried to get the colors and tone closer to where they were in the movie.
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