UK Prop Party - confirmed 19th 20th November

Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

If i am not working i could come along, i don't drive but i could bring a few masks, ood etc
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

I'm in sunny Liverpool, lol, i can bus or train it to whereever it ends up, so no problem
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

Frosty, I'm on the Wirral bud. Hoping to hire a van for the weekend, but have to broach the subject with my other half. If we do, I'm sure we could give you a lift.
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

hey guys thanks for keeping this alive, im putting together an events team, i have someone from the TDH forum and David has also offered to help to ......... thanks guys.

At the moment im desperaetly trying to get a Q&A set up with AA i have my doubts this will happen fingers crossed.

Im also waiting to here back from ART and discuss a few needs with him.

Oh and get your RPF tshirts this will be a must for all of us its a way of recognising each other
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

Sounds good to me! I don't have much of interest to bring along myself... Yet!

I'd be more than happy to bring along some prop themed food and drink though!
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

id also love to see someone like Fettster at the event showing off his work or even better actually working on something and giving out tips and advice. hint hint :love hall[/QUOTE said:
Then where is my invite? Lol

If the dates work, I'll ce and bring some works down.
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

Im going to post a reply ive had from AA, now i dont want to base our event solely around this guy i think he has had enough exposure to last a lifetime.

How ever i cant help thinking this in a way could be good for our event

<H6 class=uiStreamMessage data-ft='{"type":"msg"}'>Original Stormtrooper
I am tied up in Sept & Oct with International trade shows..but Nov / Dec would be fine.

Othersise anyone can visit us at our sstudios in Twickenham, where I can explain the creation and making process of the Stormtroopers and anything else that would be of interest.
I also have the court transcripts and evidence by way of disclosures if that sort of thing interest anyone as well. They make intersting reading if you ae concerned about the true story

I even founmd an old face moulding with hat little cheek mark on it...I noticed that one Lucas displayed in court did not have this...I must have rubbed the mark out about mid production as I continually clean and services the moulds as production progresses to get the best finish.

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Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

That is an option but as mentioned do we want to base an event around someone that may not even show up which i believe would be the likely outcome
Re: Interest for a UK Prop Party

True, valid point, you know the guy better than I. What are your initial thoughts on date?
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